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famous, and their food of the best ; he would send<br />

out for what I liked. At one shop he knew of a<br />

sheep roasted whole. At another there might be fish.<br />

Was there yoghourt, I asked. Yes, replied this local<br />

patriot promptly, and added that the yoghourt of<br />

Tokat was better than the yoghourt of Silivri. By<br />

this assertion he made a lar^e claim, for Silivri, on<br />

the Sea of Marmora, close by Chataldja, produces<br />

the yoghourt most esteemed in Constantinople.<br />

So they brought me yoghourt now upon my order.<br />

And because I had said nothing as to quantity, and<br />

they supposed my appetite for this food must be in<br />

proportion to the traditional English purse, I was<br />

served with about four quarts in a tinned copper<br />

bowl. I took what I wanted, and gave the rest to<br />

Achmet, whose gratitude befitted a larger bounty.<br />

A little later I saw him with a friend seated crosslegged<br />

before the bowl, plying great wooden spoons,<br />

several pounds of bread beside them, and contentment<br />

evident even in their backs.<br />

This yoghourt of Turkey merits a few words in<br />

passing, it being a national food held in universal<br />

liking. It is the one native dish—no, there are<br />

two, for keshkek, I think, is another ; but of keshkek<br />

I do not speak just now—that can be regarded with<br />

unqualified approval by a European. An Anatolian<br />

peasant sighs with contentment as he sits down to<br />

a large bowl of fresh yoghourt and a loaf of bread.<br />

He has good reason for gratification, for were he<br />

wealthy he could com.mand nothing more palatable,<br />

nothing better as a sustaining food. It is by no<br />

means to be confounded with the vile acid sold in<br />

England as yoghourt.<br />

There are several sorts of Anatolian yoghourt—from<br />

the milk of ewes, buffaloes, goats, and cows, and the<br />

first is the richest, and the second the most abundant<br />

and perhaps the most preferred. Yoghourt making<br />

and vending is a calling by itself in Turkish towns<br />

every peasant woman has the<br />

You may see a yoghourt man go through the<br />

H<br />

but in country districts<br />


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