Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath


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PLATE XLVIII (continued)<br />

propellers. Tliese are constructed on the principles of true wings, being triangular in sliape and graduated ; the root and anterior<br />

margins of each flipper being thick and semi-rigid, while the tip and posterior margins are thin, flexible, and elastic. This peculiar<br />

structure, when the flippers were made to vibrate, would produce a rapid forward motion akin to flying, and the speed of the Plesiosaurus<br />

must have been as phenomenal among animals as that of the dragon-fly among insects. The flippers represent modified arms and legs,<br />

the fingers and toes consisting of five tapering rows of small, slightly elongated, square-shaped bones. As the flippers are loosely jomted<br />

at the shoulder and pelvis by universal joints, and all the bones composing them are free to move, the range and variety of motion must<br />

have been very great. The movements, there is reason to believe, consisted of vertical vibration with a certain amount of rotation<br />

along the anterior margins of the flippers, accompanied by triangular twisting of the flippers, as happens in wings. The flippers somewhat<br />

resemble those of the sea bear (Otaria jubata). Compare -H-ith Plate Hi., Fig. 1.<br />

Fig. 3.—Skeleton of the great old-world fish-reptile (Ichthyosaurus tenuirostris), (after Cuvier). Shows the same features as in the<br />

Plesiosaurus just described, with the following differences. The four flippers are shorter, broader, and less highly developed as<br />

propelling organs. To remedy this, the animal was provided with a powerful swimming tail, believed at one time to have had no<br />

caudal fin. From a specimen, however, discovered in the Lias of Wurtemburg, where the contour of the soft or fleshy parts could be<br />

made out, a caudal fin was present, the terminal portion of the spinal column occupying its lower lobe, while in the sharks it<br />

occupies the upper lobe. Professor R. Owen, with remarkable sagacity, ])redicted the presence of a caudal fin in the Ichthyosaurus.<br />

The tail of the Ichthyosaurus, there is reason to believe, was made to vibrate vertically in swimming, as in the dolphin, whale,<br />

dugong, manatee, &c., and not laterally as in the fish. This is almost certain from the number, position, and configuration of the ribs,<br />

and the nature of the breathing, which was aerial.<br />

Fig. 4.—Recent and extinct cuttle-fishes (after Zittel and Mantell). Show longitudinal, radiating cleavage and transverse<br />

markings.<br />

A. Modern cuttle-fish from Pacific ocean (Enoploteuthis leptura). a, arms ; 6, tentacles; c, mouth ; d, eyes ; e, funnel; /, mantle.<br />

B. Internal shell of ditto.<br />

C. Fossil cuttle-fish partly restored (Belemnoteuthis cmtiqua). a, arms ; b, eyes ; c, mantle ; d, ink-bag ; e, phragmacone.<br />

D. Ink-bag of ditto.<br />

E. Fossil cuttle-fish (Plesioteuthis prisca).<br />

F. Shell of ditto.<br />


Plate xlix. illustrates longitudinal, radiating, and transverse cleavage and expansion in relation to the organs<br />

of locomotion.<br />

Fig. 1.—Skeleton and outline of the deer (Gervus duph us), (after Pander and D'Alton). Shows longitudinal and transverse cleavage<br />

of limbs and the small feet adapted for land transit. In this fleetest of animals the angles made by the bones of the limbs with each<br />

other and with the shoulder (scapula) and hip (pelvis) are comparatively acute, and afford facilities to the muscles for suddenly<br />

shortening and elongating the limbs in rapid progression, a, Angle made by the femur with the innominate bone (pelvis) ; b, angle<br />

made by the tibia and fibula with the femur ; c, angle made by the cannon bone with the tibia and fibula ; d, angle made by the<br />

phalanges with the cannon bone ; e, angle formed by the humerus with the scapula ; /, angle made by the radius and ulna with the<br />

humerus ; g, angle made by the camion bone with the radius and ulna ; h, angle made by the phalanges with the cannon bone.<br />

Fig. 2.—Thresher or fox shark (Carcharias vulpes). Shows large pectoral and caudal fins, indicating great speed in swimming.<br />

The pectoral fins are true wings as regards construction ; that is, they are triangular in shape, thick and semi-rigid at the root and along<br />

the anterior margins, and thin and elastic at the tips and along the posterior margins. When made to vibrate in a vertical direction<br />

they act as powerful propellers. The huge tail, which is the principal swimming organ, is similarly constructed. Photographed for the<br />

Author by B. Millar.<br />

Fig. 3.—Feet of swan and grebe. Show longitudinal cleavage and radiation in the bones of the feet.<br />

A. Legs and feet of the swan (Gygaus), with the latter closed and spread out as when making the non-eft'ective (a.) and<br />

effective stroke (6) in swimming. The closing and opening of the feet enable the bird alternately to evade and seize the water very<br />

effectually. Drawn from nature for the Author by C. Berjeau.<br />

B. Foot of the grelje (Podiceps), (after Dallas). In this foot each toe is provided with a swimming membrane, the membrane being<br />

closed when the foot is flexed and making the non-effective stroke, and expanded when the foot is extended and making the<br />

effective stroke.<br />

Fig. 4.—Hind extremities or posterior flipper of the elephant seal (Macrorhinus leoninus) in the closed and expanded condition.<br />

(Challenger 'Rtpovts, vol. xxvi.) Show cleavage and radiation of bones of feet. The flippers in swimming are alternately opened and<br />

closed, as also happens in the tail of the fish when making the non-effective and eflective strokes. Each flipper consists of five toes<br />

supporting a flexible swimming membrane. Compare with A and B of Fig. 3 of this Plate.<br />

Fig. 5.—Heterocercal or unsymmetrical tail of the sturgeon (Acipenser sttirio), (after Giinther). Shows division and radiation<br />

resulting in a beautifully-graduated swimming organ. The terminal, tapering portion of the spinal column occupies the up])er lobe of<br />

the tail, and the tail is thick at the root and thin at the free margin (/, g, h). It is also thicker and stronger above (a, 6, c), and thinner<br />

and more flexible below (d, e). It bears a considerable resemblance to a wing. In reality, caudal and other fins, flippers, and wings are<br />

constructed on a common type, and discharge essentially similar functions.<br />

Fig. 6.—Skeleton and outline of the ostrich (Struthio camelus), (after Dallas). Show longitudinal and transverse cleavage in legs,<br />

wings, vertebral column, and riljs. Remarkable for its large, powerful legs, small feet, and rudimentary wings— conditions necessary<br />

for rapid land transit. What is said of the limbs of the deer (Fig. 1 of this Plate) applies to the ostrich, a, Angle made by the femur<br />

with the pelvis ; b, angle made by the tibia and fibula with femur ; c, angle made by the tarso-metatarsal bone with the tibia and<br />

fibula ; d, angle made by the bones of the feet with the tarso-metatarsal bone ; e, /, bones of aborted wing making nearly right ancles °<br />

with each other.

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