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openings are small and rectan-<br />

two colours ; window<br />

gular, sometimes enclosed by an arch, and when near<br />

the ground, stoutly barred with iron ; courtyards are<br />

surrounded by ponderous arcades ; the minarets are<br />

towers, having the same satisfying quality ; so also<br />

have the domes. The vaulted bazaars, said to be the<br />

greatest in the whole East, are of massive stone.<br />

One does not go far in the old portion of the city<br />

without remarking two chief features—the alleys, and<br />

the great commercial khans. The alleys — perhaps<br />

they should be called streets—are not so remarkable<br />

at first sight as the khans, but they tell of ancient<br />

Aleppo and its life like nothing else when you come to<br />

consider them. In this Eastern city, liable to frequent<br />

tumults and violence, retail buying and selling was<br />

done in the bazaars, whose iron-clamped doors could<br />

be shut at any time ; wholesale trade lodged itself in<br />

the commercial khans, each in itself a fortress ; and<br />

the alleys were merely ways of intercommunication.<br />

They are narrow, paved with stone, and enclosed by<br />

high blank walls of squared masonry. Here and there<br />

these pass under buildings by a dark vaulted tunnel<br />

now and then they are pierced by iron-banded doors<br />

and archways opening to Man-yards ; but rarely do<br />

they contain a window. They give the impression<br />

of being deep stone sunken ways along which flow<br />

streams of men in bright colours.<br />

Through the open archway of a khan upon one of<br />

these alleys you get a glimpse of the arcaded courtyard<br />

within, where is always a wonderful play of<br />

light and shadow. Portions of alley and court are<br />

filled with a cool gloom ; but fierce sunlight falls<br />

aslant in sheets and broad shafts, as it were, and<br />

makes great, irregular, straight-sided areas of white<br />

light on paving and wall. For overhead, when you<br />

chance to look up, is a square or strip of deep blue<br />

sky and air saturated with light, and seeming to<br />

palpitate in the blazing sun.<br />

But more impressive perhaps than any other characteristic<br />

of old Aleppo is the feeling of mystery

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