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610 Huin, Carriveau, Bianchi, Kel<strong>le</strong>r, Col<strong>le</strong>t, Krémarik-Bauillaud, Damenjaud, Bécuwe, Schahn, Ménard, Dauça<br />

than in duodenum. The different spatiotemporal expression<br />

of PPARŒ, PPAR[3, and PPAR'Y during development<br />

of the human fetal int<strong>est</strong>ine and their ligand<br />

specificity (S0rensen et al. 1998) sugg<strong>est</strong> that these receptors<br />

are involved in different int<strong>est</strong>inal functions.<br />

PPARΠligands induce the expression of genes involved<br />

in lipid absorption and transport in the rat<br />

small int<strong>est</strong>ine (Martin et al. 1997; Motojima et al.<br />

1998). The physiological raIe of PPAR[3 in the small<br />

and large int<strong>est</strong>ine remains unknown. PPAR'Y ligands<br />

have been shown to inhibit proliferation and to induce<br />

differentiation of human colon cancer cells (Brockman<br />

et al. 1998; Sarraf et al. 1998). On the other hand, the<br />

same ligands enhance colon polyp and tumor formation<br />

in the min!+ mouse model (Lefebvre et al. 1998;<br />

Saez et al. 1998). It is evident fram our results that<br />

PPAR'Y is expressed a<strong>long</strong> the int<strong>est</strong>inal crypt-villous<br />

region in both proliferating and differentiated cells. At<br />

present, it is difficult to speculate about the precise<br />

raIe played by PPAR'Y in int<strong>est</strong>inal celliife.<br />

In summary, the spatiotemporal distribution of the<br />

PPAR subtypes has been described during development<br />

of the human fetal dig<strong>est</strong>ive tract. The different<br />

ppARs are predominantly expressed in epithelial cells,<br />

although their presence is also detected in nuc<strong>le</strong>i of<br />

cells of mesodermal origin. The three PPAR subtypes<br />

exhibit different patterns of expression in relation to<br />

the morphogenesis of the dig<strong>est</strong>ive tract. They are expressed<br />

very early, sugg<strong>est</strong>ing that these receptors play<br />

major raIes in the development and/or the physiology<br />

of the dig<strong>est</strong>ive tract. Furthermore, the fact that PPAR'Y<br />

is expressed at a high <strong>le</strong>vel whatever the region considered<br />

(except the stomach) and the stage studied argues<br />

for a prominent ro<strong>le</strong> of this receptor in human dig<strong>est</strong>ive<br />

tract.<br />

Acknow<strong>le</strong>dgments<br />

Supported by the Association de la Recherche contre <strong>le</strong><br />

Cancer (Contrat ARC no. 9233), the Ligue contre <strong>le</strong> Cancer<br />

(Comité de Meuthe et Mosel<strong>le</strong>), the Fondation de la Recherche<br />

Médica<strong>le</strong> (Comité de Lorraine), and the Conseil de Recherches<br />

Médica<strong>le</strong>s du Canada.<br />

We are grateful to W. Wahli (University of Lausanne) for<br />

the mPPARO'/pSGS, mPPARl3!pSG5, mPPAR'Yl/PSGS, and<br />

hPPAR'Yz/pBSIIKS+ plasmids, to M. Donner (UPRES 2402,<br />

Nancy) for the 3T3 L1 cells, and to A. Stoekel for her skillfui<br />

assistance.<br />

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