Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath


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trates everything, be it matter or mind, to its inmost recesses. He literally and absolutely fills to overflowing<br />

everything which is, or can be, from the superabundance of His own being. He works in and through matter, and<br />

it is matter, and the manifestations of matter, which appeal more directly to our senses. He, however, also works<br />

in and through mind and intellect, and it is through the latter channel we receive our highest conceptions of the<br />

universe in its totality and of the Creator and arch-designer of the universe. It is for Him to infuse into matter<br />

and force and mind whatever of His own attributes He chooses, but all this is done in such a way as to make it<br />

impossible to separate matter from force and force from mind—either the mind of the Creator, or mind in the ordinary<br />

sense (or its equivalent) as manifested in man and the lower living forms. It may be regarded as absolutely certain<br />

that the movements of the atoms and heavenly bodies are pre-arranged, and that every hving thing, from the<br />

highest to the lowest, has its sphere of action defined, and is provided with a full measure of directive or controlhng<br />

power according to its requirements. It cannot be conceived that the inorganic and organic kingdoms could be<br />

left to themselves to proliferate and run into endless variations. The fact that these kingdoms are correlated<br />

and interact, at practically innumerable points, renders such an assumption in the highest degree improbable.<br />

Correlation and interaction imply natural laws, the hmitation of matter and force and mind, and the reduction of<br />

variations to a minimum.<br />

The war which has been waged as to the co-existence of an invisible, spiritual, intangible world, and a visible,<br />

unspiritual, tangible world, and as to the co-existence of mind and matter as two distinct entities, is a futile war,<br />

as it seeks to set up differences and distinctions which do not, strictly speaking, exist. We have no proof that<br />

matter (inorganic and organic) is ever separated from spirit or mind, and mind, as we know it, requires matter for<br />

its healthy manifestations. If matter and mind cannot be separated it is absurd to speak of independent material<br />

and immaterial bodies, and the heated controversies as to materialism and immaterialism are so much wasted breath.<br />

Matter and spirit, and matter and mind cannot, in the present economy, be dissociated without destroying their<br />

mutual relations : they are compound wholes which must be considered together.<br />

The inter-blending of matter and spirit, and of matter and mind, in the universe carries in its train law and<br />

order, design, and the adaptation of means to ends on a grand scale. The universe, instead of being, as some sup-<br />

pose, a huge conglomerate of chance particles in fierce conflict, is a well-ordered whole, bristling in all directions with<br />

intelligent adaptations which command not only the attention, but also the admiration, of the thoughtful observer.<br />

The idea of duration or eternity enters into everything connected with the Creator. With Him there is neither<br />

beginning nor end of days. There is continuity and permanence in all He does. There is also progress : what<br />

He<br />

does to-day is not undone to-morrow unless of set purpose. He works in specific directions and to given ends,<br />

and He assigns Hmits to all His works :<br />

day<br />

and night and the seasons return at stated intervals ; there is a life period<br />

for every plant and animal. Plants and animals come from and are resolved into the elements. The sea is not<br />

allowed to swallow up the land, nor the land to usurp the place of the sea. In both cases the dictum, " thus far and<br />

no farther," is in full force.<br />

No doubt there are catastrophes in nature, and these apply to the inorganic and organic kingdoms ahke. They<br />

are of the nature of safety-valves. They have always occurred, and occur ever and anon now. Thus in the<br />

inorganic kingdom there are at times destructive storms of wind and rain, great inundations, landshps, volcanic<br />

eruptions, &c., which take part in forming the earth's crust and in enriching geology and palaeontology. In the<br />

organic kingdom there are epidemics, pestilences, plagues, failures, famines, wars, &c., which make their appearance<br />

at irregular intervals.<br />

These visitations, alarming and unsettling to us, in no way interfere with the mighty progress of events<br />

occurring in well-ordered sequence in the universe, and no argument of imperfection of plan, inconsiderateness,<br />

or cruelty can be founded on them. The so-called catastrophes, as indicated, have their uses in reheving pressure<br />

and clearing the air. They are so trifling in the stately march of events as scarcely to deserve mention. Nature<br />

holds on in her subhme course regardless of what, to our hmited inteUigence, appear minor imperfections and<br />

blemishes in her general plan.<br />

If matter and force are eternal and indestructible, they are only so as emanations from the Creator in the<br />

sense indicated above. The definitions given of spirit, mind, matter, force, &c., are, for the most part, quite mis-<br />

leading from the fact that the things defined are not fully comprehended or understood ; the part, in not a few<br />

instances, being taken for the whole.<br />

It is not permissible to judge the works of the Creator by purely human standards. The accidents and mis-<br />

haps and pains and penalties which bulk so largely in human affairs have practically no significance when the<br />

stupendous concerns of the universe are considered. The destruction of individual plants and animals, and races<br />

thereof, are trifling events from the cosmic point of view. The awful avalanche, the dread lightning, the roaring<br />

deluge, the howling cyclone, the appalling volcanic eruption, carrying death and destruction in their wake, are

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