Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath


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force which actuates plants and animals is traceable to the same source ; and that the inorganic and o g<br />

kingdoms are co-extensive, complemental, conditioned, and correlated ;<br />

the one being made for the other.<br />

It attributes the production and correlation of matter, force, and mind to a Creator or First Cause,<br />

cates a primal power or force from which, directly or indirectly, everything proceeds. It is not possible o • p<br />

force from matter, and mind and intelligence from matter, as we know them. Intelligence in varying '^S<br />

the product of certain forms of living matter. It is the mainspring of action in the universe. To it are<br />

referred all the creative acts, all the known elements, and all forms of force whether physical, vital, or men a .<br />

it, design, law, order and the constitutions and movements of things in general are traceable. The spherical s apes<br />

and well-defined movements of the heavenly bodies, and the symmetrical forms and regulated actions ot plants<br />

and animals, support this view. The intelligence of animals and of man is to be regarded as a special endowment—<br />

an emanation from the divine InteUigence, with this great difference, that in the creature it is finite, but m the<br />

Creator infinite. The Creator works in and through matter and mind, and has implanted reason, and conscious-<br />

ness of a kind, in varying degrees in the lower and higher organic forms. Originally, matter, force, mind and<br />

consciousness have a common source. This accounts for the interdependence of all created things, and for the<br />

harmony which characterises the inorganic and organic kingdoms. It also accounts for the uniformity of vital<br />

and mental manifestations. No purely physical or mechanical explanation of the universe can suffice. Living<br />

things are not automata, and life is a factor which cannot be overlooked. Neither can the abiding presence of the<br />

Deity be ignored when discussing the properties and powers of matter, and the peculiarities of mind and conscious-<br />

ness, whether in their rudimentary or advanced forms.<br />

Deviations from recognised laws are possible with the Creator. The Maker of all things can re-arrange without<br />

destroying His work. Aberrations apparent or real (and such do occasionally occur) are not, in a sense, miraculous.<br />

In the present work I endeavour to show that the combinations of matter, force, mind, and consciousness are<br />

practically endless. I seek to prove that inorganic and organic matter, and physical, vital, and mental force, are<br />

not opposed to each other ; that a Creator, Prime Mover, or First Cause is necessary to produce dead and living<br />

matter, and physical, vital, and mental force, and that the same laws, to a large extent, dominate all.<br />

I find everywhere in nature a well-ordered scheme, where everything, living and dead, fits into some other<br />

thing specially prepared to receive it.<br />

I observe law and order and specific arrangements and design throughout the entire cosmos.<br />

Nothing, so far as I can make out, is left to chance. There is no room for accident in the great scheme of the<br />

universe. The inanimate kingdom gives of its best to the animate, and in due time the animate repays its debt to<br />

the inanimate. The inanimate gives its substance and a considerable proportion of its force to the animate. The<br />

coming and going and give-and-take movements (essentially rhythmic in character) which obtain in the physical<br />

universe, and which are represented by day and night, the seasons, the rise and fall of the tides, &c., are reproduced<br />

in various ways in plants and animals ; in respiratory movements and interchanges ; in circulatory movements ;<br />

in the ingress of food and the egress of effete matter ;<br />

in endosmotic and exosmotic currents which add to and take<br />

from living structures ; in secretion and excretion, in pulsating spaces, contractile vesicles, hearts, and so on. The<br />

great rhythms of the physical universe are transferred in a multitude of ways to the vegetable and animal kingdoms ;<br />

a circumstance of the deepest import, as showing that the inorganic kingdom is, in a sense, the parent of the organic<br />

kingdom, and that the two kingdoms are in complete accord, and complemental, even in matters of detail. All<br />

the movements in the inorganic and organic kingdoms are ordered, correlated, complemental movements. They<br />

bespeak a Creator, a Designer, an InteUigent First Cause.<br />

While we cannot penetrate the veil which conceals the beginnings of things, we are permitted and encouraged<br />

to reason about things as they are. If we find matter and force and the manifestations of mind everywhere present<br />

in the organic and inorganic kingdoms ; if the matter and force and mind are regulated by unalterable laws ; if<br />

traces of design and the most wonderful adaptations of means to ends present themselves on all hands ; we are forced<br />

to postulate not only a Creator and Prime Mover but also an Upholder. An intelUgent agent of the highest con-<br />

ceivable kind becomes a necessity. It is not possible for a well-balanced mind to imagine that the universe, teeming<br />

with life and movement, correlated and interacting in the most extraordinary manner, is the result of accident. We<br />

cannot believe that the heavenly bodies marked out their own orbits, that the sea set its own boundaries and that<br />

plants and animals with their wealth of structure and function are the offspring of accident. There is nothing in<br />

nature to countenance the doctrine of chance, of natural selection, and of spontaneous generation, which ignores a<br />

Creator and proposes to dispense with a First Cause and Design. * Life, wherever it occurs, is transmitted It is<br />

an emanation from the primordial source, in the same sense that the matter in which it is manifested is an emanation<br />

The connection between the matter and force of the universe, and between plants and animals, is of the st<br />

intimate character. Life works in and through matter, which it is continually incorporating and dischargino- Th<br />

matter, and the force inhering in it, are, as a rule, readily available for the purposes of hfe ; the atoms and 1<br />


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