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Intelligent Markets Center - CIM

Person in Charge:

Professor Luiz Gonzaga de Castro Junior


Institutional Information:




CIM was created in 2002 by Professor Luiz Gonzaga

de Castro Junior at the Department of Administration

and Economics of UFLA with the objective of building

a structure to foster knowledge and development of

agribusiness by university students. Currently, the

center is headquartered in the Coffee Innovation Agency

(INOVACAFE) and has partnerships with large public

Núcleo de Estudos

and private institutions in the sector, providing students

with a real-life learning environment and preparing them

for the job market, as well as providing information and

knowledge for the community.

Overall Objectives:

CIM is an organization specialized in research, training

and services related to economics, accounting, finance,

competitive intelligence, business management, capital

markets, trade, statistics, marketing, business and

production chains.

Areas of Expertise:

1. Market

2. Economy

3. Trade

4. Competitive Intelligence


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