artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea


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The Fountainhead, <strong>20</strong>10, video, B&W, mute, <strong>11</strong>0’, courtesy: the artists © Société Réaliste<br />

racter cu un fundal istoric complex, ca pentru a demonstra, o datæ în plus, cæ semnul<br />

confline în mod necesar un sens øi o origine ce sînt de descifrat.<br />

Hibridarea semnelor e recurentæ la Société Réaliste. Ei fabricæ ceva ce ei numesc<br />

„semne-centaur“, precum cele douæ sculpturi negre læcuite care se aflæ în corespondenflæ<br />

de la un capæt la celælalt al primei sæli din expoziflie, Zero Euro (<strong>20</strong>10) øi Infinite<br />

Dollar (<strong><strong>20</strong><strong>11</strong></strong>). Formele lor explicitate prin titlu încastreazæ de fiecare datæ douæ<br />

semne unul într-altul: zeroul øi euro sau semnul infinitului øi dolarul. Ceea ce-i intereseazæ<br />

pe artiøti e impactul provocat de colajul a douæ semne. Cum sæ gîndeøti de<br />

fapt o monedæ legatæ de o valoare nulæ sau infinitæ?<br />

Société Réaliste se pune sæ deturneze øi un alt tip de sistem de reprezentare, cartografia,<br />

foarte prezentæ în expoziflie. Cæci „orice hartæ e un simbol al puterii omului<br />

asupra lumii“. 1 În mîinile cooperativei, harta devine instrument al unor speculaflii<br />

necontenit declinate. E vorba aici de miøcarea frontierelor, de arbitrarul formei flærilor,<br />

de reprezentarea lor fizicæ øi simbolicæ. Fiecare dintre hærflile lor face demonstraflia<br />

acestui fapt, iar ceea ce e pus neîncetat în joc e eøecul acestui sistem de reprezentare.<br />

În proiectul Cosmopolites de tous les pays encore un effort [Cosmopolifli din toate<br />

flærile, încæ un pic] (<strong>20</strong>10), suprapunerea celor 192 de state membre ale Nafliunilor<br />

Unite tinde sæ se asemene unui rectanglu, formæ geometricæ mai mult culturalæ decît<br />

naturalæ, în vreme ce capitala are tendinfla sæ se regæseascæ în centrul patrulaterului.<br />

Forma finalæ a „statului-medie“ îøi aflæ formalizarea într-o sculpturæ masivæ din<br />

aluminiu cu o formæ frapantæ. Aceastæ chestiune a mediei reia o cale deja frecventatæ<br />

în proiectul intitulat United Nations Brown [Nafliunile Unite Maro], care definea<br />

culoarea medie a drapelelor celor 192 de flæri membre ale Nafliunilor Unite. Procedeele<br />

acestea de raflionalizare denunflæ, nu færæ umor, absurditatea logicii universalizante.<br />

Uneltele øi tematicile abordate de Société Réaliste alimenteazæ un cîmp de reflecflie<br />

complex øi intens, el însuøi hrænit de un flesut de referinfle pletorice la istoria revolufliilor<br />

øi a utopiilor politice øi sociale. Expoziflia e reflexul unei gîndiri-palimpsest øi în<br />

efervescenflæ, dupæ chipul autorilor ei, a cærei formulare plasticæ, profund marcatæ<br />

de estetica conceptualæ, nu oferæ întotdeauna øi cheile. Departe de a abandona inteligibilitatea,<br />

aceasta e de cæutat în scrierile øi conferinflele cooperativei. Aceastæ dimensiune<br />

discursivæ este o parte indisociabilæ a practicii lor, vizibilæ mai ales în catalogul,<br />

de o densitate raræ, ce însofleøte expoziflia.<br />

94<br />

Traducere de Adrian T. Sîrbu<br />

Notæ:<br />

1. Giorgio Mangani, citat de Société Réaliste, in Société Réaliste, Empire, State, Building, Paris/Budapesta, Editura<br />

