artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea


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Corul de plîngeri din Maribor<br />

Sensul giratoriu Lackova se construieøte cu viteza melcului!<br />

Oficiul poøtal din centru e deschis pînæ la øapte, dupæ aia nimic!<br />

Oficiul poøtal cu program permanent e la dracu’ în praznic.<br />

Gunoiul e colectat o datæ pe sæptæmînæ,<br />

Înainte se fæcea de douæ ori øi costa mai puflin.<br />

Spus pe øleau, sexul la sloveni e frecflie,<br />

Ne place sæ bombænim la nesfîrøit øi sæ ne facem viafla un iad!<br />

Nu sîntem poøta redacfliei,<br />

Nu sîntem pe culmile furiei,<br />

Sîntem mai curînd o vinotecæ de demult,<br />

Sîntem corul de plîngeri din Maribor.<br />

Gemete, gemete, gemete...<br />

Automatul de bere mi-a înghiflit banii,<br />

Iar pentru asta meritæ un pumn în faflæ.<br />

Aøa e drept.<br />

Dar ce pæcat cæ eu sînt afaræ øi berea înæuntru.<br />

Cutia poøtalæ mi-e doldora de facturi,<br />

Copaci sænætoøi sînt tæiafli pentru asemenea farse,<br />

Tofli deøtepflii sæ-øi bage facturile-n cur.<br />

Cum se face cæ legea împotriva fumatului a repopulat stræzile?<br />

În fafla casei mele, oræ de oræ toatæ ziua,<br />

Autobuzul schimbæ în viteza a doua,<br />

Mæ tem cæ fumul ce iese de-acolo mæ va bæga pe mine în sicriu.<br />

Asta-i ce ne doare, asta væ øi spunem.<br />

Pe canalul Pop TV øi pe toate celelalte, ofensiva se vede prea bine,<br />

Telespectatorul nu conteazæ.<br />

Ne place sæ bombænim la nesfîrøit øi sæ ne facem viafla un iad!<br />

Nu sîntem un cor bisericesc,<br />

Nici parlamentul nu e politicæ,<br />

Sîntem mai curînd o vinotecæ de demult,<br />

Sîntem corul de plîngeri din Maribor!<br />

Noi øiruri de case peste tot,<br />

Ræsaduri de profit,<br />

„Copacii æøtia, cu toate frunzele lor,<br />

Sæ disparæ”, spune urbanistul-øef.<br />

Vecinul îøi lasæ cîinele zilnic<br />

Pe balcon, iar acesta de pe la ora øapte încolo începe sæ latre isteric.<br />

Gardienii øi polifliøtii se plimbæ prin parc,<br />

De ce øi-o trag tinerii cînd încæ nici nu s-a læsat întunericul?<br />

Oamenii viziteazæ locuri exotice færæ un zîmbet pe feflele lor.<br />

De ce nu citesc mai curînd o carte sau de ce nu fac o plimbare?<br />

Complaints Choir of Maribor<br />

The extremely slow construction of the annoying Lackova roundabout!<br />

The town center post office is open ’til seven? After then, there’s nowt!<br />

The 24-hour post office is at the back of beyond.<br />

The rubbish is collected only once a week,<br />

Before it was twice, for much less cash.<br />

Shooting at the target, Slovene sex is friction,<br />

We like to grumble endlessly, and make our lives a misery!<br />

We are not the correspondence page,<br />

We are not in endless rage,<br />

We are more a vintage wine store,<br />

We are the Complaints Choir of Maribor!<br />

Moaning, moaning, moaning...<br />

The beer dispenser swallowed my cash,<br />

For this injustice it deserves a bash,<br />

The dispenser gets bashed in the face,<br />

This will make it fair.<br />

If only I was not outside, but the beer is still in there.<br />

Endless handbills are chucked in my mail,<br />

Healthy trees get chopped for this farce,<br />

Let these clever chaps get the bills up their arse.<br />

How come the smoking law brought life back to the streets?<br />

Directly in front of my entrance,<br />

Each hour, the whole day long,<br />

The bus is shifting to second gear,<br />

Its smoke shifts me to the coffin, I fear.<br />

This is where the shoe pinches, aye there’s the rub!<br />

On Pop TV and local channels the offensive is quite yellow,<br />

The viewer left and thought of, never!<br />

We like to grumble endlessly,<br />

And make our lives a misery!<br />

This is not the church choral,<br />

Nor is parliament political,<br />

We are more a vintage wine store,<br />

We are the Complaints Choir of Maribor!<br />

New rows of houses all the while,<br />

Profit is there in seed-bed style,<br />

All these trees and every leaf,<br />

I’d like to fell, says planning chief.<br />

The neighbor leaves the dog out daily<br />

On the balcony, from seven it barks hysterically.<br />

Wardens and police walk through the park,<br />

Why youths fuck in the ditch, it’s not even dark?<br />

People wander around places, no smile on their faces.<br />

Why don’t they read perhaps a book, why don’t they go around on foot?<br />

Why does your friend become a loss, when fortune turns him to the boss?<br />

Why are the good guys married still?<br />

Why off-road cars are now in town used more than simple bicycles?<br />

I do not want a new skyscraper, but need Pekarna cultural center!<br />

We must complain so very loud, we need to shake the mayoral crowd!<br />

Why is the price tag on the beer glued exactly where you drink it?<br />

+<br />


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