Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath


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rudiment of the fifth digit in the hind foot ; while, in still older forms, the series of the digits will be more and more<br />

complete, until we come to the five-toed animals, in which, if the doctrine of evolution is well founded, the whole<br />

series must have taken its origin. The only way of escape, if it be a way of escape, from the conclusions which I<br />

have just indicated, is the supposition that all these different equine forms have been created separately at separate<br />

epochs of time."<br />

The several points touched upon in the present coimection are illustrated in various parts of the work, such as<br />

the non-variability and permanency of the human type in Egypt ; the ancient extinct reptiles (Dinosaurs, &c.) ;<br />

the extinct flying reptiles (Pterodactyls) ; the extinct birds ; the supposed ancient extinct horses ; and<br />

the<br />

extinct mammals. Numerous examples of typical modern birds and mammals occur everywhere, and need not<br />

be specified.<br />

It is not necessary to discuss the subject of evolution further in this place ; suffice it to say that one of its<br />

phases, and that perhaps the most important, has not been dealt with. I refer to the teleological aspect of evolu-<br />

tion. This lies at the root of the whole matter. The question naturally arises. From what materials, by what means,<br />

and for what purposes have the great races of plants and animals been produced ? Are they accidental chance pro-<br />

ducts, or are they the work of an intelUgent First Cause and deliberate design ? I personally advocate the latter<br />

view. It appears to me to afford the only possible explanation of the facts. Plants and animals, as already<br />

stated, are not automata. They are not self-made, self-adjusting, and self-directing machines. On the contrary,<br />

and as has been pointed out, they are created, designed organisms, which have the power of performing (imder<br />

guidance) a great variety of functions which no mere mechanical contrivance could possibly accomplish. There<br />

is, in fact, a great gulf between the mechanical dead machine, which only goes so long as it is wound up from the<br />

outside, and the living organism, which goes on practically indefinitely, and winds itself up from within. In the one<br />

case everything is haphazard and mechanical. In the other everything is predetermined, and there is an obvious<br />

adaptation of means to ends.<br />

If the term evolution is to be regarded as representing gradual progressive advance from lower to higher plat-<br />

forms, it is evident it must be freed of everything which, even indirectly, savours of accident. It can only claim<br />

to be the expression of a First Cause and of deUberate design where the end is seen from the beginning, where<br />

everything is pre-determined, and where law and order reign supreme. Evolution, if it means anything, can only<br />

mean the unfolding, in strict sequence, of a multitude of facts, none of which are the result of accident. Evolu-<br />

tion, if admitted at all, must mean the orderly unfolding of everything the world contains, and it must rest ultimately<br />

on utilitarianism as a base. The greatest good would then be its rallying cry and watchword. The why and the<br />

wherefore would be both explained. Everything which exists has been created for a definite purpose, so that the<br />

great subject of teleology is vindicated even in its most minute details. Utility is, after all, the touchstone of the<br />

universe.<br />

The subject of teleology has been relegated most unfairly and ignorantly to the limbo of neglect, but there are<br />

indications that it and design (which go hand in hand) will, before many decades, be reinstated in their places of<br />

honour, and bring men's minds back to the fold from which, with great danger to themselves, they have temporarily<br />

strayed.<br />

What is here stated will be readily understood from what follows, where I furnish certain details bearing<br />

generally on the subject of evolution.<br />

Plants and animals, as I have striven to prove, are never chance products, and the influence of surrounding<br />

matter is never sufficient of itself to produce an animal, or any part thereof.<br />

While plants and animals vary within limits they will, as a rule, if left to themselves, and allowed to breed<br />

back, revert to their originals. The so-called variations will disappear.<br />

Plants and animals are endowed with original constitutions which are amazingly stable : the permanence<br />

of type has never been satisfactorily or sufficiently explained. Professor Huxley himself, while endeavouring to<br />

account for the want of change in ancient Egyptian animals for periods of three or four thousand years by sajdng<br />

that the external conditions in Egypt did not vary during the time stated, yet admits that in America (Goat<br />

Island and Falls of Niagara) fossil shells are found of exactly the same species as those inhabiting Lake Erie at<br />

the present day, and on which no visible change can be detected for a period exceeding, in his opinion, in all<br />

probability, thirty thousand years.<br />

Whatever may be said in favour of stabiUty as a result of want of change in chmate and surroundings in<br />

Egypt cannot possibly apply to America, where the vicissitudes of climate and environment are avowedly very con-<br />

siderable. With stabihty and permanency in hving forms for periods of thirty thousand or more years, it is safe<br />

to assert that original constitution and type are factors of the utmost importance in the scheme of creation, and

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