artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea


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Scriitura performance-ului<br />

Tim Etchells, Cally Spooner øi Melanie Wilson<br />

Elena Crippa<br />

În prima parte a lui <strong><strong>20</strong><strong>11</strong></strong>, genul performance a dominat programul galeriilor de artæ<br />

din Londra. Printre numeroasele evenimente programate în diverse locuri, din februarie<br />

pînæ la sfîrøitul primæverii lui <strong><strong>20</strong><strong>11</strong></strong>, se numæræ o serie de noi lucræri scrise,<br />

comanditate øi prezentate la Camden Art Centre, ca parte din seria Public Disinformation<br />

[Dezinformare publicæ]; evenimentul de douæ zile intitulat Push and Pull<br />

[Împinge øi trage], pus în scenæ la Tate Modern; seria de performance øi lecturi publice<br />

parte din Dirty Literature [Literaturæ murdaræ], organizatæ de Electra pentru National<br />

Portrait Gallery; øi o nouæ reprezentaflie, o conferinflæ øi o proiecflie concepute<br />

de Ruth Beale pentru Cubitt Gallery. Ceea ce face ca evenimentele sus-menflionate<br />

sæ se diferenflieze de multe altele organizate la Londra în aceeaøi perioadæ e<br />

concentrarea pe performance ca modalitate a vorbirii. Artiøtii implicafli au un interes<br />

aparte pentru relaflia complexæ dintre scriere øi expunerea publicæ øi tind sæ<br />

împrumute ori sæ se joace cu normele savante, literare øi teatrale. Dintre numeroasele<br />

opere elaborate în acest registru particular, articolul de faflæ are în vedere trei lucræri<br />

ale lui Tim Etchells, Cally Spooner øi Melanie Wilson. Acestea se remarcæ deoarece,<br />

deøi se pliazæ pe scrisul literar øi savant, evitæ replierea înæuntrul formelor mimetice<br />

tradiflionale ale teatrului øi îøi antreneazæ publicul prin moduri captivante de expunere.<br />

Pentru seria ce face parte din Theatre Scratch Night [Noaptea frînturilor de teatru],<br />

Camden Arts Centre a dat ocazia artiøtilor øi scriitorilor sæ prezinte dialoguri de <strong>20</strong><br />

de minute avînd ca temæ Dezinformarea publicæ. Cu toate cæ aceste performance<br />

au fost prezentate ca fiind lucræri în curs de desfæøurare, urmînd a fi testate øi dezvoltate<br />

ulterior, douæ dintre piesele realizate drept ræspuns invitafliei au fost lucræri isprævite<br />

øi însufleflitoare. În picioare, lîngæ un mic pupitru, în timp ce realiza proiecflia unei<br />

scurte selecflii de imagini alb-negru pe un ecran, Melanie Wilson a interpretat o lucrare<br />

intitulatæ The Movement of Public Edification 1930–1932 [Miøcarea de edificare publicæ,<br />

1930–1932]. Cu o dicflie impecabilæ øi o intonaflie normalæ, datorate probabil<br />

formafliei dobîndite la Central School of Speech and Drama, Wilson øi-a cucerit publicul<br />

printr-un discurs captivant avînd ca subiect un episod mai puflin cunoscut din trecutul<br />

mobilizærii civice. Miøcarea constase într-o stratagemæ politicæ avînd scopul de<br />

a ajuta cetæflenii sæ se implice în mod activ øi sæ facæ faflæ Marii Crize care a afectat<br />

numeroase flæri din întreaga lume între anii 1929 øi 1940. În Marea Britanie, criza<br />

a provocat o cædere uluitoare a exporturilor, declinul øi închiderea unor ramuri ale<br />

industriei grele øi o creøtere dramaticæ a øomajului. Într-o asemenea stare de crizæ,<br />

unii politicieni luminafli nu s-au preocupat de tæieri bugetare, de diminuæri salariale<br />

sau de modificæri ale nivelului de impozitare, ci au impulsionat o miøcare care, prin<br />

intermediul conversafliilor spontane øi al oferirii de sfaturi prieteneøti, ar fi dat naøtere<br />

unui avînt de implicare socialæ øi edificare publicæ. Îndemnuri, recomandæri øi<br />

