Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath


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It follows that dead and living matter exhibit, for the most part, a community of structure and movement.<br />

There is an obvious sympathy as between the inorganic and organic kingdoms. The subjective organic finds its<br />

correlate in the objective inorganic.<br />

The inorganic and organic Idngdoms are adapted to each other. The eye and the Hght are made for and are<br />

physiologically the counterparts of each other. The same is true of all the sense organs, and the objects on which<br />

they act. There would be no need for eyes, ears, taste, smeUing, and touch bodies in animals if there was no light,<br />

and no sounding, smelling, sapid, and extraneous substances outside the animals. Similarly, the inorganic and<br />

organic movements, if not co-ordinated, would clash, oppose, and nullify each other. In nature the law of " least<br />

action" is always at work, and neither in the inorganic nor organic kingdoms is matter or energy ever wasted.<br />

The phenomena of heat, hght, magnetism, electricity, &c., are not confined to the inorganic kingdom. Plants<br />

and animals both generate heat, and animals also generate electricity.<br />

It thus happens that the living plant and animal are in sympathy with everything around them. The in-<br />

organic and organic kingdoms and physical and vital force reciprocate to quite an extraordinary extent, and prove<br />

very conclusively that the universe is to be considered as a whole. The science of optics supplies us with the<br />

microscope and telescope, and these in turn enable us to perceive and study infinitely minute near objects, and<br />

infinitely vast distant objects : the electric telegraph not only connects all parts of the earth physically—it also<br />

connects nations with common aims mentally, and, in a sense, enables them to annihilate time and space : the tele-<br />

phone and wireless telegraphy permit them practically to speak into space and be heard and understood thousands<br />

of miles away ; and the phonograph hterally enables them to embalm and preserve for long ages and future genera-<br />

tions the human voice even to its most subtle inflections. In this way even the dead speaketh. The reciprocation<br />

here alluded to is traceable to an intelligent Creator or First Cause, Who correlates and co-adapts everything, living<br />

and dead. The palpable design every^vhere apparent in the universe negatives the idea that anything organic or<br />

inorganic exists by chance.<br />

Everything had to be created according to a preconceived plan, and all the parts of the inorganic and organic<br />

kingdoms had to be adapted to each other. The inorganic came first, then plants, then animals, and lastly man.<br />

An atmosphere and soil had to be prepared for plants ; and an atmosphere, soil, and plants for animals. An<br />

atmosphere and soil were required for the leaves and roots of plants, plants had to be produced for the food of animals,<br />

and plants and animals were both necessary for the sustenance of man. A habitation and pabulum were required<br />

for plants and animals, and special plants and animals had to be formed, and adapted to meet the exigencies of certain<br />

external conditions, at particular periods.<br />

This necessitated the gradual cooling of the incandescent young earth, the preparation of various subtle gases<br />

and fluids, the slow formation of soil and other solids, &c. The more simple plants and animals were necessary to<br />

the existence of the more complex ones, and physical and vital changes followed each other in an endless but well-<br />

ordered sequence until the universe, as we know it, was evolved. At no point in the great evolutionary process<br />

has the Master-Builder's plan broken down. That, notwithstanding all that has been said of late years to the con-<br />

trary, is sound in warp and woof. It is impossible, even by a stretch of the imagination, to regard the universe as<br />

a chance product.<br />

§ 29. Magnetism, Electricity, Light, Heat, and Motion Correlated.<br />

The universality of magnetism, electricity, light, heat, and motion in the world necessitates a brief considera-<br />

tion of these subjects. They all are the outcome of law and order, and, as such, afford important testimony of<br />

Design and of the existence of a Creator or First Cause. If it can be shown that the subjects referred to all hang<br />

together and are inorganic in their nature, and if, further, it can be demonstrated that they occur also in the organic<br />

kingdom, and that the inorganic and organic kingdoms have much in common and are correlated, it goes without<br />

saying that the great fabric of the universe is a designed whole, and the product, not of chance, but of an<br />

Intelligent Designer. When in every direction in the inorganic and organic kingdoms law and order, and only law<br />

and order, can be traced, and when it is seen that everything inorganic is carefully adapted to everything organic<br />

and vice versd ; the most perfect correlation and co-adaptation being, in every instance, scrupulously carried out<br />

it is next to impossible to ignore the manifestations of Intelligence which everywhere present themselves. This<br />

condition of things acquires additional significance when it is pointed out that the hues of force produced by the<br />

action of natural and artificial magnets and electricity on iron-fihngs resemble in their general arrangement, and even<br />

in their details, similar lines of force employed in the formation of crystals, plants, and animals ; . the fines of force<br />

explaining in large measure not only the structure of crystals, plants, and animals, but also the chief movements<br />

of the two latter. If law and order were confined to the inorganic and organic kingdoms respectively, there would.

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