Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath


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Mr. (afterwards Mr. Justice) Grove, in his admirable work on the " Correlation of the Physical Forces," thus<br />

puts it : " All matter, as far as we can ascertain, is ever in movement, not merely in masses, as with the planetary<br />

spheres, but also molecularly, or throughout its most intimate structure. . . . Matter and force are correlates m the<br />

strictest sense of the word ;<br />

Fig. 63. JJrosera rotundifolia. Diagi'ani of<br />

the same cell of a tentacle, showing the various<br />

foi-ms (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) siicoessively assumed<br />

by the aggregated masses of protoplasm<br />

(Darwin).<br />

the conception of the existence of the one involves the conception of the existence<br />

of the other ; the quantity of matter, again, and the degree of force, involve conceptions of space and time. ...<br />

force which<br />

Motion will directly produce heat ; and electricity, being produced by it, wiU produce magnetism—a<br />

is always developed by electrical currents at right angles to the direction of those currents. . . . Pliicker has recently<br />

succeeded in showing that crystalhne bodies are definitely affected by magnetism, and take a position in relation to<br />

. . The same principles and<br />

.<br />

and<br />

the lines of magnetic force dependent upon their optical axis or axis of symmetry.<br />

mode of reasoning might be appHed to the organic as well as the inorganic ;<br />

&c., might, and at some time will, be shown to have similar definite correlations. . . . From<br />

force, animal and vegetable heat,<br />

Professor Matteucci's<br />

experiments it appears that whatever mode of force it be which is propagated along the nervous filaments, this<br />

mode of force is definitely affected by currents of electricity."<br />

From the foregoing it will be evident that motion is a characteristic of all bodies, animate and inanimate. It<br />

will therefore occasion no surprise if I lay it down as an axiom that the most rudimentary plants and animals move<br />

in all their particles and parts, and that what is true of the lowest plants and animals is equally true of the highest.<br />

®<br />

Fig. 64. Drosera rotundifolia. Diagram of<br />

the same cell of a tentacle, showing the various<br />

forms (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8) successively assumed<br />

by the aggregated masses of protoplasm (Darwin).<br />

Everything that lives grows and has a hfe history, and the fundamental<br />

feature of growth is movement. Movement is essentially of two kinds.<br />

There is a movement of the atoms and molecules primarily concerned in<br />

growth and development, which, being unseen, is to be regarded as<br />

invisible movement, that is, movement not recognisable by the unaided<br />

eye ; and<br />

there is a movement of plants and animals, and parts thereof,<br />

which, being seen, with or without the microscope, may not inaptly be<br />

designated visible motion. It is the latter form of motion I propose to<br />

discuss here. The difference between visible and invisible motion may<br />

be explained as follows. When motion ceases to be visible, that is, when<br />

moving masses strike against each other and apparently stand still, motion<br />

is re-developed in the shape of heat, which is invisible motion. In the<br />

steam-engine, for example, the piston and all its concomitant masses of<br />

matter are moved by the molecular dilatation of the vapour of the water,<br />

the movement of the molecules being imperceptible. If homogeneous<br />

substances come together, heat alone is generated ; but if homogeneous<br />

and heterogeneous substances come together, electricity is produced ;<br />

some have thought that, whereas the contents of vegetable cells are<br />

heterogeneous, and the saps presented to them are nearly if not quite<br />

homogeneous, electricity takes part in the circulation in plants.<br />

The microscope becomes a necessity when deaHng with minute masses of living matter such as are met with in<br />

protoplasm, cells, tissues, low vegetable and animal forms, &c.<br />

Darwin has described and figured vegetable protoplasm moving and assuming a great variety of shapes.^<br />

Thus, when speaking of the aggregation of the cell contents of the glands and tenacles of Drosera rotundifolia, he<br />

says : " By whatever cause the process may have been excited, it commences within the glands, and then travels<br />

down the tentacles. It can be observed much more distinctly in the upper cells of the pedicels than within the<br />

glands, as these are somewhat opaque. The httle masses of aggregated matter are of the most diversified shapes,<br />

often spherical or oval, sometimes much elongated, or quite irregular, with thread or necklace-Uke or club-formed<br />

projections. They consist of thick, apparently viscid matter, which in the exterior tentacles is of a purplish, and<br />

in the short discal tentacles of a greenish, colour. These little masses incessantly change their forms and positions,<br />

being never at rest. A single mass will often separate into two, which afterwards reimite. Their movements are<br />

rather slow, and resemble those of amoebae or of the white corpuscles of the blood. We may, therefore, conclude<br />

that they consist of protoplasm. If their shapes are sketched at intervals of a few minutes, they are invariably seen<br />

to have undergone great changes of form ; and the same cell has been observed for several hours. Eight rude,<br />

though accurate sketches of the same cell, made at intervals of two minutes or three minutes illustrate some<br />

of the simpler and commonest changes (Fig. 6-3).<br />

" The cell A, when first sketched, included two oval masses of purple protoplasm touching each other. These<br />

became separate, as shown at B, and then re-united, as at C. After the next interval a very common appearance<br />

' "Insectivorous Plants," by Charles Darwin, M.A., F.R.S., &(;. London, 1875, pp. 39 to 42.<br />


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