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The value of an economic entity may differ from its price in response to the pressure<br />

applied by: the objectives followed in the transaction (continuity of activity,<br />

dissolution, strategy modifications), the existence of a company brand, the raise of the<br />

market quota, the consolidation of the business with new activity segments, the value<br />

of the human capital, social or emotional reasons, etc. All these factors reflect a<br />

shadow of relativity upon the notion of value, which they eventually reduce to an<br />

estimation unconditionally subject to change. The volatitity of the concept can be<br />

related both to the time perspective, as the value amount established is practicalyy<br />

valid only at the moment of the evaluation, and to the spatial, geographical, political<br />

instability, social, or natural factors perspective, the last one having a significant<br />

weight in the quantification process.<br />

This gives birth to a series of questions that have not yet found an answer: Is the value<br />

of the company composed of the value of its net assets (the sum of the composing<br />

parts), or is it determind by the company’s ability to generate future benefits for the<br />

interest owners? What is the value of a company that, although it has a balanced<br />

asset structure and has generated substantial benefits for the shareholders in the past,<br />

activates on a collapsed market? Does it really have no monetary equivalent? Here<br />

we refer to the famous “one-dollar takeovers”. If the answers to these questions are<br />

searched for in a period of economic-financial crisis, the difficulty of finding them<br />

raises with the multiplication of the factors that exert pressures on the economic<br />

entities (lack of outlets, lack of financial resources, social pressures, legal<br />

inconsistencies, etc.).<br />

The need to establish the value of companies reveals its importance in various<br />

moments of their development, marking thus their destinies. The provision of a value<br />

level is required in cases of property transfers to other shareholders, since it is known<br />

that the interests of the parties involved in the trasaction are divergent. The quotation<br />

of the companies on the capital market is another moment that requires a value<br />

support of the company’s dimension, since the investors are interested in a correctly<br />

estimated share price, which would give them the possibility to obtain future earnings.<br />

Within restructuring operations, establishing the company’s value is the basic element<br />

that conditions the success of the performed action, a process aimed to capitalize on<br />

the competitive advantages that can be offered by a different form of organization. As<br />

Thauvron (2007) notices, evaluation is a company management instrument that<br />

managers use to guide the operations performed in order to meet the fundamental<br />

objective of maximizing the entity’s value. Under these circumstances, the doctrine of<br />

the economic-financial analysis is called upon to offer solutions for supporting the<br />

investment process to the purpose of performing it in an objective manner, providing<br />

useful benchmarks for the health of the economic environment in general.<br />

The diversity of the solutions used to establish the value of the companies is included<br />

into major approaches based on: the present value of the cash flows, the evaluation of<br />

the equity, or comparisons between market values. Each of these approaches is<br />

supported by significant data generated by the presence of the company in the<br />

economic environment and attempts to provide pertinent value solutions.<br />

These evaluation methods are mainly supported by the influence of quantitative<br />

factors. Only the extent to which these determiners also include the effects of<br />

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