Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath


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daily moves with its most confident step and most self-satisfied smile. If this conclusion be accepted, its conse-<br />

quences extend to other organs of knowledge besides those of perception. Not merely the senses, but the intellect,<br />

must be judged by it ; and it is hard to see why evolution, which has so lamentably failed to produce trustworthy<br />

instruments for obtaining the raw material of experience, should be credited with a larger measure of success<br />

in its provision of the physiological arrangements which condition reason in its endeavours to turn experience<br />

to account. . . . Natural<br />

last resort it knows no others."<br />

science must ever regard knowledge as the product of irrational conditions, for in the<br />

While admiring Mr. Balfour's forensic abihty and dialectic skill I wholly disagree with him as to the place<br />

to be assigned to the sense organs as instruments for acquiring knowledge useful for the ordinary purposes of life,<br />

and also for all kinds of research, even the most abstruse.<br />

As I take it, nothing can be evolved which is not originally designed and potentially involved : ex nihilo nihil<br />

fit. Organisms of all kinds, and sense organs in particular, are original creations : they are not haphazard, chance<br />

productions, as Mr. Darwin and Mr. Balfour believe. Neither are they the outcome of spontaneous generation<br />

or evolution. The organs of the simpler and more complex organisms are fundamental— that is, they make their<br />

appearance at the same time as the organisms themselves. They are not after-thoughts. On the contrary, they<br />

are provided by a First Cause for the well-being, guidance, and perpetuation of plants and animals. The organs<br />

are, in every case, means to ends, and the information they give concerning external things, near and remote, is<br />

reUable and not illusory.<br />

It is inconceivable that the Creator could or would have provided animals—even the most degraded—with<br />

organs expressly constructed (and at the outset) to mislead and deceive, and when the argument is applied to<br />

man and tested by facts it simply falls to pieces. Mr. Balfour admits that the sense organs were constructed ages<br />

before they were required, and when man " was in the making." This, it appears to me, is a fatal admission to his<br />

theory, as it is an unstinted acknowledgment, not of natural selection, but of prescience and design on the part<br />

of the Creator.<br />

Natural selection, which is said to work in an accidental, haphazard, blind way, cannot possibly take the<br />

place of an intelligent First Cause. Natural selection, moreover, if it really exists, which I greatly doubt, cannot<br />

operate upon hving things before they are formed, and while yet in the womb of the future.<br />

The subject under discussion is less one of philosophy than of common sense.<br />

If there is one thing more certain than another in the universe it is that plants and animals are graduated<br />

—man forming the apex of a pyramid with a very wide base. It is further all but certain that plants and<br />

animals are arranged according to types wliich, while they occasionally approach indefinitely near, do not merge<br />

into each other or lose their identity. This explains why gaps of greater or less magnitude are constantly found<br />

in the flora and fauna of the globe. Each plant and animal is perfect after a fashion, and each is provided with<br />

the means for guiding itself and maintaining its place in nature. The guiding power in the higher animals<br />

takes the form of sense organs. In the lower animals it appears as sensitive integument, sensitive hairs, sensi-<br />

tive antennae, rudimentary eyes, ears, &c. As showing the special and designed nature of the sense organs in<br />

the lower animals, it happens that ever and anon a sense organ is hyper-developed, hence the compound eye<br />

of the insect, the far-seeing eye of the eagle, the keen hearing of the stag, the remarkable smelling power of<br />

the dog, &c. Here we have speciahsations added to original endowment. Not only special organs of sense, but<br />

certain sense organs are elaborated and differentiated to achieve predetermined and definite results in particular<br />

directions.<br />

If it be stated that the sense organs were formed countless ages before they were required, it is quite evident<br />

that they cannot be the offspring of environment or of any set of external conditions ; the light can no longer be<br />

regarded as forming the eye, sounding bodies the ear, smelling particles the nose, sapid substances the tongue and<br />

palate, and extraneous substances the skin.<br />

The formation of the sense organs in the lower animals before the advent of man, and ages before they were<br />

required for the guidance of the animals possessing them, effectually disposes of the claims put forth by the advocates<br />

of so-called natural selection. This is one of the strongest possible arguments for design, and puts the Creator and<br />

the thing created in their proper places.<br />

If when animals are being created they are furnished with guiding powers in the shape of sense organs or<br />

otherwise, and if, further, the organs referred to are formed before they are required, it is clear that the organs are<br />

part of the original animals, and absolutely necessary to its existence. This is a wide question, but it is at the<br />

root of existence in the animal kingdom. Deprive an animal of its sense organs, or what represents them, and<br />

the animal is doomed to death and the race to early extinction. It is impossible to conceive— or, if conceived, to<br />

believe—that the sense organs on which so much intelligence and design have been lavished are added (and at

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