artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea


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– Pentru cæ în facultate am fæcut patru ani numai fotografie øi nu øtiu dacæ monopolul<br />

æsta a fost folositor sau nu. Mi-ar fi plæcut sæ fi putut experimenta øi cu scenografie,<br />

modæ, teatru, sculpturæ, jurnalism, make-up, cinematografie, muzicæ, marketing,<br />

design øi aøa mai departe.<br />

– Dar ce spui tu e mai mult decît o øcoalæ multidisciplinaræ. Nu øtiu dacæ existæ astfel<br />

de øcoli.<br />

– Mi-ar fi plæcut sæ existe o astfel de øcoalæ, care, chiar dacæ s-ar fi întins pe opt ani<br />

de zile, sæ fi avut mobilitatea necesaræ, unde sæ pot studia exact domeniile pe care<br />

le-aø fi vrut. Sistemelor de învæflæmînt le lipseøte aceastæ flexibilitate.<br />

– Acum chiar pofli studia cam ce vrei pe internet, sînt tot felul de cursuri online, e adeværat<br />

cæ nu se comparæ cu o øcoalæ normalæ, dar oricum existæ o oarecare tendinflæ spre<br />

flexibilitate. De ce ai optat pentru sculpturæ øi literaturæ?<br />

– Pentru limbajul lor direct. Obiect vs. imagine sau cuvînt vs. imagine. Sînt în cæutarea<br />

a ceva care sæ nu lase prea mult loc interpretærilor. Informaflia trebuie sæ ajungæ<br />

de la un capæt la altul færæ prea multe perturbaflii. Emiflætorul øi receptorul, chiar dacæ<br />

îøi pot schimba locurile între ei, trebuie sæ se bazeze pe claritatea øi precizia mesajului.<br />

Încerc sæ ocolesc pe cît posibil viruøii.<br />

– Cum ar fi?<br />

– Cum ar fi procedeele de manipulare a percepfliei informafliei. Cum ar fi bagajul<br />

tehnic cu care este echipat fiecare domeniu în parte, acel set de reguli pe care e<br />

bine sæ le urmezi dacæ vrei sæ faci un produs bun. Cum ar fi regulile de compoziflie,<br />

de utilizare a materialelor, regulile de asamblare øi montare, regulile estetice ale unui<br />

scenariu de film, regulile care flin de expunerea unui produs bun, de<br />

promovare & comunicare øi cele care flin strict de limbaj, de termenii<br />

folosifli. Sînt o groazæ de jaloane pe care majoritatea le stabileøte pentru<br />

binele majoritæflii øi pentru care un produs bun echivaleazæ cu un<br />

mær mai puflin gustos, dar care se încadreazæ perfect în standarde,<br />

la dimensiuni, culoare øi greutate. Mæ fascineazæ cuvîntul trebuie. De<br />

foarte multe ori este folosit din inerflie: trebuie sæ-fli respecfli pærinflii,<br />

trebuie sæ aparflii unei religii de care a auzit toatæ lumea, trebuie sæ<br />

ierfli, trebuie sæ-fli începi viafla sexualæ nu mai tîrziu de 18 ani, trebuie<br />

sæ nu sari peste masa de dimineaflæ, trebuie sæ foloseøti o cremæ<br />

hidratantæ, de preferinflæ L’Oréal cu SPF sau Q10, pentru cæ se pare<br />

cæ nimic nu este întîmplætor. Trebuie sæ citeøti anumite cærfli, sæ vezi anumite filme,<br />

trebuie sæ ai copii. Trebuie sæ te cæsæto-reøti, sæ ai casa ta øi sæ ai un serviciu. Chiar,<br />

de ce trebuie sæ ai un serviciu?<br />

– Nu trebuie neapærat sæ faci lucrurile pe care le-ai enumerat.<br />

– De ce nu trebuie?<br />

– Pentru cæ pofli sæ alegi, ai aceastæ opfliune, sæ alegi ce vrei sæ faci.<br />

– Am citit la un moment dat o chestie, cum cæ e bine sæ ai un serviciu pentru cæ<br />

în primul rînd trebuie sæ dai ceva înapoi societæflii în care te-ai næscut øi în al doilea<br />

rînd pentru cæ trebuie sæ ai bani ca sæ pofli træi, sæ-fli pofli cumpæra o casæ, haine øi<br />

mîncare. Societatea mi se pare din acest punct de vedere foarte crudæ, ca o mamæ<br />

posesivæ øi geloasæ, iar schimbul æsta neîncetat, cantitativ vorbind, între consum<br />

