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3-94 | EPC Template

disrupting the Work. Contractor shall have the right to condition such inspection upon the

persons conducting the inspection observing procedures to preserve the safety and

security of the Site and to comply with any applicable requirements of Project insurers.

Notwithstanding any review or inspection by the State of the Work, Contractor shall not

be relieved of its responsibility for the design, construction and performance of the

Project as expressly set forth in this Agreement solely by virtue of the State’s inspection

or review.

5.5 Contractor’s Rights and Responsibilities.

5.5.1 Financing. Contractor will take all actions necessary to obtain the financing

it Power needs to enable it to satisfy its payment obligations under this Agreement.

5.5.2 Government Authorizations. Contractor, on behalf of Owner shall apply for

and obtain all necessary Authorizations for the construction and operation of the Facility

that are identified by Government Authorities as being required for the Facility, based

upon the submitted Engineering Plan for the Facility.


6.1 Ownership of the Facility; Risk of Loss. Ownership of the Facility, and of each item

of material, equipment, machinery, supplies and other items incorporated therein, shall

pass from Contractor to Owner in accordance with the percentage Ownership interest

obtained with each payment pursuant to Article 9, except as provided below.


7.1 Guaranteed Maximum Price. The maximum amount the Owner shall be obligated to

pay Contractor for completion of the Work shall be the sum of [Fixed Price of

Contract] (“Guaranteed Maximum Price”), subject only to the adjustments defined in

this Article 7 of this Agreement. Owner’s responsibility for the Guaranteed Maximum

Price shall be adjusted only pursuant to (a) Section 7.2 of this Agreement relating to the

Guaranteed Maximum Price; (b) the right of the Utility Regulator to affect the Costs of

the Work, as set forth in Article 14; and (c) the impact of Change Orders made by the

Parties as set forth in Article 8, but excluding increases to the Cost of the Work resulting

from Change Orders necessary to remedy errors and omissions by Contractor or its


7.2 Exclusions from the Guaranteed Maximum Price. The following items (the

“Excluded GMP Costs”) are not covered by the Guaranteed Maximum Price and such

costs shall be payable by Owner in excess of the Guaranteed Maximum Price, except as

expressly provided otherwise below: (a) any incremental Cost of the Work resulting from

uninsured Force Majeure, which, at Owner’s election, may be shared equally with

Contractor, in which case, termination for a Force Majeure Event because of the shared

costs shall not be permitted; (b) any increase or decrease in the Cost of the Work

resulting from the imposition of additional requirements or reallocation of the Cost of the

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