artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea


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muncitoare øi clasa superioaræ, incluzînd de obicei experfli, lucrætori cu calificare<br />

înaltæ, precum øi administraflia inferioaræ øi mijlocie“. Conform acestei<br />

definiflii, clasa de mijloc nu munceøte (clasa celor ce muncesc fiind, riguros<br />

vorbind, într-o altæ regiune socioeconomicæ). Ceea ce e, desigur, fals. De<br />

aceea avem nevoie de un concept mai solid de clasæ decît acela bazat pe<br />

mærimea veniturilor øi sursele lor. La Marx, care decupeazæ clasele istoriceøte<br />

proiectiv, în funcflie de poziflia pe care o ocupæ acestea în lupta de clasæ, existæ<br />

doar douæ clase: burghezia øi proletariatul. Tot restul – pentru cæ existæ øi<br />

rest – tinde cætre unul dintre aceøti doi poli fundamentali øi urmeazæ sæ se<br />

absoarbæ în el: mica burghezie de toate felurile în proletariat, marii proprietari<br />

de pæmînt în clasa capitalistæ (vezi ultimul subcapitol din Capitalul).<br />

Clasa de mijloc ar fi, potrivit lui Marx, clasa unui „încæ nu“ istoric, a unei indecizii<br />

care ridicæ unii dintre proletari în categorii de salarizare asemænætoare<br />

micii burghezii, în timp ce face posibil paradoxul doar aparent cæ existæ capitaliøti<br />

cu venituri mai mici decît unii dintre proletari (unii dintre cei cu studii<br />

superioare, de pildæ, sau unii sportivi, unele celebritæfli, unii funcflionari etc.).<br />

Clasa de mijloc este clasa unei ambiguitæfli de clasæ, o clasæ mixtæ care, tocmai<br />

din acest motiv, nu poate avea interese comune, øi totuøi îøi imagineazæ<br />

cæ are. Care sînt aceste interese? Dacæ aflæm asta, aflæm øi ce vrea sæ spunæ<br />

vocea unicæ pluralæ a corurilor de plîngeri. Sæ luæm, de pildæ, ce spun aceste<br />

coruri despre naturæ, despre politicieni, despre oraøele noastre øi despre<br />

oameni în general. Impresia mea este cæ gæsim în versurile corurilor de plîngeri<br />

o neîncredere generalæ în politicieni øi oameni, precum øi o temere destul<br />

de generalizatæ în legæturæ cu distrugerea naturii øi cu neplæcerile vieflii urbane.<br />

Atmosfera e departe însæ de a fi revoluflionaræ din punctul de vedere<br />

al Proletariatului, care – reamintesc øi traduc – e øi punctul de vedere al unui<br />

viitor în care:<br />

– încetæm sæ distrugem natura;<br />

– nu acordæm femeilor salarii mai mici (pentru cæ nu trebuie sæ mai existe<br />

salarii);<br />

– desfiinflæm industria actualæ de automobile øi inventæm un sistem de<br />

transport public gratuit care satisface aceleaøi scopuri complexe ca øi autoturismul<br />

personal;<br />

– stopæm deteriorarea progresivæ a bunurilor de larg consum;<br />

– læsæm în urmæ domnia øefilor øi a politicienilor.<br />

Trebuie meditat dacæ aøa ceva poate fi obflinut færæ a desfiinfla institufliile noastre<br />

sociale fundamentale în formele lor concrete: Statul, Religia, Armata,<br />

Poliflia, Øcoala, Arta, Sænætatea, Øtiinfla, Administraflia, Dreptul, Justiflia, Ecologia,<br />

Politica etc. Trebuie meditat dacæ s-ar putea schimba mæcar vreuna dintre<br />

acestea færæ sæ se schimbe øi toate celelalte. Trebuie meditat la ce dæ<br />

specificul formei actuale a acestor instituflii. Trebuie meditat la forma Întregului<br />

