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1430-1445 4J3 Reliability of a six-station multiple mini-interview for student selection in Faculty of MedicineUniversitas IndonesiaSophie Yolanda*, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Physiology, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia; Diantha Soemantri,Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Medical Education, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia1445-1500 4J4 Pilot testing multiple mini-interview station in two pilot medical schoolsAlma Syzdykova, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Department of Research and Health Resources, Astana,Kazakhstan; Maral Kaliyeva, Republican Centre for Нealth Development, Centre for Research, Expertise and HealthInnovation Development, Astana, Kazakhstan; Zaure Baigozhina*, Republican Centre for Нealth Development, Centre forResearch, Expertise and Health Innovation Development, Astana, Kazakhstan; Nazgul Kabdrakhmanova, Republican Centrefor Нealth Development, Centre for Research, Expertise and Health Innovation Development, Astana, Kazakhstan; VitaliyKoikov, Republican Centre for Нealth Development, Centre for Research, Expertise and Health Innovation Development,Astana, Kazakhstan1500-1515 4J5 Entry to medical school in Singapore: Evidence from a Multiple Mini Interview to assessnon-academic attributesFiona Patterson, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychology, Cambridge, United Kingdom; Maire Kerrin,Work Psychology Group, Derby, United Kingdom; Karen Fung*, Work Psychology Group, Derby, United Kingdom;Hooi Shing Chua, National University of Singapore, Singapore; Marion Aw, National University of Singapore, Singapore;Paul Anantharajah Tambyah, National University of Singapore, Singapore1515-1530 Discussion1400-1530 4K SHORT COMMUNICATIONS: Education Management 2Chairperson: David Wiegman (United States)Location: Amber 4, Level +2, MiCo1400-1415 4K1 Innovation in medical education: The importance of students’ perceptionsSanne Peters*, KU Leuven, Academic Center for General Practice, Leuven, Belgium; Mieke Vandewaetere, KU Leuven,Academic Center for General Practice, Leuven, Belgium; Dominique Manhaeve, KU Leuven, Academic Center for GeneralPractice, Leuven, Belgium; Bert Aertgeerts, KU Leuven, Academic Center for General Practice, Leuven, Belgium; GeraldineClarebout, KU Leuven, Academic Center for General Practice, Leuven, Belgium; Ann Roex, KU Leuven, Academic Center forGeneral Practice, Leuven, Belgium1415-1430 4K2 Activating Innovation In Medical EducationMajka Woods, University of Minnesota, Office of Medical Education, Minneapolis, United States; Leslie Anderson,University of Minnesota, Office of Medical Education, Minneapolis, United States; Mark Rosenberg*, University ofMinnesota, Office of Medical Education, Minneapolis, United States1430-1445 4K3 Small institutional grants: A means to enable young institutional leaders to shape the curriculumof future health professionalsSunhea Choi, University of Southampton, Faculty of Medicine, Southampton, United Kingdom; Trevor Pickup*, Universityof Southampton, Faculty of Medicine, Southampton, United Kingdom1445-1500 4K4 Patient and Public Involvement in Medical EducationSamantha Regan de Bere*, Plymouth University Peninsula Medical Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, Collaboration forthe Advancement of Medical Education & Assesment (CAMERA), Plymouth, United Kingdom; Suzanne Nunn, PlymouthUniversity Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, Collaboration for the Advancement of Medical Education &Assesment (CAMERA), Plymouth, United Kingdom; Julian Archer*, Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine andDentistry, Collaboration for the Advancement of Medical Education & Assesment (CAMERA), Plymouth, United Kingdom;Sally Hanks*1500-1515 4K5 Pay it ForwardFrank Bate*, University of Notre Dame Australia, School of Medicine, Fremantle, Australia1515-1530 4K6 Free range teaching, an open, networked, digital learning environmentMoira A.L. Maley*, University of Western Australia, The Rural Clinical School of Western Australia, Albany, Australia;Kirsten A. Auret, University of Western Australia, The Rural Clinical School of Western Australia, Albany, Australia;Sarah J. Moore, University of Western Australia, The Rural Clinical School of Western Australia, Busselton, Australia;Malcolm Evans, University of Western Australia, The Rural Clinical School of Western Australia, Perth, AustraliaNo discussion1400-1530 4L SHORT COMMUNICATIONS: International Education 1Chairperson: Carmi Margolis (Israel)Location: Amber 5, Level +2, MiCo1400-1415 4L1 Delivering an undergraduate medical curriculum across Europe: Aiming towards excellence inclinical placements through education research and staff developmentAnja Timm*, University of Southampton, Faculty of Medicine / Medical Education Academic Unit, Southampton, UnitedKingdom; Clare Polack, University of Southampton, Faculty of Medicine / Medical Education Academic Unit, Southampton,United Kingdom; Annika Quinn, University of Southampton, Faculty of Medicine / Medical Education Academic Unit,Southampton, United Kingdom– 90 –

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