Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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One can therefore summarize Mercury in Taurus in the fifth house (of Leo)

in the sentence: The stable andpracticalfaculty ofreason andawareness willbe displayed

creatively with self-confidence, (or) communication of pleasures and love will be given

with charity andsensuality.

For another example: Jupiter in Cancer in the third house. Important words

for Jupiter are expansion, philosophy, and prosperity. Key words for Cancer are devotion,

nurturing, and sensitive. The third house is the house of conscious awareness and

communication. Gemini, the natural Sign of the third house is associated with the

keywords versatile, literary and inquisitive.

Thus Jupiter in Cancer in the third house (of Gemini) can be described as:

The philosophical nurturing urge of this individual will be communicated withgreat versatility

andskill, (or) Sensitive awareness anddevotion tohigher philosophical ideals will

lead toexpansion ofliterary pursuits.

(Of course no Astrologer would use such convoluted language while talking

to a Querent. In simpler terms, a person with this placement of Jupiter in the

chart will tend to talk a lot about his/her feelings.)

Oftentimes house placement of a Planet will modify the influences of certain

Signs in which the Planet is located. For instance Venus in Aries in the tenth

house (Capricorn rules the tenth house). Aries is Aggressive and Impulsive. Venus

symbolizes affections, and social pursuits. The tenth house refers to honor, ambition,

and profession. Capricorn is conservative and prudent. One might conclude that this

individual's professional and social pursuits would be approached in an aggressive

fashion, however the prudent nature of Capricorn would serve to temper the

impulsiveness of Aries.

A Planet will also function differently depending upon whether the house it

is located in is Angular, Succedent or Cadent. An individual with Sun in Scorpio will

be less temperamental and more easy-going when the Sun in Scorpio falls within a

Cadent (Mutable) house rather than a Succedent (Kerubicor Fixed)house. An Angular

(Cardinal) house placement might still indicate a temperament that is still volatile

butnot long lasting.

The houses are the constant variables in a horoscope. The Signs and the

Planets do not change their basic characteristics; it is always the houses which are

the various arenas for activity, and they are subject to change quite a bit.

The only way to truly learn how to interpret a Zodiacal chart is through

constant practice. We highly recommend that the student obtain some good books

on horoscope interpretation, including the series The Only Way to Learn Astrology

(vol. 1-3)by Marion D. March and Joan McEvers.

A Zodiacal chart should bring questions to the Astrologer's mind. While

interpreting the chart, the Astrologer should dialogue with the Querent and ask

for answers to those questions in order to ground him/her self within the framework

of the Querent's circumstances and worldview first. Then the Astrologer

reads the possibilities which are apt to apply to the Querent.

Using the techniques mentioned here, the student is encouraged to look at

several different horoscopes and try to delineate each one in accordance with the

information s/he has accumulated through the Knowledge Lectures.

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