artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea


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– Pæi, descoperind cærflile Virginiei Woolf, am luat-o logic pe urmele lui T. S. Eliot<br />

øi James Joyce, Lawrence, Jane Austen øi aøa mai departe, mæ feresc încæ de<br />

Shakespeare pentru cæ prea mi l-au recomandat tofli moderniøtii în cærflile lor, este<br />

mult prea promovat, apoi îmi mai plac Fitzgerald øi cîfliva scriitori japonezi contemporani,<br />

al cæror nume mi se pare imposibil de memorat.<br />

– Ce legæturæ este între tot ceea ce mi-ai spus pînæ acum despre V. Woolf øi scriitorii<br />

tæi preferafli øi textele de pe cuburile colorate din Monthly Evaluations? Pentru cæ observ<br />

o asemænare între spiritul autocritic, de analizæ al Virginiei Woolf øi ceea ce faci<br />

tu atunci cînd selectezi în fiecare zi anumite culori, cifre øi cuvinte pentru a descrie<br />

cantitatea de timp a unei zile.<br />

– Da, mæ intereseazæ cît de mult pofli prinde în pioneze, cît de mult pofli capta din<br />

ceea ce se întîmplæ în fiecare zi. În englezæ existæ „to cast“, verb care explicæ, din<br />

cauza nuanflelor pe care le are, mult mai bine ceea ce vreau eu sæ fac. Iar timpul<br />

mi se pare destul de alunecos în viafla de zi cu zi. Am vrut sæ fac niøte obiecte, mai<br />

precis niøte cuburi care sæ reprezinte timpul øi lucrurile care se pot întîmpla într-o<br />

zi. Dacæ stabilesc niøte reguli simple, o scalæ de valori øi un tabel cromatic øi spun<br />

cæ ceea ce se întîmplæ într-o zi poate fi descris prin intermediul acestor elemente,<br />

culori, cifre øi cuvinte, atunci înseamnæ cæ deja pot observa mult mai uøor ceea ce<br />

se întîmplæ cu fenomenul pe care vreau sæ îl studiez. Desenarea hærflii cromatice,<br />

a sca<strong>lei</strong> de valori de la –10 la 0 øi +10, a fost lucrul cel mai<br />

dificil la început, iar în timp am început sæ lucrez la retuøarea<br />

øi ajustarea lor la realitatea de zi cu zi.<br />

– La realitatea ta subiectivæ, sau grila ta de evaluare se poate<br />

aplica oricui?<br />

– În mare, existæ un model general, dar bineînfleles fiecare<br />

om are sistemul lui psihic & intelectual, are grila lui proprie<br />

de evaluare. Dacæ ar fi sæ facem experimentul cu cuburile<br />

pe o altæ persoanæ, sæ-i transformæm zilele unei luni în cuburi,<br />

am fi obligafli sæ-i definim mai întîi grila de evaluare.<br />

– Cît de mult din cuburile tale, din Monthly Evaluations e autobiografie<br />

øi cît øtiinflæ?<br />

– Cît de mult e artæ?<br />

– Arta mi se pare un domeniu destul de generos, sub umbrela<br />

ei se pot aciua tot felul de ciudæflenii, de hibrizi genetici, de lucruri „defecte“ care nu<br />

pot funcfliona încæ în afara sistemului artistic. Presupun cæ øi experimentul tæu intræ<br />

sub aceastæ umbrelæ.<br />

– Partea autobiograficæ din proiect este cea care îmi displace cel mai mult. Mærturisesc<br />

cæ uræsc din principiu genul æsta de lucræri. Dar, ca în orice experiment, trebuie<br />

sæ te abflii de la mæsluirea cifrelor dacæ vrei ca rezultatul sæ fie veridic. Aøa cæ am stabilit<br />

ca textele din cuburi sæ fie adeværate. Evident, faptul cæ ele sînt scurte mæ obligæ<br />

sæ fiu mai atentæ la cuvintele pe care le aleg, de aceea poate îfli dau impresia de ficfliune.<br />

Pînæ la urmæ, ni se întîmplæ tuturor cam aceleaøi lucruri, important e cum le spui.<br />

