artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea


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e-øi fæceau de lucru prin corturile acoperite cu pæturi colorate, unsuroase øi înnegrite<br />

de la atîta fum fæcut cu ziare øi pungi din plastic.<br />

Insulifla nu era altceva decît o farfurie plutitoare din beton, în mijlocul cæreia fuseseræ<br />

plantate cîteva tufe cu trandafiri sælbatici, din acelea care cresc øi færæ sæ fie udate.<br />

Pe margine, insulifla era flancatæ de un gard viu din sælcii plîngætoare. Intrarea se fæcea<br />

pe sub o arcadæ din beton cu brizbrizuri din marmuræ, copie probabil dupæ una greceascæ.<br />

Iar amfiteatrul, un fel de terasæ cu arcade øi coloane în miniaturæ, avea pe<br />

o parte cîteva pontoane, de unde ar fi trebuit sæ plece bærcile în larg.<br />

– Nu pare totul ca un proiect ambiflios eøuat?<br />

[Rîndul al doilea este format din urmætoarele imagini: un candelabru auriu fotografiat<br />

într-o luminæ caldæ, un bullterier cu îngeri pictat pe piele de cal de G. Fikl øi care<br />

costæ 1500 de euro, douæ stilouri ediflie limitatæ Montblanc, o lustræ „explodatæ“ din<br />

anii ’60 cu bulbi cosmici, o fotografie foarte micæ cu o perdea purpurie dintr-un teatru<br />

în ruine, fost Sofia, din Viena, øi un portret al Carolinei Herrera cu fiicele într-o dupæamiazæ<br />

liniøtitæ de august. În fundal se aude „Statues“, de pe albumul cu acelaøi nume,<br />

al lui Moloko.]<br />

– De ce eøuat?<br />

– Pentru cæ nu a ieøit ceea ce s-a dorit iniflial. Vezi tu bærci sau oameni care sæ stea<br />

la umbræ în amfiteatru?<br />

– Nu mi se pare eøuat, din moment ce pescarii æia de pe pontoane<br />

folosesc spafliul foarte bine, e adeværat cæ în loc de bærci<br />

cu vîsle au camere de cauciuc de la roflile tirurilor, dar locul<br />

nu este complet pustiu. Cel mai trist mi se pare un loc pustiit,<br />

nepopulat nici mæcar de pæsæri sau animale.<br />

– Øtii cæ la un moment dat am vrut sæ fac un documentar<br />

øtiinflific fictiv despre locul æsta. Ar fi fost prezentat de un<br />

englez, în halat alb, cu ochelari øi un arætætor, cum au profesorii<br />

de geografie la øcoalæ. E vorba despre Tom, un DJ<br />

care scrie destul de bine în diverse reviste de lifestyle. Aø fi<br />

prezentat paradoxurile care îl definesc: arhitectura minimalistæ<br />

decæzutæ, cu accesorii opulente, visul înælflætor al „arhitectului“<br />

dictator, pe de o parte, øi condiflia mizeræ a digului,<br />

a apei poluate din cauza covoarelor care se spalæ în lac în<br />

weekenduri, øi a oamenilor care îl populeazæ vrînd-nevrînd, pe de altæ parte. Un<br />

loc cu un imens potenflial, dar care este în ruine.<br />

– Øi de ce nu l-ai fæcut?<br />

– Documentarul? Pentru cæ probabil nu am crezut destul de mult în el.<br />

– Ai fi putut începe cu niøte poze.<br />

– Am fæcut niøte fotografii într-o iarnæ, cu o minge de baschet øi o maøinæ de scris<br />

