artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea


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vieflii øi creativitæflii lor... în esenflæ, asupra propriei libertæfli. Interesul meu faflæ de<br />

D.I.Y. se bazeazæ pe potenflialul acestuia de autocontrol øi autodeterminare. E dezamægitor<br />

sæ vezi acelaøi mecanism de creare a distracfliei [entertainmentalisation] în<br />

inima a ceva ce ar trebui sæ fie parte a solufliei. Pe de altæ parte, restaurantul dovedeøte<br />

cæ atunci cînd chiar faci ceva, toate acestea se schimbæ. În acel moment,<br />

internetul devine un instrument minunat øi care-fli oferæ putere.<br />

¬ Deci cum funcflioneazæ, de fapt?<br />

√ Prima datæ alegem instrucfliunile øi refletele de pe site-ul instructables.com, apoi<br />

organizæm mese pentru a testa meniul øi cîteva petreceri de producflie pentru a face<br />

mobila.<br />

¬ Sunæ foarte distractiv.<br />

√ Da, sigur! Pentru a atrage masele, care doresc în principal sæ se distreze, folosim<br />

un format øi un limbaj care sæ le atragæ. Nu sînt sigur dacæ e bine sau ræu, dar ai<br />

nevoie de atenflia cuiva înainte de-a purta o conversaflie. Restaurantul sau bucætæria<br />

apare în majoritatea proiectelor mele actuale, deoarece cred cæ sînt excelente puncte<br />

de plecare pentru o discuflie pe aproape orice subiect. Sînt mediul perfect. Mænînci<br />

øi discufli. Sæ apropii oamenii prin intermediul mîncærii, în contextul artei, e un truc<br />

vechi. Spun truc, pentru cæ despre asta e vorba. Dar e un truc transparent, øi de<br />

aceea e permis. Oricum, în cele din urmæ, decoræm un spafliu, gætim mîncarea øi<br />

restaurantul e deschis pentru public. Este aproape la fel de simplu pe cît pare. Øi<br />

pentru cæ implicæ atîflia autori diferifli, oameni care au încærcat pe site refletele øi instrucfliunile<br />

originale, restaurantul creeazæ imediat o comunitate. Tot conflinutul restaurantului<br />

este al lor. Le aparfline.<br />

¬ Faptul cæ-fli dezvælui secretele nu îfli submineazæ calitatea de autor?<br />

√ Metodele open-source modificæ definiflia tradiflionalæ a autorului. Aceastæ<br />

accepflie tradiflionalæ este poate cel mai bine definitæ de metoda de scris preferatæ<br />

de Kafka, prin care el se izola complet, pe el însuøi øi procesul de scriere, de tot øi<br />

de toatæ lumea, pentru a-øi dezvælui lumea læuntricæ. El se îndepærta literalmente<br />

de influenflele celorlalfli. În ceea ce priveøte restaurantul, auctorialitatea e ceva mult<br />

mai fluent, o reflea de cunoøtinfle care e împærtæøitæ øi dezvoltatæ de cîteva persoane,<br />

færæ o finalitate claræ. Deschidem øi punem în scenæ procesul de design. Fiecare<br />

propoziflie este o invitaflie deschisæ altor persoane pentru a participa.<br />

¬ Asta ajutæ øi, ca urmare, restaurantul se dezvoltæ împreunæ cu ei.<br />

√ Aøa este. Unul dintre cele mai interesante efecte secundare ale transparenf<strong>lei</strong><br />

totale e posibilitatea ca designul øi refletele sæ evolueze. Fiecare masæ øi design e<br />

un spafliu deschis pentru încercæri øi erori. Împærtæøind ceea ce cunoaøtem, ne expunem<br />

la cunoøtinflele øi critica altora, care ar putea øti mai multe decît noi. Ne invitæm<br />

oaspeflii sæ comenteze øi sæ îmbunætæfleascæ lucrurile. Cel puflin, asta ne promite internetul.<br />

Ca un experiment, am gætit cremæ-supæ de dovleac dupæ refleta unui membru<br />

al Instructables 23 de zile la rînd øi în fiecare zi am îmbunætæflit refleta pe baza<br />

feedbackului oaspeflilor noøtri. Supa chiar a devenit mult mai bunæ. Poate chiar perfectæ.<br />

