Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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THM£! THM£! THMt! Thou daughter andeyeofRA! Lady ofHeaven,

Queen of Earth and mistress of the Underworld! Great Lady of all the

gods andgoddesses. Thou whose name is MAAT! Lady of Truth! goddess

ofJustice and Order! Mediator between Darkness and Light,Chaos and

Order! THMt! THMt! THMt! Thou who assesses the heart of every

manand woman in theHall ofJudgment before Ousiriandtheassembly

of thegods. Thou whoart theeyeandheart ofbalance! THMt! THMt!

THM£! I invoke thee! .

As in your previous initiation rite, visualize the image of the goddess Thme before

you, with human head and yellow-gold skin. She wears a black and white nemyss

and a white linen gown. She carries the miter-headed scepter of the Hegemon.

Above her head is the white glowing outline of the cross and triangle, symbolic of

the outer magical current of the Golden Dawn.

Slowly and with much feeling, perform the Qabalistic Cross, drawing the Light

down from the Kether of the universe into the Kether at the crown of your head as

you continue the QC. Strongly visualize the cross of Light you have formed in the

center of your body. Trace within your heart the Hebrew letters of the name

THME in glowing white. Project a white ray of thought from your heart toward

the image of Thme you have created before you. See the figure breathe in life as

your thought-ray animates it. Address the form:

THMt! Beautiful Oneof theFeather of Truth! I beseech thee toact upon

my behalf in this my questfor the LightDivine! Guide me, 0 thouwho

art none other but my own Higher Self. Aid me and escort me in this

Astral Realm which is theinvisible Foundation ofthemanifest universe. I

ama trueandwillingSeeker ofLight andKnowledge. Act asmy overseer

andreconciler in thetemple ofYesod. Speakfor meamidst theassembly of

thegods andtheguardians of thissacred Hall. My intentions are honest.

I am ready to undergo test and trial. I am willingto beexamined by the

Kerubic Guardians! I wish to bepurified and consecrated to the Light.

Grant thatmy heart is made MAAT! Grant thatmy Willis made MAAT!

Merciful THMt! Letmebejudged aright! Grant thatthishumble Aspirant

before you be not turnedawayfrom that resplendent Lightwhich

resides in theEast. Permit me to rend the Veil of the Tabernacle! Award

mea visionof the Garden ofParadise! Grant thatI may pass theGate of

Eden. Letmepenetrate theThreshold in thePath oftheEnterer!

Thme speaks to you in your own mind.

Quit the Material and seek the Spiritual! I am the representative of

your Higher and Holy Seltlt is only through my arbitration that thou

canst even approach the Sacred Garden of Perfection. In this Hall

I am thy tongue, thy heart and thy mind. Fear not, for I shall guide

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