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12. อนุญาโตตุลาการ

(For rough calculation, that Appendix has a "combined" chart showing

both "A" and "B", but it is not to the same level of precision as the

separate "A" and "B" charts. Several points should be noted in using

these charts:

* "Arbitrator's Fees" are for one arbitrator, so if the Tribunal has 3

arbitrators, the fees must be multiplied by 3;

* There is a range of fees shown for "Arbitrator's Fees" -- a "Minimum"

and a "Maximum".

Under Article 37(2) of the Rules, the ICC Court has the power to

prescribe higher or lower fees, but this typically occurs only in

unusual circumstances, and generally the fees are set within the

range shown. Article 2(2) of Appenix III indicates the factors used by

the ICC Court in choosing the precise fee from within the range:

"diligence and efficiency of the arbitrator, the time spent, the rapidity

of the proceedings, and the complexity of the dispute and the

timiness of the submission of the draft award" . Obviously, these

factors cannot be known at the outset of the arbitration;

nevertheless, the charts are a useful device for assessing the limits of

risk, and are an attractive alternative to arbitration systems which do

not provide any clear way of assessing the likely cost of arbitrator's



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