Amsterdam/Jeu de Paume/Ludwig Museum, <strong><strong>20</strong><strong>11</strong></strong>, p. 10.<br />

suspected of having a Jewish origin. Futura has also been prohibited<br />

by the same régime, this time due to its modernist aesthetics taken<br />

from Bauhaus. Futura Fraktur is a composite typographic style, born<br />

of the fusion of these two alphabets, which proves the ideological<br />

load carried by the sign. Far from being a simple convention, the latter<br />

circulates thoughts, uses, and collective stories. Limes New Roman<br />

(<strong>20</strong>08), made of 46 characters, is detailed letter by letter on one of<br />

the exhibition walls. Each sign, refering to a letter of the Latin alphabet,<br />

represents the drawing of a recent geopolitical separation wall,<br />

at the scale of a city for the lower-cases and that of a country for the<br />

upper-cases. This cryptography, decipherable with difficulty, is a<br />

way of charging each character with a complex historical setting,<br />

as if it was trying to demonstrate once more that the sign contains<br />

of necessity a meaning and an origin which are to be deciphered.<br />

The hybridation of signs is recurrent at Société Réaliste. They fabricate<br />

something they call “Centaur signs“, such as the two varnished<br />

black sculptures responding from out to out of the first hall from the<br />

exhibition, Zero Euro (<strong>20</strong>10) and Infinite Dollar (<strong><strong>20</strong><strong>11</strong></strong>). Their forms<br />

developed through the title embed each time two signs together:<br />

the zero and the euro or the sign of the infinite and the dollar.<br />

What interests the artists is the impact provoked by the collage of<br />

two signs. How can you actually think a currency connected with<br />

a null or infinite value?<br />

Société Réaliste tackles on diverting another type of representation<br />

system as well, the cartography, very present in the exhibition.<br />

Because “every map is a symbol of man’s power upon the world“. 1<br />

In the hands of the cooperative, the map becomes an instrument<br />

of relentlessly declined speculations. It is a question here relating<br />

to the movement of the borders, to the arbitrary of the countries’<br />

shape, to their physical and symbolical representation. Each of their<br />

maps demonstrates this fact, and the failure of this representation<br />

system is what is being constantly at stake. In the project Cosmopolites<br />

de tous les pays encore un effort (<strong>20</strong>10), the superposition of<br />

the 192 member states of the United Nations tends to be like a rectangle,<br />

a geometrical shape rather cultural than natural, as the capital<br />

tends to be found in the centre of the quadrangle. The final shape<br />

of the “average-state“ finds its formalization into a massive aluminum<br />

sculpture with a striking shape. This question of the average<br />

continues an approach already followed by the cooperative in the<br />

project entitled United Nations Brown, which defined the average<br />

colour of the flags belonging to the 192 member countries of the<br />

United Nations. These methods of rationalization denounce, not<br />

without humour, the absurdity of the universalizing logic.<br />

The tools and the subjects tackled by Société Réaliste fuel a complex<br />

and intense field of reflection, itself nourished by a tissue of plethoric<br />

references to the history of revolutions, and social and political<br />

utopias. The exhibition is the reflex of a palimpsest and seething<br />

thinking, in similitude to its authors, whose plastic formulation, profoundly<br />

marked by the conceptual aesthetics, does not always offer<br />

the keys as well. Far from abandoning the intelligibility, this one is<br />

to be searched for in the writings and conferences of the cooperative.<br />

This discursive dimension is an indivisible part of their practice,<br />

visible specially in the catalogue of a rare density which accompanies<br />

the exhibition.<br />

Translated by Sabin Borø<br />

Note:<br />

1. Giorgio Mangani quoted by Société Réaliste in Société Réaliste,<br />

Empire, State, Building, Paris/Budapest, Editions Amsterdam/<br />

Jeu de Paume/Ludwig Museum, <strong><strong>20</strong><strong>11</strong></strong>, p. 10.

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