artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea


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– Aici a fost un fel de bar, club de noapte øi cafenea matinalæ, dar dupæ cum vezi<br />

nu a rezistat øi a dat faliment. Interesant e cæ nimeni nu s-a mai sinchisit sæ dea decorul<br />

jos øi a ræmas aøa cum l-au construit iniflial. Ai impresia cæ intri într-o salæ de muzeu,<br />

cameræ mortuaræ, loc de cult, nu?<br />

– Pare atît de pæræsit. Parcæ s-a întîmplat ceva dintr-odatæ øi oamenii au fugit care<br />

încotro. Mæ simt ca un arheolog-detectiv.<br />

– Da, e înfricoøætor. Hai sæ mergem de aici!<br />

– De ce oare a dat faliment?<br />

[Pe ultimul rînd sînt înøirate urmætoarele imagini: o draperie victorianæ din pluø bleupal<br />

cu dungi negre subfliri, verticale, o fotografie cu o meduzæ eøuatæ la flærm, decupatæ<br />

dintr-o revistæ de promovare a unui concurs de fotografie britanic, o acoperitoare<br />

de ochi pentru dormit din satin alb, lîngæ care scrie: „iatæ biletul de acces spre tærîmul<br />

næzuinflelor latente“, un lanfl argintiu de care atîrnæ o monedæ argintie, o cheie<br />

argintie øi o ghearæ de gæinæ din aur, de la V. Westwood, un pantof mov cu roz medicinal<br />

øi negru gen ’80 românesc, foarte sexy, cu reminiscenfle Apaca 3 , de la Venera<br />

Arapu, apærut în Elle, sept. <strong>20</strong>04, cuvîntul „interview“ pe un carton minuscul scris<br />

cu marker negru øi o fotocopie cu desene reprezentînd o coflofanæ, o bufniflæ øi o<br />

ramuræ de trandafir.<br />

Deasupra, pe tavan, umbra neagræ a unui candelabru este tæiatæ în diagonalæ de douæ<br />

neoane paralele.]<br />

– Nu øtiu, de vinæ o fi locul, care e destul de izolat,<br />

chiar dacæ e în centru. Se pare cæ øi cinematograful<br />

este într-un fel de moarte clinicæ, mai<br />

supraviefluieøte doar din cauza oxigenului pompat<br />

de la stat. Fiindcæ nu au bani sæ aducæ filme noi,<br />

îøi fac programul din ceea ce primesc de la celelalte<br />

cinematografe, care sînt sænætoase economic.<br />

Ce nu mai merge acolo e trimis la groapa de<br />

gunoi Lira.<br />

– Un fel de cimitir al filmelor.<br />

– Mi se pare trist cînd un film ajunge aici. – Pur øi<br />

simplu, timp de cîteva sæptæmîni e scos din uz øi<br />

adus aici sæ-øi tragæ sufletul, dupæ care pleacæ mai<br />

departe.<br />

– Unde mai departe? Credeam cæ pleacæ direct la gunoi.<br />

– Nu cred cæ se aruncæ. Ar fi ciudat sæ arunci pelicula, nu? Probabil cæ se recicleazæ<br />

øi se face material plastic.<br />

– Nu cred, e toxicæ.<br />

– Poate îi dau foc într-un tomberon în spatele cinematografului. Øi aøa polueazæ.<br />

– Ar fi interesant sæ urmæreøti traseul unui film, de la scrierea scenariului pînæ la filmare,<br />

montaj øi distribuflie, de la perioada de glorie pînæ la decæderea totalæ, din tomberonul<br />

de la cinematograful Lira.<br />

– Toate drumurile duc la Lira!<br />

Cînd, într-un final, au apærut pe uøa de la intrare cîfliva clienfli rætæcifli, mai precis douæ<br />

cupluri, am flîønit înspre ei sæ-i întrebæm la ce film merg. Pomeneau ceva de Angelina<br />

Jolie øi Alexandru øi dîndu-ne seama cæ eram în minoritate, pentru cæ lor, fiind<br />

patru, li s-ar fi dat drumul la peliculæ, am încercat sæ-i convingem sæ meargæ la Strælucirea<br />

eternæ a minflii neprihænite. Dacæ la început Ioana îi implorase sæ-øi schimbe<br />

opfliunile, acum mai cæ le ordona sæ vadæ filmul æsta care, calitativ, era peste Alexan-<br />

136<br />

Up on the ceiling, the black shadow of a chandelier is crossed diagonally<br />

by two parallel neon lights.]<br />

– I don’t know. Maybe it’s the location, which is a little isolated,<br />

even if close to the centre. It seems that the movieplex is in a sort<br />

of clinical death and survives only due to the oxygen pumped by the<br />

state. Since they don’t have money to buy new films, they make up<br />

their program with leftovers from other movie theatres, which are<br />

economically healthy. What is not needed anymore is sent to Lira<br />

trash bin.<br />

– A sort of movie cemetery.<br />

– It’s kind of sad when a movie gets here. After several weeks it is<br />

out of use and it gets here to take a breath, and then moves forward.<br />

– Forward where? I thought it goes straight to the garbage.<br />

– I don’t think they throw it away. It would be strange to throw<br />

away the film roll, isn’t it. Probably it is being recycled and turned<br />

to plastic.<br />

– I don’t think so, it’s toxic.<br />

– Maybe they burn it in the back of the theatre. It’s polluting either way.<br />

– It would be interesting to follow the trajectory of a movie, from the<br />

writing of the screen play to the footage, editing and distribution,<br />

from its glorious era to the total decadence, inside of a garbage bin<br />

in the back of Lira movie theatre.<br />

– All roads lead to Lira!<br />

When finally some lost customers showed up in the doorstep, more<br />

exactly two couples, we sprang towards them to ask what movie<br />

they were going to.<br />

They said something about<br />

Angelina Jolie and<br />

Alexander and, realizing we<br />

were outnumbered and the<br />

movie would have been chosen<br />

by them, we tried to<br />

convince them to go see<br />

The Eternal Sunshine of the<br />

Spotless Mind. If in the<br />

beginning Ioana begged<br />

them to change their option,<br />

now she almost commanded<br />

them to see this movie<br />

which was better than<br />

Alexander, that Alexander’s<br />

story could be found in any<br />

history book and so on and<br />

so forth. Unless the ticket seller didn’t decide in the last minute, not<br />

out of compassion for two patient customers like us who had waited<br />

half an hour for the arrival of other customers, but because she had<br />

already seen Alexander at home, on a DVD and thought it was<br />

stupid, that the six of us would see The Eternal..., probably it would<br />

have ended with swearing from both sides.<br />

And because the projector from room no. 4 had broken, we had to<br />

wait for another half hour until they moved the film role to the basement,<br />

in another room. I’ll never forget that big and terrifying<br />

aluminium wheel, through which you could see the barren denuded<br />

film, oil black with green-bluish reflexes. The man from the technical<br />

department was simply rolling it in the hallway before our eyes and<br />

I felt like I was in a Chinese restaurant where the cook brings before<br />

you the snake alive, for you to know what you are going to eat.<br />

Before exiting, I reminded Ioana about the initial reason of our<br />

meeting, the discussion about reality & fiction.<br />

– What do you think this was?

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