øi producflie mi se pare foarte obositor. De ce sînt datoare societæflii în care m-am<br />

næscut?<br />

– Pentru cæ te foloseøti de infrastructura ei, de legile ei, de metroul øi clædirile ei, nu?<br />

– Da, dar plæteøti pentru asta, nu? Plæteøti chiria øi abonamentul la metrou. Se plætesc<br />

taxe øi impozite. E o relaflie foarte pasionalæ, în care ambii parteneri se folosesc cît<br />

de mult pot unul pe celælalt. De aceea încælcarea regulilor unei societæfli mi se pare<br />

lucrul cel mai excitant cu putinflæ. Îi trædezi încrederea în tine øi îi distrugi aøteptærile.<br />

Ce poate fi mai romantic decît atît?<br />

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to experiment with scenography, fashion, theatre, sculpture, journalism,<br />

make-up, cinematography, music, marketing, design, and<br />

so on.<br />

– You are talking about more than a multidisciplinary school. I don’t<br />

know if there are such schools.<br />

– I would have liked such a school, even if it had to last for eight<br />

years. A school with such a mobility, where one could study exactly<br />

the fields one wanted. Educational systems lack such flexibility.<br />

– Now you can really study anything you want on the internet, there<br />

are a lot of online courses. It’s true you can’t compare them to a regular<br />

school, but nevertheless there is a tendency towards flexibility.<br />

Why did you choose sculpture and literature?<br />

– For their direct language. Object vs. image, or word vs. image.<br />

I’m in search of something that wouldn’t leave too much space<br />

for interpretations. Information must get from one end to the<br />

other without too many perturbations. The transmitter and the<br />

receiver, even if they can switch their places, must count on the<br />

clarity and precision of the message. I try to avoid viruses as much<br />

as possible.<br />

– Such as?<br />

– Such as the means of manipulating the image. Such as the technical<br />

luggage with which every field is equipped, that set of rules that<br />

you should follow if you want to create a good product. Such as composition<br />

rules, material use regulations, assembling rules, the aesthetic<br />

rules of a movie screen play, rules related to exposing a good<br />

product, promotion and communication rules, and those related<br />

strictly to language, to the terms we use. There are a lot of poles<br />

established by the majority for the sake of the majority, for whom<br />

a good product equals a less delicious apple, but<br />

which fits perfectly within standards, size, colour<br />

and weight. The word “must” fascinates me.<br />

Many times it is used out of inertia: one must<br />

respect one’s parents, one must belong to a well<br />

known religion, one must forgive, one must begin<br />

one’s sexual life no later than 18, one must not<br />

skip breakfast, one must use a hydrating cream,<br />

preferably L’Oréal with SPF and Q10, because it<br />

seems that nothing is hazardous. You must read<br />

certain books, see certain movies, you must have<br />

children. You must get married, have your own<br />

house and a job. By the way, why must one have<br />

a job?<br />

– You mustn’t do all the things you counted.<br />

– Why mustn’t you?<br />

– Because you can choose, you have this option, to choose what you<br />

want to do.<br />

– I’ve read somewhere that it is good to have a job mainly because<br />

you have to give something back to the <strong>society</strong> in which you were<br />

born, and secondly, in order to have money to live, to buy a house,<br />

clothes, food. From this point of view, <strong>society</strong> seems to me very<br />

cruel, like a possessive and jealous mother, and this endless exchange,<br />

quantitatively speaking, between consumerism and production<br />

seems very tiresome. Why should I be indebted to the <strong>society</strong> in<br />

which I was born?<br />

– Because you are using its infrastructure, its laws, its subway and its<br />

buildings, aren’t you?<br />

– Yes, but you pay for it, don’t you? You pay the rent and the monthly<br />

subway pass. You pay taxes. It’s a very passionate relationship, in<br />

which both partners use each other as much as they can. That’s why<br />

over crossing the rules of <strong>society</strong> seems to me the most exciting<br />

thing possible. You betray its trust in you and you destroy its expectations.<br />

What can be more romantic than that?<br />

– Now that’s a very interesting relationship, between you and this <strong>society</strong>!<br />

– Yes, I’m still searching, trying to understand my role as an artist,<br />

as a producer of cultural objects, producer of new perspectives and

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