Teoretic, e posibil sæ transformi un demers amatoristic într-un fel de mîncare de<br />

trei stele din Ghidul Michelin.<br />

¬ Øi atunci de ce nu facem asta cu toflii?<br />

√ Evident cæ existæ øi aspecte problematice. Permiflîndu-le altora sæ-fli îmbunætæfleascæ<br />

activitatea, renunfli la o parte din calitatea ta de autor/proprietar. Nu toatæ<br />

lumea e gata s-o facæ, øi înfleleg asta. Dar noi mai degrabæ punem în scenæ øi discutæm<br />

aceste chestiuni decît încercæm sæ le rezolvæm. Iniflial, autor era ceva în genul<br />

unei persoane care provoacæ o creøtere, aøa cæ, poate, restaurantul se apropie mai<br />

mult de sensul original decît ceea ce consideræm a fi un autor în zilele noastre. Asta<br />

funcflioneazæ ca un accelerator de sporire a îmbunætæflirii refletelor øi proiectelor de<br />

design ale celorlalfli.<br />

86<br />

√ No you’re right of course, but somehow it annoys me. It undermines<br />

the promise of D.I.Y. culture as a movement of people who<br />

want to regain control over their lives and their creativity, ... over<br />

their freedom essentially. My interest in D.I.Y. is based on its potential<br />

for self-control and self-detemination. To see the same mechanism<br />

of entertainmentalisation in the heart of what should be part<br />

of the solution is disappointing. On the other hand the restaurant<br />

shows that the moment you actually do make something this all<br />

changes. In that moment the Internet becomes an awesome and<br />

empowering tool.<br />

¬ So how does it actually work?<br />

√ We first select instructions and recipes from the website<br />

instructables.com, then we have try-out dinner parties to sample<br />

the menu and several production parties to make the furniture.<br />

¬ Sounds very entertaining.<br />

√ Right ha! To appeal to the crowd, who is mostly there to be<br />

entertained, we use a format and a language that will attract them.<br />

I’m not sure if that’s wrong or right but you do need someone’s<br />

attention before you can have a conversation. The restaurant or<br />

kitchen features in most of my projects these days because I think<br />

it’s an excellent point of departure for a discussion on almost any<br />

subject. It’s the perfect medium. You eat and talk. Connecting people<br />

through food, within the context of art, is an old trick. I say trick<br />

because it is. But it is a transparent trick and that’s why it’s okay.<br />

Anyhow, finally, we decorate a space, cook the food and the restaurant<br />

is open for business. It’s really almost as simple as it sounds.<br />

And because it involves so many different authors, the people who<br />

uploaded the original recipes and instructions, the restaurant immediately<br />

creates a community. All the content in the restaurant is<br />

theirs. They own it.<br />

¬ Won’t giving your secrets away undermine your position as<br />

an author?<br />

√ Open-source methods change the traditional definition of authorship.<br />

This traditional view is perhaps best defined by Kafka’s preferred<br />

writing method where he would completely isolate himself,<br />

and the process of writing, from everything and everybody to unlock<br />

his innerworld. He would literally lock himself away from the influences<br />

of the other. In the restaurant authorship is a much more fluent<br />

thing, a network of knowing that is shared and developed by several<br />

people, without a clear end. We open up and stage the design proces.<br />

Every sentence is an open invitation for others to participate.<br />

¬ It facilitates but as a result the restaurant grows along with them.<br />

√ Yes. One of the most interesting side-effects of total transparency<br />

is the possibility of the evolution of the designs and recipes. Every<br />

meal and design is an open space for trial and error. By sharing what<br />

we know, we open ourselves up to the knowledge and criticism of<br />

others, who may in fact know more then we do. We invite our guests<br />

to comment and improve things. At least that’s what the the Internet<br />

promises us. As an experiment I prepared Creamy Pumpkin<br />

Soup by an Instructables member 23 days in a row and each day<br />

improved the recipe based on the feedback of our guests. The soup<br />

did indeed get a lot better. Maybe even perfect. In theory it’s possible<br />

to turn something amateuristic into a 3 Michelin star dish.<br />

¬ Why don’t we all do it then?<br />

√ Obviously it has some challenging aspects. By allowing others to<br />

improve your work you give part of your authorship/ownership away.<br />

Not everybody is ready to do that and I understand that. But we<br />

rather stage and discuss these issues than try to resolve them.<br />

Author originally meant something like he who causes growth, so<br />

perhaps the restaurant stays closer to its original meaning then what<br />

we consider to be an author nowadays. It functions as a growthaccelerator<br />

for the development of the recipes and designs of others.<br />

¬ Why was the Instructables Restaurant invited to participate in this<br />

specific art exhibition?<br />

√ I think there was a shared interest to address the <strong>idea</strong>s of hospitality<br />

and authorship. For the curator of the exhibition, Leo Delfgaauw

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