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Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath


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The peculiar straight-line, curved, and spiral formations due to radiating, concentric, and other arrangements<br />

witnessed in crystals, plants, and animals, which are discussed and illustrated in the early sections of this work,<br />

have their representatives in the physical universe. They are seen to advantage in the action of magnets, electricity,<br />

&c., upon iron-filings and other substances. Generally speaking, they correspond to the " lines of force "<br />

produced by these agencies, and are physically and physiologically of the greatest possible importance, from the<br />

fact that they are fundamental and, within limits, common to animate and inanimate bodies. The distribution<br />

of matter in the organic and inorganic kingdoms opens up a wide subject, but it has such an obvious bearing on<br />

a First Cause and Design that it is necessary to treat it more or less exhaustively. It is now known that almost<br />

all substances are magnetic, and the relation between magnetism and electricity is of the closest possible kind<br />

indeed the majority of physicists believe that they are different forms of one and the same thing. It is necessary<br />

to take up these subjects more or less in detail.<br />

To Franklin, Beccaria, Galvani, Oersted, Davy, and Faraday primarily, and to Maxwell, Kelvin, Helmholtz,<br />

and Henry secondarily, is due most of our knowledge regarding magnetism and electricity.<br />

The researches of Heinrich Hertz have confirmed the modern conceptions of these subjects. Professor H. Ebert<br />

in a recent work ^ has further simplified matters by utilising the conception of lines of force in the systematic<br />

exposition of the phenomena concerned. He lays special emphasis on three fundamental ideas, namely, (a) that of<br />

lines of force ; (b) that of energy in a magnetic or electro-magnetic field ; and (c) that of the symmetry of a<br />

medium which is the seat of magnetic force. He points out that magnetic attraction is not due to fluids concen-<br />

trated at certain points, but to pressxires and tensions in the field surrounding the attracting bodies. According<br />

to him, " When an electrical current is flowing, the seat of the phenomenon is not the conductor merely :<br />

the most<br />

important part of the whole phenomenon takes place in the field of magnetic force surrounding the conductor.<br />

It is accordingly to these fields, and the forces continuously propagated through them from point to point, that<br />

the highest interest is attached."<br />

§ 22. The Lodestone.<br />

In considering the subject of magnetism and electricity and lines of magnetic force it is necessary to say a<br />

few words regarding natural and artificial magnets.<br />

The natural magnet, or lodestone, which is a certaia native oxide of iron, termed magnetic iron ore, possesses<br />

the remarkable property of attracting iron-filings.<br />

When or by whom this property was originally discovered is not known, but the Greeks called such iron ore<br />

fxayv^Tcs, from the name, as it is supposed, of a shepherd who first observed its property.<br />

PUny describes it under the name of " magnes," a term derived from Magnesia, a province of Lydia in Asia Minor.<br />

This iron ore consists chiefly of the two oxides of that metal (FeO, Fe^O ) or Fe .<br />

The term lodestone has been derived from leading stone, i.e. " lode," a way, for the directive properties of the<br />

magnet were for many years utilised for navigation purposes before its other properties were imderstood. Many of<br />

these other properties, but to a far less extent, are exhibited by the ore of nickel, cobalt, and a few other metals.<br />

The powers possessed by the natural magnet are extraordinary and peculiar. Thus it is found that if a natural<br />

magnet be dipped in iron-filings, tufts and strings of the iron-filings adhere to it, especially at its corners and edges.<br />

The magnet exerts a special influence on the filings, and the tufts and strings of filings increase in length; the<br />

particles attached acquiring the properties of the lodestone and attracting others. The force exerted is greatest<br />

nearest the magnet. It is diminished as the magnet is receded from ; a point being reached when the attracting<br />

f .,,' p^^ forgoing was written by me in the summer of 1902. Early in November 1905 I received in due course my copy of the "Proceedings<br />

n iv^Wt tI^\ '? ""^'"^ y"""i ^^''P'' ^;*^ *^'''. P^''*'^ by Marcus Hartog, M.A., D.Sc, entitled "The Dual We of the Dividing<br />

Cell (Part I; The Achromatic Spmdle Figure Illustrated by Magnetic Chains of Force). As this paper traverses much of the ground oceS<br />

by me more than. two years before Mr. Hartog's paper appeared, and as his plates and figures, in some cases, greatly resemble mv own I deem it<br />

important to mention the fact. There is this difference between us : Mr. Hartog confines his observations and illustrations to the "dividing rell "<br />

a.9 seen m reproduction. I, on the other hand, endeavour to establish a parallel between vital and physical lines of force as witnessed m not oulv<br />

reproduction, but also m growth generally, as seen in plants and animals at every period of their life histories. In other words, I endeavour to<br />

show that every part of plants and animals has its analogue in the inorganic kingdom. I give a wider scope to the inquiry, and noint o,ii-<br />

tliat the general shape of plants and animals, and the particular form of all their parts, have their prototypes in the inorganic kingdom T iln<br />

not, however, attempt to identify electricity and life, or to substitute physical force for vital force. These I regard as separate entities<br />

"Magnetic Fields of Force—An Exposition of the Phenomena of Magnetism, Electro-magnetism, and Induction based on the ' s - Concentm^ v^onception „

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