Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Theoricus Grade


(Youanswer:) "TEFNUT, goddess oftheWaters, isThy Name. Thou art

TUM, the Sun in hissetting."

"Inwhat signs and symbols do ye come?" (He asks.)

I come in theLetterMEM, in the Banner of Light, and thesymbol ofthe

Twenty-two Letters. (Youreply holding up the banner and the cross.)

The Kerub stands back and traces the sigil of the Eagle's head (Scorpio) before you

with the lamp. Acool sea breeze streams over you as he does so. Visualize the sigil

at your heart center as your aura is filled momentarily with a blue Light. Take up

the cup at the station of the Hiereus and trace the sigil in the air before you.

The Kerub speaks once more:

In the sign of the Eagle, and in the Name of the Kerub NESHER,

Child of Water, thou art purified. Pass thou on.

Throe leads you once around the temple, through the dark Path of Tau. With each

Elemental purification, the movements and whisperings of the shadows lessen

until you are barely aware of them.

Horus speaks once more:

Oh Lord of the Universe-Thou art above all things and Thy Name

is in all things; and before Thee, the Shadows of Night roll back and

the Darkness hasteneth away.

Throe leads you around to the North and the station of the Keryx. The figure of

the officer looms like an unyielding mountain. No longer can you make out the

familiar features of Anubis. The officer has taken on the appearance of a mighty

bull-headed figure with great wings, dressed in a royal tunic of black and white.

He steps between you and Throe, blocking your passage with the Banner of the

West and the platter of Salt. The imposing figure speaks to you:

The Priest with the mask of the Ox spake and said: "Thou canst

not pass the Gate of the Northern Heaven unless thou canst tell

me my name:'

(You answer:) SERAPIS, themighty Bullof Earth is Thy Name. Thou

art OSIRIS, theSun at Night.

In what signs and symbols do ye come? (He demands.)

I come in theLetters ALEPH,MEM andSHIN, in thesymbols ofBanner

andcross. (Hold up the banner and the cross.)

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