artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea

artć + societate / arts + society #38, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD - idea


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Dar nu se mai gæsesc vinuri ieftine.<br />

Lenenergo creøte iar preflul electricitæflii.<br />

Tricourile intræ la apæ dupæ prima spælare.<br />

Tot felul de nenorocifli mæ cer în cæsætorie, dar nu øi omul cu care<br />

mi-ar plæcea sæ mæ mærit.<br />

Magazinele de pantofi n-au niciodatæ mærimea 35.<br />

Instalatorii beau tot timpul.<br />

Existæ un „r” în numele oraøului nostru,<br />

O literæ pe care eu n-o pot pronunfla.<br />

Din salariu nu-fli pofli cumpæra mare brînzæ.<br />

Opera e atît de scumpæ – nu mæ mai pot duce acolo!<br />

De ce nu mæ viziteazæ iubitul meu noaptea?<br />

Fiindcæ podurile peste Neva sînt ridicate.<br />

De la Neva la Moika arhitectura e finæ –<br />

Dar din fereastra mea se væd numai mormane de gunoaie.<br />

Cîteodatæ mæ-ngraø øi nu mæ mai încap fustele,<br />

Sau slæbesc øi devin atît de uøoaræ încît<br />

Ascensorul nu porneøte cînd sînt singuræ înæuntru.<br />

O, îmi place sæ cînt!<br />

Dar n-am ureche muzicalæ!<br />

De ce oare? De parcæ mi-ar fi cælcat un urs pe ureche!<br />

Centrul liniøtit al oraøului e tot mai zgomotos,<br />

Toatæ lumea încearcæ sæ evite ambuteiajele tranzitînd prin curtea mea!<br />

Programatoarele nu sînt luate în serios!<br />

Sînt minflite cæ nu sînt posturi pentru ele.<br />

Mereu îmi pierd bricheta,<br />

Øi nu-fli pofli aprinde fligara de la Focul Etern!<br />

Bærbaflii sînt astæzi tofli niøte gigolo,<br />

Iar noi trebuie sæ plætim pentru toate nevoile netrebnicilor æstora.<br />

Arta modernæ n-are nevoie de øcoli,<br />

Øtiu sæ pictez pætratul lui Malevici pînæ øi beat.<br />

Nu-i nevoie de cele trei diplome ale mele.<br />

Uræsc sæ mæ trezesc devreme jumætate din viaflæ<br />

Øi sæ-mi bat capul cu maøina cînd e încæ întuneric afaræ.<br />

De ce oare acest oraø dureros de familiar<br />

Creeazæ doar migrene øi plictisealæ?<br />

Scærile rulante îmi rup tocurile,<br />

Iar la TV se dau numai rahaturi... cum øtifli.<br />

Vameøii de la granifla finlandezæ sînt foarte nepoliticoøi.<br />

Apa îmi picuræ în cap prin tavan!<br />

Øi rusa se stricæ!<br />

Ce sæ facem deci? Cine e de vinæ?<br />

De ce îmi cade pærul la 25 de ani?<br />

De ce nu dæ Rolling Stones concerte øi la noi?<br />

And she anyway wouldn’t love a poet like me.<br />

I’d send her a rose in a vine glass like Blok,<br />

But you don’t get cheap vine anymore.<br />

Lenenergo is rising the electricity bills again.<br />

T-shirts always shrink after the first wash.<br />

Only jerks propose marriage to me, but never the man I would marry.<br />

Shoe shops never sell size 35.<br />

Plumbers drink all the time.<br />

There’s a letter “R” in the name of this city –<br />

A letter I cannot pronounce.<br />

Your salary won’t buy you beer, nor cheese.<br />

The opera is so expensive – can’t go there!<br />

Why doesn’t my darling visit me at night?<br />

Because the bridges of Neva are open every night.<br />

From Neva to Moika the architecture is fine –<br />

But from my window I see only garbage piles.<br />

At times I gain weight and my skirts won’t fit<br />

Or I lose the weight and become so light<br />

That the elevator does not move when I am inside alone.<br />

Oh, do I love singing!<br />

But have no ear for it!<br />

Why am I music-blind?<br />

A bear stepped on my ear!<br />

The quiet city center gets more and more noisy,<br />

Everybody cuts short the traffic jams through my yard!<br />

Female programmers are not taken serious!<br />

They lie there are no jobs for them.<br />

Every day I lose my lighter<br />

And you can’t light your cigarette from the Eternal Fire!<br />

Men are gigolos these days,<br />

And we have to pay for all the needs of those bastards.<br />

Modern art needs no education,<br />

I can paint the square of Malevich even when I’m drunk.<br />

There is no use of my three degrees.<br />

I hate getting up early half of my life,<br />

And mess around with my car when it’s still dark.<br />

Why is this painfully familiar city<br />

Causing only migraine and boredom?<br />

The escalator broke my high heels.<br />

And on the TV they play shit... like you know.<br />

The customs on the Finish border are so impolite.<br />

My ceiling is always leaking!<br />

And Russian language is getting spoiled!<br />

So what shall we do and who is to blame?<br />

Why am I losing my hair at 25?<br />

Why don’t the Rolling Stones come to play here?<br />

+<br />


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