încurajæri au început sæ se ræspîndeascæ prin vocea floræreselor øi a altor oameni de<br />

ELENA CRIPPA este curatoare øi cercetætoare stabilitæ la Londra. În prezent, urmeazæ studiile doctorale la London<br />

Consortium, cu un proiect de cercetare de trei ani, parte din echipa de la Tate „Art School Educated“.<br />

Membræ a colectivului curatorial RUN, a scris despre film øi video, performance øi subiecte curatoriale.<br />

74<br />



Elena Crippa<br />

In the first part of <strong><strong>20</strong><strong>11</strong></strong>, performance has dominated the programme<br />

of London art galleries. Among the numerous events scheduled in<br />

various venues between February and the end of Spring <strong><strong>20</strong><strong>11</strong></strong> are<br />

a string of new pieces of writing commissioned and performed at<br />

Camden Art Centre as part of the series Public Disinformation; the<br />

two-day event titled Push and Pull staged at Tate Modern; the series<br />

of performances and public readings part of Dirty Literature, organised<br />

by Electra for the National Portrait Gallery; and a new performance,<br />

a lecture and a screening conceived by Ruth Beale for the<br />

Cubitt Gallery. What distinguishes the aforementioned events from<br />

many others staged in London over the same period is the focus on<br />

performance as a mode of speaking. The artists involved have a particular<br />

interest in the complex relationship between writing and public<br />

delivery and tend to borrow from or play with academic, literary<br />

and theatrical conventions. Of the numerous works developed in this<br />

particular vein, this article focuses on three pieces by Tim Etchells,<br />

Cally Spooner and Melanie Wilson. These works stand out because,<br />

while engaging with literary and academic writing, they avoid folding<br />

back into traditionally mimetic forms of theatre and engage their<br />

audience in captivating forms of delivery.<br />

For the series part of Theatre Scratch Night, Camden Arts Centre<br />

offered to artists and writers the opportunity to present <strong>20</strong>-minute<br />

dialogues on the theme of Public Disinformation. Despite the performances<br />

were presented as works in progress, to be tested and<br />

further developed, two of the pieces realised in response to the invitation<br />

were accomplished and inspiring works. Standing near a small<br />

desk while projecting a concise selection of black and white images<br />

on a screen, Melanie Wilson performed a piece titled The Movement<br />

of Public Edification 1930–1932. With an impeccable diction and<br />

regular tone, which she probably owes to the training received at<br />

the Central School of Speech and Drama, Wilson took her audience<br />

through a captivating lecture on the history of a little-known episode<br />

of civic mobilisation. The movement was a political conceit aimed at<br />

helping citizens to cope and actively deal with the Great Depression<br />

that affected numerous countries around the world between 1929<br />

and the 1940s. In Britain, the crisis caused an astounding fall of<br />

exports, a decline and closure of heavy industries and a dramatic<br />

rise of unemployment. In such a state of crisis, enlightened politicians<br />

did not concern themselves with budget cuts, salary reductions<br />

or changes in levels of taxation, but kicked off a movement that,<br />

through unsolicited conversations and the deliverance of cordial<br />

pieces of advice, would generate a momentum of social engagement<br />

and public edification. Exhortation, recommendations and encouragements<br />

started circulating through the words of flower ladies<br />

and other modest individuals working in the streets of London.<br />

The movement expanded and contracted, while maintaining a low<br />

ELENA CRIPPA is a curator and researcher based in London. She is a<br />

doctoral candidate at the London Consortium, conducting a 3-year<br />

research project as part of the Tate Research team “Art School<br />

Educated“. A member of the curatorial collective RUN, she has written<br />

on film and video work, performance and curatorial subjects.

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