Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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Primary Officers of the Outer Grades

This section defines the different officers in the Golden Dawn's current of magic.

In all of the initiation rites presented in this book, the aspirant will have to assume

some of the various officer-forms that correspond to these descriptions. The student

should therefore commit these descriptions to memory.

The Three Chiefs 16

Imperator (Latin meaning: commander, leader): The feminine form is Imperatrix.

Purification by Fire. The lawgiver and figure of authority, who symbolizes the Element

of Fire and the Sephirah of Geburah. The symbols and insignia of the Imperator

are: the white robe, the red mantle (cloakor tabard) of Firebearing a cross and triangle

of white on the left breast, the red and green striped nemyss, a green collar

from which hangs a red and green lamen depicting the circled cross, and red sword.

Praemonstrator (Latin meaning: a guide and/or one who prophesies): The

feminine form is Praemonstratrix. Purification by Water.The teacher, who symbolizes

the Element of Water and the Sephirah of Chesed. The symbols and insignia

of the Praemonstrator are the white robe, the blue mantle (cloak or tabard) of

Water bearing a cross and triangle of white on the left breast, the blue and orange

striped nemyss, an orange collar from which hangs a blue and orange lamen

depicting the circled cross, and the Maltese Cross Wand.

Cancellarius (Latin meaning: one who stands at the bar in a court, chancellor,

or high official in a church or university): The feminine form is Cancellaria.

Purification by Air. The keeper of records, who symbolizes the Element of Air and

the Sephirah of Tiphareth. The symbols and insignia of the Cancellarius are the

white robe, the yellow mantle (cloak or tabard) of Air bearing a cross and triangle

of white on the left breast, the yellow and violet nemyss, a violet collar from which

hangs a yellow and violet lamen depicting the circled cross, and the yellow hexagram-headed


Past Hierophant: Refer to the Hierophant.

Hierophant (Greek meaning: initiating priest, one who teaches spiritual

matters, especially in regard to adorations and sacrifices): The feminine form is

Hierophantissa. Expounder of the Mysteries in the Hall of Dual Manifestation of

the goddess of Truth. The symbols and insignia of the Hierophant are the throne

of the East, the red mantle (outer cloak or tabard) bearing a white cross on the left

breast, a white collar from which hangs a red and green lamen depicting the circled

cross, the crown-headed scepter, and the Banner of the East.

Hiereus (Greek meaning: priest, one who performs sacrifices in the temple):

The feminine form is Hiereia. Avenger of the gods, Guardian of the Sacred Mysteries.

The symbols and insignia of the Hiereus are the throne of the West,the black mantle

16 Students of this course will not be assuming the officer-forms of the Three Chiefs, who represent

Potencies on a higher level of working. These forces act to direct the G:.D:. current, but they are

governed by even higher Powers. The descriptions of the Three Chiefs are provided here for the purpose

of study only.

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