Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath


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perform their several functions perfectly. Limbs, even in the highest animals (man included), are mere buds or<br />

outgrowths of the trunk and vertebral column, which are the essential parts of the organism. The hard and soft parts<br />

in animals split up transversely as in vertebrae, and longitudinally as in limbs, which terminate in digits and range<br />

from one to five or greatly exceed that number, as in the fins of fishes and the flippers of certain extinct animals,<br />

such as the Ichthyosaurus, Plesiosaurus, &c. Illustrations of limbs and limb structures are given at Plates xlvii.,<br />

xlviii., xlix., and 1., which see.<br />

The limbs and travelhng organs of animals are the product of a First Cause, and are means to ends. That<br />

there is gradation, plan, and adaptation in limbs and travelling organs, as apart from evolution, is proved by the<br />

relation which exists between the travelling organs and surfaces of animals and the media to be traversed. No<br />

animal can progress satisfactorily on the land whose travelling surfaces are not adapted to land transit, and the<br />

same is to be said of the water and air. The modified travelling organs which connect the land with the water<br />

and the water with the air, or each with the other, afford no proof of evolution. The land, water, and air form<br />

the three great highways for animal progression, and every animal, to whatever order it belongs, must possess organs<br />

of locomotion adapted for one or other. The land, water, and air aflord different degrees of support to the<br />

travelling organs of animals, and these must be modified to deal with the question of support as well as of propulsion.<br />

The more tenuous the medium traversed, the larger must be the travelling organs. No animal is equally well<br />

adapted for walking, swimming, and flying, although there are several examples of animals which walk, swim, and<br />

fly indiscriminately.<br />

The travelling organs of animals become exceedingly interesting when viewed from the teleological standpoint.<br />

When so viewed it is all but certain that they are to be regarded as original structures—that is, structures which<br />

formed part of the original animals, and which were absolutely necessary to the early as well as to the later and<br />

continued existence of the animals. The organs in question were formed even before they were required. They<br />

grew and were developed with the other parts of the body. There is no proof that they were made piecemeal, or<br />

that they passed through innumerable stages before reaching their present state of perfection.<br />

The travelling organs lead us back to a much disputed subject, namely, were the land animals originally marine<br />

animals, or did certain of the land animals take to a marine existence, or were the land and marine animals created<br />

separately at the outset ? I am wholly in favour of the separate creation view, and of the production of great<br />

races and types of animals adapted at the beginning to their several surroundings. I cannot reconcile myself to<br />

the production of organs by infinite modifications in infinite time, seeing a creation at first hand was as easy and<br />

easier than a creation at any subsequent period, even at a milhonth remove.<br />

The Mosaic account of creation is very exphcit on this particular point. According to it, not only animals<br />

but also plants were created separately and for different regions of the earth's surface. They were also created<br />

to five and travel in different media. The several types of plants and animals which exist on the earth at present<br />

had their prototypes in the early days of our planet. Even flying things had a place among the primeval creations.<br />

The Mosaic narrative runs as follows : " And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed,<br />

and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth. . . . And<br />

God said. Let the<br />

waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath hfe, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open<br />

firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters<br />

God blessed them,<br />

brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind. . . . And<br />

saying. Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. . . . And<br />

God<br />

said. Let the earth bring forth the hving creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth<br />

it was so."<br />

The remarkable feature of creation is its unvarying uniformity and conformity to law and order.<br />

after his kind : aud<br />

In the case of animals, their general shape and travelling and other organs must satisfy the requirements of<br />

the media they are severally called upon to hve in. In every case, the animals must be adapted to one or other<br />

special set of conditions.<br />

If the land animals take to the water they must have modified or suppressed hmbs, a fish shape, and a<br />

swimming tail. If the marine animals take to the land they must have a modified or suppressed tail and more<br />

or less perfectly developed limbs. The same reasoning applies, within limits, to birds. As the land and water<br />

do not create or form the travelhng organs, it follows that the animals which move on the land and in the water<br />

respectively must be provided with the necessary travelhng organs as part of their original outfit and endowment.<br />

§36. The Travelling Organs in Relation to Environment.<br />

There is an organic and an inorganic kingdom, and the one is fitted to the other. Both have been made by the<br />

same hand, and the activities of both determined. It has not been proved that the representatives of the organic

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