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Volume 48(5): 603-611, 2000<br />

The Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry<br />

http://www.jhc.org<br />


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Differentiai Expression of Peroxisome Proliferator-activated<br />

Receptors {PPARs} in the Developing Human Fetal<br />

Dig<strong>est</strong>ive Tract<br />

Céci<strong>le</strong> Huin, Lina Corriveau, Arnaud Bianchi, Jean Marie Kel<strong>le</strong>r, Philippe Col<strong>le</strong>t,<br />

Pascaline Krémarik-Bouillaud, Lionel Domenjoud, Philippe Bécuwe, Hervé Schohn,<br />

Daniel Ménard, and Michel Dauça<br />

Laboratoire de Biologie <strong>Ce</strong>llulaire du Développement, EA 2402 "Proliférateurs de Peroxysomes," Faculté des Sciences,<br />

Vandoeuvre-<strong>le</strong>s-Nancy, France (CH,AB,JMK,PC,PKB,LD,PB,HS,MD), and Groupe CRM de Recherche sur <strong>le</strong> Développement<br />

Fonctionnel et la Physiopathologie du Tube Dig<strong>est</strong>if, Dé<strong>par</strong>tement Anatomie et Biologie <strong>Ce</strong>llulaire, Faculté de Médecine,<br />

Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada (LC,DM)<br />

5 U M MARY We inv<strong>est</strong>igated the spatiotemporal distributions ofthe different peroxisome<br />

proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) isotypes (a, [3, and -y) during development (Week 7.<br />

to Week 22 of g<strong>est</strong>ation) of the human fetal dig<strong>est</strong>ive tract by immunohistochemistry using<br />

specifie polyclonal antibodies. The PPAR subtypes, including PPAR-y, are expressed as early<br />

as 7 weeks of development in cell types of endodermal and mesodermal origin. The presence<br />

of PPAR-y was also found by W<strong>est</strong>ern blotting and nuc<strong>le</strong>ase-S 1 protection assay, confirming<br />

that this subtype is not adipocyte-specifie. PPARa, PPAR[3, and PPAR-y exhibit different<br />

patterns of expression during morphogenesis of the dig<strong>est</strong>ive tract. Whatever the stage<br />

and thegut region (except the stomach) examined, PPAR-y is expressed at a high <strong>le</strong>vel, sugg<strong>est</strong>ing<br />

some fundamental ro<strong>le</strong> for this receptor in development and/or physiology of the<br />

human dig<strong>est</strong>ive tract. (J Histochem Cytochem 48:603-611, 2000)<br />


PPARs<br />

development<br />

differentiation<br />

fetus<br />

dig<strong>est</strong>ive tract<br />


(PPARs) are transcription factors be<strong>long</strong>ing to the nuc<strong>le</strong>ar<br />

receptor superfamily and have been initiaUy described<br />

as ~o<strong>le</strong>cular targets for compounds that cause<br />

peroxisome proliferation (for review see S0rensen et<br />

al. 1998). To date, three isotypes of PPAR have been<br />

described in humans: œ (Sher et al. 1993); NUC1, also<br />

caUed [3 or 0 (Schmidt et al. 1992); and 'Y (Elbrecht et<br />

al. 1996; Fajas et al. 1997). There are three subtypes<br />

of PPAR"I mRNA, transcribed from three different<br />

promoters, which give rise to two proteins, ppAR"11<br />

and "12, as the protein encoded by PPAR"I3 mRNA is<br />

indistinguishab<strong>le</strong> from PPAR"Il (Fajas et al. 1998).<br />

In humans, PPARœ is present mainly in liver, heart,<br />

and kidney, whose tissues exhibit high fatty acid metab-<br />

Correspondence to: C. Huin, Laboratoire de Biologie cellulaire<br />

du Développement, UPRES 2402 "Proliférateurs de Peroxysomes,"<br />

Faculté des Sciences, BP 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre-<strong>le</strong>s-Nancy <strong>Ce</strong>dex,<br />

France.<br />

Received for publication August 9, 1999; accepted ]anuary 5,<br />

2000 (9A5061).<br />

olism and high peroxisome-dependent activity. PPAR[3<br />

is ubiquitously expressed in aU tissues t<strong>est</strong>ed, whereas<br />

ppAR'Y predominates in adipose tissue, large int<strong>est</strong>ine,<br />

and macrophages and monocytes (Mukherjee et al.<br />

1994; Auboeuf et al. 1997; Marx et al. 1998; Ricote et<br />

al. 1998; Spiegelman 1998). Consistent with their 10­<br />

calization, the PPAR subtypes play different ro<strong>le</strong>s. After<br />

binding to specifie e<strong>le</strong>ments (PPREs), PPARœ regulates<br />

the transcription of several target genes involved<br />

in lipid metabolism and homeostasis (Desvergne and<br />

Wahli 1995; Wahli et al. 1995; Lemberger et al. 1996;<br />

S0fensen et al. 1998). PPAR"I controls adipocyte (Chawla<br />

et al. 1994; Tontonoz et al. 1995; Schoonjans et al.<br />

1996; Spiegelman et al. 1997) and monocyte/macrophage<br />

(Marx et al. 1998; Ricote et al. 1998; Tontonoz et<br />

al. 1998) differentiation. Until now, the precise ro<strong>le</strong> of<br />

ppAR[3 has not yet been elucidated.<br />

Detai<strong>le</strong>d descriptions of the morphological and<br />

functional changes occurring during the development of<br />

the human gastroint<strong>est</strong>inal tract are availab<strong>le</strong> (Ménard<br />

and Calvert 1991; Ménard 1994,1995; Montgomery<br />

© The Histochemical Society, Ine. 0022-1554/00/$3,30 603

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