artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea


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intelectualii impasibili øi neatinøi de særæcie sau de amintiri dureroase comuniste, e<br />

un motiv de nostalgie pentru næpæstuiflii sorflii de azi, særaci, pensionari [...] nici pe<br />

departe o capodoperæ. E doar încæ un mic film de trei ore nesfîrøite cu imagini subliminale“.<br />

Pot fi recunoscute în aceste reacflii încorporarea acelui imperativul al anticomunismului,<br />

de punere a trecutului øi a vieflii oamenilor sub categoria ræului, a<br />

„calvarului“, dar øi o presiune sinistræ, direcflionatæ chiar øi împotriva artiøtilor, un øantaj<br />

menit sæ destrame orice rezistenflæ subiectivæ, orice deviere de la normativa conceperii<br />

secolului douæzeci dupæ modelul neoconservator nord-american, colonizat<br />

de anticomunismul instituflionalizat, ca poveste a mersului „normal“, liniar al civilizafliei,<br />

întrerupt de cæderea din cer a unor monøtri ræi „totalitari“. Nu întîmplætor, acest film<br />

a fost fæcut de un imigrant: cenzura informalæ a dreptei postcomuniste, prin comunitæfli<br />

confidenfliale øi instituflii culturale, ar fi fæcut imposibilæ o asemenea întreprindere,<br />

începînd chiar cu accesul la arhive.<br />

Aøadar, miza lui Ujicæ e prezentarea unui alt mod de a scrie istoria, ce lasæ sæ vorbeascæ<br />

fluxul de imagini în termenii sæi proprii. În teoria media germanæ, cæutarea<br />

unei arheologii sau gramatici a vizualului a condus la scepticismul faflæ de comentariu,<br />

interpretare øi hermeneuticæ; astfel, continuînd un fir depænat de Kittler,<br />

Hans-Ulrich Gumbrecht a început sæ promoveze din anii 1990 ideea unei reconceperi<br />

a umanioarelor, bazatæ pe deconstrucflia rolului central al interpretærii. Pentru<br />

Andrei Ujicæ, toate acestea s-au transpus în modul de prelucrare a imaginilor<br />

de arhivæ. Astfel, iniflial, toate aceste filme fuseseræ difuzate originar cu un comentariu<br />

narativ, ce completa imaginile øi oferea sensul propagandistic al materialului.<br />

Ujicæ a eliminat complet aceste comentarii, sperînd sæ obflinæ un alt adevær din producerea<br />

acestei absenfle, øi într-adevær, prin comparaflie, filmul sæu scoate în evidenflæ<br />

tocmai abundenfla arbitraræ a comentariului asupra figurii lui Ceauøescu, însæ atît pe<br />

cel predecembrist, cît øi pe cel postcomunist. Chiar dacæ interpretarea nu poate<br />

lipsi, dupæ cum vom vedea imediat, marele merit al fluxului imaginilor scutite de<br />

comentariu explicit nu e cel de a aræta ceva „nou“, ci de a demonstra, în context<br />

românesc, necesitatea øi posibilitatea concretæ a unei ancoræri diferite a percepfliei<br />

despre trecutul comunist, altfel decît cea propusæ de istoria anticomunistæ normativæ,<br />

øi în acelaøi timp una lipsitæ de nostalgii.<br />

Cu toate acestea, un efect colateral al rigorii de metodæ e alienarea spectatorului<br />

de contextul istoric al evenimentelor. Lipsa informafliilor pe ecran – de la nume øi<br />

date (întîlnirea dramaticæ cu Dubček la Praga în 1968, cu doar patru zile înaintea<br />

invaziei) pînæ la detalii precum succesiunea vizitelor lui Nixon la Bucureøti øi a lui<br />

Ceauøescu la Beijing, care nu fusese deloc întîmplætoare – produce o selecflie a spectatorilor:<br />

filmul pare a fi menit tocmai celor care sînt familiari cu Ceauøescu. Iar opacizarea<br />

contextului deschide pentru tofli ceilalfli portifla unei recepflii pur estetice,<br />

evazive, al cærei efect e tocmai alienarea de propria istorie øi reîncadrarea filmului<br />

în contextul experienf<strong>lei</strong> subiective modelate de industria culturalæ, dupæ cum observa<br />

Florin Poenaru: „Filmul a fost astfel integrat unei experienfle cotidiene, familiare,<br />

102<br />

without doing anything.” 8 For other viewers, who perceive things<br />

within the same anti-communist horizon of expectation, far from<br />

“doing nothing”, Ujicæ is diabolical: “The editing is meant to tame this<br />

image of stupidity and make us believe that Ceauøecu [sic!] was a professional<br />

politician, as if professionalism would be an excuse”;<br />

“this film is a frugal desert for impassible intellectuals untouched by<br />

poverty or by painful memories from communism, a reason for nostalgia<br />

for the unfortunate people of today, the poor, the pensioners . . .<br />

hardly a masterpiece. It’s just another little movie of three endless<br />

hours of subliminal images.” One can recognize in these reactions the<br />

incorporation of the anti-communist imperative of placing the past<br />

and the lives of people under the category of evil, of the “Calvary”,<br />

but also a sinister pressure, directed even against artists. The latter is<br />

a veritable blackmail designed to dissolve any subjective resistance,<br />

directed against any deviation from the normative conception of the<br />

twentieth century following the North American neoconservative<br />

model, colonized by the institutionalized anti-communism, as the<br />

story of the “normal”, lineal path of civilization, which was interrupted<br />

by the fall from the sky of certain evil “totalitarian” monsters. Not incidentally,<br />

this film was made by an immigrant: the informal censorship<br />

of the post-communist right, through confidential communities and<br />

cultural institutions, would have made impossible such an<br />

undertaking, starting with the very access to the archives.<br />

Ujicæ’s stake is to present another way of writing history, which lets<br />

the flow of images speak in its own terms. In the German media theory,<br />

the search for an archaeology or a grammar of the visual has led<br />

to skepticism towards commentary, interpretation and hermeneutics;<br />

thus, unfolding a thread reeling from Kittler, Hans-Ulrich Gumbrecht<br />

started from the 1990s to promote the <strong>idea</strong> of re-conceiving<br />

the humanities, through the deconstruction of the central role of<br />

interpretation. For Andrei Ujicæ, all these have been transposed in<br />

his method of processing archival images. Thus, initially, all these<br />

films were broadcasted with a narrative commentary, which complemented<br />

the images and offered the propagandistic meaning of the<br />

material. Ujicæ completely eliminated these commentaries, hoping<br />

to obtain an other truth by producing this absence. And indeed, by<br />

comparison, his film highlights the arbitrary abundance of commentaries<br />

upon the figure of Ceauøescu, but both the pre-1989 and the<br />

post-communist ones. Even if the interpretation cannot be absent,<br />

as we shall see, the great merit of the flow of images devoid of<br />

explicit commentary is not that of showing something “new”, but<br />

demonstrating, in the Romanian context, the necessity and actual<br />

possibility of a different anchoring of the perception of the communist<br />

past, other than the regulatory anti-communist history and,<br />

at the same time, without nostalgia.<br />

However, a side effect of the strictness of method is the alienation of<br />

the viewer from the historical context of the events. The lack of information<br />

on the screen, from names and dates (the dramatic meeting<br />

with Dubček in Prague in 1968, just four days before the invasion) to<br />

details such as the sequence between Nixon’s visit to Bucharest and<br />

Ceauøescu’s visit to Beijing, which was not accidental at all – produces<br />

a selection of the viewers: the film seems to be intended pre-

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