øi trebuie menflinutæ aceastæ meditaflie pe frontul principal al luptei de clasæ,<br />

al luptei pentru Întreg, care este în primul rînd o gigantomahie, forflele care<br />

o compun fiind ceva esenflialmente neomenesc, posibilitæfli istorice de existenflæ<br />

colectivæ, care se satureazæ sub forma concretæ a institufliilor sociale<br />

fundamentale actuale în aøa fel încît acestea nu se pot schimba decît dacæ<br />

se schimbæ principiul unic care le genereazæ pe toate.<br />

Nu væd ce altceva ar trebui sæ ræspundem vocii unice care pare cæ ne interpeleazæ<br />

din versurile corurilor de plîngeri puse cap la cap. Dar poate cæ nu e<br />

nevoie de niciun ræspuns. Traducerile îmi aparflin.<br />

<strong>14</strong>2<br />

essentially obscure one as long as the main criterion distinguishing its<br />

members is the extent of their income and its sources. The American Heritage<br />

Dictionary of the English Language defines the middle class as “the socioeconomic<br />

class between the working class and the upper class, usually including<br />

professionals, highly skilled laborers, and lower and middle management”.<br />

According to this definition, the middle class does not work (the working class<br />

seems to be a different socioeconomic region). Which is, of course, false.<br />

This is why we need a more solid concept of class than the one based on the<br />

extent of revenues and their sources. For Marx, whose modeling of classes<br />

relies in a historically projective fashion on their position in the class struggle,<br />

there are only two classes: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Everything else<br />

– because there are also remainders – tends toward one of these two fundamental<br />

poles and will subsequently be absorbed by one of them: the petty<br />

bourgeoisie of all sorts by the proletariat, the great landowners by the class<br />

of capitalists (see the last subchapter of Capital). The middle class would be,<br />

according to Marx, the class of a historical “not yet”, of an indecision that raises<br />

some of the proletarians in categories of income similar to the petty bourgeoisie,<br />

while it also makes possible the apparent paradox that there are<br />

capitalists with smaller incomes than some of the proletarians (some of the<br />

highly educated, for instance, but also some athletes, some celebrities, some<br />

functionaries, etc.). The middle class is the class of a class ambiguity, a mixed<br />

class that, precisely because of this, has no common interests, although it<br />

believes it has. What are these interests? If we find this out, we will know<br />

more also about what the single plural voice of complaints choirs has to say.<br />

Let us consider, for instance, what these choirs say about nature, politicians,<br />

our cities and humans in general. It is my impression that we can find in the<br />

lyrics of complaints choirs a general suspicion regarding politicians and<br />

humans, as well as a quite generalized concern regarding the destruction<br />

of nature and the discomforts of urban life. The atmosphere, however, is far<br />

from revolutionary in a Proletarian sense, which – to remind and translate –<br />

is also the point of view of a future in which:<br />

– we stop destroying nature;<br />

– we do not pay women less (because shall be no salaries whatsoever);<br />

– we put an end to the current car industry and invent a system of free public<br />

transport that satisfies the same complex goals as the personal motorcar;<br />

– we stop the increasing deterioration of affordable everyday commodities;<br />

– we do away with the rule of bosses and politicians.<br />

One must think if something like this could be achieved without doing away<br />

with the current forms of our fundamental social institutions: State, Religion,<br />

Army, Police, School, Art, Health, Science, Administration, Law, Justice,<br />

Ecology, Politics, etc. One must think if it is possible to change any of these<br />

without changing all of them. One must think about the form of the Whole<br />

and this meditation must be kept on the main front of the class struggle, of<br />

the struggle for the Whole, which is first and foremost a gigantomachy, where<br />

the conflicting forces are something essentially inhuman: historical possibilities<br />

of collective existence. These possibilities are fulfilled by the concrete<br />

form of our current fundamental social institutions in such a way that the latter<br />

cannot change if the principle generating them all stays the same.<br />

I do not see what else one must answer to the united voice that seems to<br />

address us from the assembled lyrics of complaints choirs. But perhaps there<br />

is no need for an answer.

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