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Núcleo de Estudos

Interdisciplinary Academic League in Physiology


Person in Charge:

Professor Luciano José Pereira


Institutional Information:



On April 7, 2014 the Center for Studies in Physiology and

Metabolism (NEMEFIS) was registered with the Office

of the Dean for Extension of the Federal University

of Lavras - UFLA. It was created from a discussion

group devised by Professor Luciano José Pereira and

his graduate and scientific initiation supervisees.

At the time, weekly meetings were held to discuss

experimental protocols involving laboratory animals,

as well as general topics related to the study of the

influence of nutrition agents on the pathophysiological

processes of the various organic systems. In 2015, with

the creation of the Department of Health Sciences

and the Medicine course and the arrival of different

professionals in the area of ​morphophysiological

bases, there was a need to expand the activities of the

center, which changes its name to Interdisciplinary

Academic League in Physiology - LAIFI. This change

occurred to expand access to all students interested

in physiology in the various UFLA courses. Since

then, LAIFI has held weekly meetings to debate topics

related to teaching, research and extension linked to

general and experimental physiology.

Overall Objectives:

To welcome people interested in the themes of

animal welfare and behavior, fostering the search for

knowledge and discussion of ideas that may result

in varied activities, privileging work and collective


Areas of Expertise:

1. General Physiology: Study of the functioning of the

healthy human body.

2. Pharmacology: Study of active chemical principles

for therapeutic purposes.

3. Exercise Physiology: Study of the functional

mechanisms involved in the normal functioning of the

human body during skeletal muscle activity.

4. Nutrition: Study of the influence of nutrition agents

on the pathophysiology of organic systems.


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