artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea


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conduc pe banda rezervatæ bicicliøtilor.<br />

Cu cît sînt mai eficace la lucru, cu atît mai mult mi se dæ de muncit.<br />

Mæ înec în credite pentru studenfli.<br />

Øi gingiile mi se retrag.<br />

Minflile cele mai creative lucreazæ în industria publicitaræ.<br />

Veverifle urbane mutante øi obeze îmi decimeazæ roøiile din spatele casei.<br />

Bærbaflii se încolæcesc în jurul barelor din metrou ca dansatoarele<br />

de striptease.<br />

Chelnerii întreabæ: „mai muncifli la felul acela?“<br />

Toatæ America aratæ ca un acelaøi minimall.<br />

O mare de gunoaie de dimensiunea Texasului pluteøte în Atlantic.<br />

Ræzboiul sæ fie singurul nostru bun de export?<br />

N-am ce sæ port.<br />

N-am nimic de mîncare în casæ.<br />

Îmi uræsc asociaflia de locatari.<br />

Femeile cer prea multæ atenflie.<br />

Porfliile sînt prea mari.<br />

Mi-e-ntotdeauna foame.<br />

Pîinea præjitæ e rece.<br />

Încetafli sæ mai ræspîndifli viruøi! Luafli autobuzul!<br />

Prea mulfli cred în rai pentru a face ceva împotriva încælzirii globale.<br />

De ce nu cîntæ membrii trupelor de bæiefli la niciun instrument?<br />

Avem un cowboy drept preøedinte.<br />

Sînt mult prea deøteaptæ pentru bærbaflii cu care ies.<br />

Bucætæria mea ultramodernæ face præjituri disproporflionate.<br />

Hainele pe care mi le pot permite sînt fæcute în ateliere care<br />

îøi exploateazæ angajaflii.<br />

Nu vrem ca Olimpiada sæ se organizeze aici.<br />

Corul de plîngeri din Hamburg<br />

Cea mai nætîngæ pistæ pentru bicicliøti din oraø<br />

Duce direct în Wilhelmsburg,<br />

Prin tunele întunecoase, o mie de gropi,<br />

Øi cîteva scæri la Argentinienbrücke.<br />

Rimelul curge mereu,<br />

Declarafliile de impozit sînt prea complicate!<br />

Colegul meu de apartament se culcæ cu fosta mea prietenæ,<br />

Niciun om politic nu-øi fline promisiunile.<br />

Maicæ-mea îøi face prea multe griji,<br />

Ole von Beust nu se gîndeøte decît la proiectul Halfencity.<br />

<strong>14</strong>8<br />

Even cops don’t stop at stop signs.<br />

I hate drunken Cardinal fans more.<br />

My boss prints his spam and hands it to me.<br />

People are so mean on the Internet.<br />

A high-pitched whistler is sitting next to me on the ball game.<br />

Nobody ever throws the ball to me.<br />

I live in the city and I can’t see the stars.<br />

I was born and remain a Cubs fan.<br />

School makes me want to yawn.<br />

The Amateur Jethro Tull cover band<br />

practicing around the block will never rock.<br />

People text, eat and do their make up while driving in the bike lane.<br />

The more efficient I am the more work they pile on me.<br />

I am drowning in student loans.<br />

And my gums are receding.<br />

The most creative minds work for the advertising industry.<br />

Obese urban monster squirrels decimate my backyard tomato crop.<br />

Men wrap around the pole on the L-train like strippers.<br />

Restaurant servers ask “are you still working on that”?<br />

All of America looks like the same strip mall.<br />

Garbage the size of Texas is floating in the Atlantic.<br />

Is war our only export?<br />

I have nothing to wear.<br />

I am out of food.<br />

I hate my condo association.<br />

Women need too much attention.<br />

Portions are too big.<br />

I am always hungry.<br />

The toast is cold.<br />

Quit spreading germs! Take the bus!<br />

Too many people believe in the rapture to do anything about global warming.<br />

Why don’t boy bands play any instruments?<br />

We have a cowboy for president.<br />

I am too smart for the men I date.<br />

My side-ways kitchen bakes lopsided cakes.<br />

Clothes I can afford are made in sweatshops.<br />

We don’t want the Olympics here.<br />

Complaints Choir of Hamburg<br />

The most absurd bicycle road of the town<br />

Leads directly into Wilhelmsburg<br />

Through dark tunnels, 1,000 road holes,<br />

And across some stairs at the Argentinienbrücke.<br />

The mascara gets always smudgy,<br />

The tax declaration is too complicated!<br />

My flatemate sleeps with my ex-girlfriend,<br />

Not a single Politician keeps his promises.<br />

My mother always worries too much,<br />

Ole von Beust just has the Halfencity project in his mind.<br />

My favorite underpants are out of stock – unfortunately,

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