în zæpadæ. Oricum, atunci nu mæ gîndisem încæ la documentar, nu-i descoperisem<br />

digului pærflile mai sensibile.<br />

– Øi acum?<br />

– Acum, dupæ cum vezi, sînt alte prioritæfli. Poate cæ nu o sæ îl uit øi o sæ mæ întorc<br />

la un moment dat pregætitæ sæ fac acel documentar. E trist, nu, cæ fiecare lucru are<br />

timpul sæu de gestaflie, cæ nu pofli sæ-l faci cînd vrei tu, cæ existæ un moment & context<br />

propice fiecærui lucru în parte.<br />

– A aøtepta nu mi se pare neapærat un lucru groaznic. Cîteodatæ aøteptarea are efecte<br />

pozitive.<br />

–<br />

scena<br />

on horse leather by G. Fickle that costs 1,500 Euros, two Montblanc<br />

fountain pens, limited edition, an “exploded” lamp from the ’60s,<br />

with cosmic bulbs, a very small photograph with a red curtain in a<br />

theatre in ruins, ex Sofia, in Vienna, a portrait of Carolina Herrera<br />

with her daughters in a calm August afternoon. In the background<br />

you can hear “Statues” from the Moloko’s homonym album.]<br />

– Why failed?<br />

– Because it didn’t turn out as it was initially planned. Do you see<br />

boats or people sitting in the amphitheatre’s shade?<br />

– I don’t think it’s failed since those fishermen on the docks use this<br />

space very well. It’s true they have rubber tubes from trucks’ tires<br />

instead of boats, but still the place is not completely deserted.<br />

The saddest place is a deserted one, where not even birds or animals<br />

live.<br />

– Once I wanted to make a fictive scientific documentary about this<br />

place. It would have been hosted by an Englishman, in white coat,<br />

with glasses and a stick, the one that Geography teachers have.<br />

Tom is a DJ and he writes quite well in various lifestyle magazines.<br />

I would have presented the paradoxes defining this place: the<br />

decayed minimalist architecture, with opulent accessories, the ambitious<br />

dream of the “architect” dictator on one hand, the miserable<br />

condition of polluted water due to carpet washing during weekends,<br />

and people inevitably populating it on the other hand. A place with<br />

a huge potential, nevertheless in ruins.<br />

– Why didn’t you make it?<br />

– The documentary? Maybe because I didn’t believe in it as strongly<br />

as I should.<br />

– You could have started with some<br />

pictures.<br />

– I took some pictures one winter, with<br />

a basketball and a writing machine in the<br />

snow. Anyway, I hadn’t thought of a documentary<br />

then, I hadn’t yet discovered the<br />

sensitive p<strong>arts</strong> of the dam.<br />

– What about now?<br />

– Now, as you know, I have other priorities.<br />

Maybe I won’t forget it, and one day<br />

I’ll come back ready to do this documentary.<br />

It’s sad, isn’t it, that every thing has<br />

its own gestation time, that you can’t do it<br />

whenever you want, that there is a time<br />

and context for everything.<br />

– Waiting doesn’t necessarily mean something<br />

dreadful. Sometimes waiting has<br />

positive effects.<br />

–<br />

– What’s your view on contemporary Romanian art?<br />

– What’s yours?<br />

– I can’t really differentiate it from the one in Eastern Europe. In this<br />

region amazing changes happened in the last 15 years. I think it’s<br />

only natural that after the fall of communism the artists be the first<br />

to freely express themselves concerning the political situation, something<br />

that was forbidden for so many years. Now only the names of<br />

Marina Abramovic’, Warhol, who came from Poland and the IRWIN<br />

group cross my mind, but they were not Romanians.<br />

– Well, we have Ion Grigorescu, Dan Perjovschi and subReal.<br />

– I remember, in your emails, you opposed very categorically this<br />

East-European trend, of an art debating local or European political<br />

problems. Why?<br />

– In general it’s good to be preoccupied with the local context in<br />

which you live. I don’t think it’s OK to have only this kind of art,<br />

interested only in the political issues, especially those that superficially<br />

deal with European issues. I find annoying a lot of young artists<br />

who didn’t have anything to do with politics and suddenly taking<br />

over this subject only because it’s trendy. You know how it is, every-<br />


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