– Øi care e output-ul final? Care este produsul finit?<br />

– Cuburile. Încercarea de a face sculpturæ din propria ta zi, din propriul tæu timp.<br />

De a mæsura timpul sau alte lucruri alunecoase ca viafla însæøi, emofliile sau sentimentele,<br />

øi de a le transforma în alte mærimi: secundele în grame, orele în kilograme,<br />

pulsul øi ticæitul în cuvinte sau depresiile øi exuberanfla în culori.<br />

– Ai încercat vreodatæ sæ dai culori øi viselor?<br />

– Nu.<br />

– De ce?<br />

– Pentru cæ visele fac parte din altæ realitate, mai puflin conøtientæ. Încerc sæ nu<br />

amestec borcanele, plus cæ dacæ aø analiza visele aø avea în ecuaflie prea multe<br />

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– What is the link between everything you’ve told me so far about<br />

V. Woolf and your favourite writers and the texts on the coloured<br />

cubes in Monthly Evaluations? It seems to me there is a resemblance<br />

between the auto critical, analytical spirit of V. Woolf and what you<br />

do when you select every day certain colours, numbers and words<br />

in order to describe the quantity of time in a day.<br />

– Yes, I’m interested in how much you can pin down, in how much<br />

you can capture from what is happening every day. In English you<br />

have “to cast”, a verb with many nuances that explain better what<br />

I want to do. Time seems to me quite slippery in every day life.<br />

I wanted to create objects, in fact some cubes to represent time and<br />

things that can happen during one day. If I establish some simple<br />

rules, a scale and a chromatic table and I decide that everything<br />

that happens in a day can be described through these elements –<br />

colours, numbers and words, that means I’m able to better observe<br />

the phenomenon I want to study. It was difficult at the beginning to<br />

draw the chromatic map, to set up the scale from –10 to 0 and +10,<br />

but in time I started to readjust them to the everyday reality.<br />

– You mean to your subjective reality, or this evaluation grid can be<br />

applied to anyone?<br />

– There is a general pattern, but of course every person has his or<br />

her own psychic and intellectual system, his or her own evaluation<br />

grid. If we made the cube experiment on another person, transforming<br />

his or her months in cubes, we would first have to define his/her<br />

evaluation grid.<br />

– How much of the Monthly Evaluations<br />

cubes is autobiography and how much is<br />

science?<br />

– How much is art?<br />

– Art seems to me a quite generous<br />

term, under its umbrella a lot of oddities<br />

can seek shelter. A lot of genetic hybrids,<br />

“weird” things that cannot function outside<br />

the artistic system. I suppose your<br />

experiment too is harboured under this<br />

umbrella.<br />

– What I dislike most in this project is the<br />

autobiographical part. I confess I hate this<br />

kind of art work. But in any experiment<br />

you have to refrain yourself from falsifying<br />

the numbers, if you want the output to be<br />

true. So I decided that the texts on the cubes must be true. Since they<br />

are so short, I’m forced to pay more attention to the words I choose,<br />

that’s why they look like fiction. Eventually, the same things happen to<br />

almost all of us, the most important thing is how you express them.<br />

– And what is the final output? The finished product?<br />

– The cubes. The attempt to create sculpture out of your day, your<br />

own time. To measure time and other slippery things such as life<br />

itself, emotions or feelings, turning them into other measures:<br />

seconds in grams, hours in kilograms, pulse and ticking in words,<br />

depressions and exuberance in colours.<br />

– Have you ever tried to colour your dreams?<br />

– No.<br />

– Why?<br />

– Because dreams are part of another reality, less conscious. I try not<br />

to mix things up. Moreover, if I analyse dreams I would have too<br />

many unknown elements in this equation and the whole process<br />

would appear more like a psychological trick.<br />

– Have you ever looked back to a day and perceived it differently<br />

from the way you perceived it initially? Have you marked it as negative<br />

in the beginning and then realized it was a positive one?<br />

– In theory it is possible that our perception changes in time, but<br />

practically days remain in my memory the way I perceived them<br />

initially.<br />

– Do you also deal with memory archiving in your project? Have you<br />

thought of archiving your perceptions on one day, any day? That is,

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