Informe nº Osteba D12-04. - Euskadi.net

Informe nº Osteba D12-04. - Euskadi.net

Informe nº Osteba D12-04. - Euskadi.net


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9. Payne H. Dance movement therapy-theory,research and practice. 2nd Edition. Sussex:Routledge; 2006.10. Richardson P. A randomised trial of groupbased art therapy as an adjunctive treatmentin severe mental illness. Unpublished data receivedfrom author; 2002 Nov.11. Rohricht F, Priebe S. Effect of body-orientedpsychological therapy on negative symptomsin schizophrenia: a randomized controlledtrial. Psychol Med. 2006; 36(5): 669-678.12. Ruddy R, Milnes D. Art therapy for schizophreniaor schizophrenia-like illnesse. CochraneDatabase of Systematic Reviews 2005, Issue4. Art. No: CD0038728. DOI: 10.1002/14651858. CD003728.pub2.13. Talwar N, Crawford MJ, Maratos A, Nur U,McDermott O, Procter S. Music Therapy for inpatientswith schizophrenia. Br J Psychiatry.2006; 189: 405-409.14. Tang W, Yao X, Zheng Z. Rehabilitative effectof music therapy for residual schizophrenia:A one-month randomised controlled trial inShanghai. Br J Psychiatry. 1994; 165(suppl.24): 38-44.15. Ulrich G. De toegevoegde waarde van groepsmuziektherapiebij schizofrene patienten:Een gerandomiseer onderzoek [The addedvalue of group music therapy with schizophrenicpatients: A randomised study]. Heerlen,NL: Open Universiteit; 2005.16. Ulrich G, Houtmans T, Gold C. The additionaltherapeutic effect of group music therapy forschizophrenic patients: a randomized study.Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2007; 116: 362-370.17. Xia J, Grant TJ. Dance Therapy for schizophrenia.Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews2009, Issue 1. Art No: CD006868. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD006868pub2.18. Yang W-Y, Li Z, Weng Y-Z, Zhang H-Y, Ma B.Psychosocial rehabilitation effects of musictherapy in chronic schizophrenia. HongKong. J Psychiatry. 1998; 8(1): 38-40.eStRateGiaS195

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