Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath


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PLATE XXXV (continued)<br />

Fig. 2. Sertularia fiUcula (after Dallas). A polype showing a radiating branching of parts and segmentation common in plants<br />

and a large number of animals.<br />

Fig. Z.—Eudendrium ramomm (after Dallas), magnified. A polype presenting a flower-like appearance and segmentation of stem.<br />

Fig. 4.—Photograph of frost flower obtained from the frozen surface of the lake at Davos Platz in winter by Colonel Hume.<br />

Shows striking resemblance to many crystals, to numerous plants and flowers, to various polypes, and to many radiating structures<br />

in animals.<br />


Plate xxxvi. illustrates radiating, branching, segmented, and spiral arrangements as seen in dendrites,<br />

polypes, &c.<br />

Fig. 1.— Photographs of three beautiful polypes.<br />

A. Vevn c(n:aX[.me {Serhdaria filicula). B. Sea tamarisk (Dip/iasift tefiiarisca). C. Lobster horn coralline (^IrtferanM^aria 9'amosa).<br />

These greatly resemble plants, display radiating, branching arrangements seen also in crystals (Plate ii.) ; dendrites (Plate xxxiv..<br />

Figs. 1 and 4, and Fig. 2 of this Plate) ; nerve cells (Plate xxxviii., Fig. 4 ; Plate xxxix., Fig. 2) ; and other structures, such as bronchial<br />

tubes, lilood-vesseLs, lymphatics, &c. (Plate xxxix.. Fig. 4). Photographed for the Author by George Rodger.<br />

Fig. 2.—Photograph of dendrite of manganese oxide. !~iliows radiating, branching arrangement seen in electric sparks, hoarfrost<br />

pictures, crystals, plants and animals, and parts thereof. From specimen in tlie Collection of Scottish Minerals in the Museum<br />

of Science and Art, Edinburgh. Compare with Plate xxxv.. Pig. 1. Photographed for the Author by George Rodger.<br />

Fig. 3.— Red coral {Goi-allium rubruin), (after Dallas). Shows branching, tree-like form observable in lightning flashes (Plate xxix.,<br />

Figs. I and 2) ; in dendrites (Plate xxxiv.. Figs. 1 and 2 ; Plate xxxv., Pigs. 1 and 4, and Fig. 2 of this Plate) ; in crystals (Plate ii.) ;<br />

in plants (Plate xlv.. Figs. 1, 2, and 3) ; and many branching animal structures, notably bronchial tubes and blood-vessels.<br />

Fig, 4.—Pentacrinoid larva of the rosy feather star (Antedon bifida), (after Herbert Carpenter). Shows radiating, branching,<br />

spiral, segmented arrangements. The rosy feather star presents a graceful, flower-like appearance which cannot fail to attract attention.<br />


Plate xxxvii. illustrates binary and other forms of division and branching in Infusoria, as figured by W. Saville<br />

Kent. It also shows how colonies of zooids strikingly resemble plants and flowers in general appearance.<br />

Fig. 1.—Adult umbellate colony-stock or zoodendrium (Codosiga allioides), bearing numerous terminal clusters of associated collared<br />

zooids, X 650. This colony-stock presents an exceedingly elegant branched appearance, and might readily be mistaken for a plant<br />

in flower. The arrangement of parts points to a common law of development in plants and animals.<br />

Fig. 2. -Two colony-stocks or polythecia {Pohjceca dichotoma), x 1000. Illustrates binary divi.sion or branching in low animal<br />

forms.<br />

Fig. 3.—Adult zooid {Monosiga angustata), x 2500, with nucleus, contracting vesicle, collar, flagellum, &c.<br />

Pig. 4.—Adult zooid {Salinngoica ampulla) with fully-developed protecting covering or lorica, x 1250.<br />

Fig. 5.—A more advanced condition of the same.<br />

Fig. 6.—An Infusorian (Salpingaca minuta) with sarcode protruding. This figure illustrates the extraordinary power of changing<br />

shape possessed by the lower animal forms. The collar has been retracted by a centripetal movement, and the animal has virtually<br />

assumed a new shape.<br />

Fig. 7.— Single form dividing by longitudinal fission. Here the bifurcation or division which is so common in plants and<br />

animals, and parts thereof, is very well seen.<br />

Pig. 8. Monosiga consociata with collar and flagellum in the extended (a) and retracted condition (i). In the latter case the<br />

zooid is entering on the encysted state, x 1500. The retraction of the collar and flagellum by centripetal movements completely<br />

alter the appearance of the zooid.<br />

Pig. 9.—Spheroidal cluster of associated zooids (Codosiga botrytis) with one zooid detached, x 650 (Stein). Shows exnuisite<br />

symmetrical, flower-like arrangement of parts.<br />

Fig. 10.—Colony of three Codosiga grossularia with their collars conically contracted and with protruding pseudopodia, x 1000.<br />

Illustrates the centripetal and centrifugal power possessed by zooids of changing shape. The sarcous elements of muscle possess<br />

similar powers.<br />

Fio. 11.—Colony-stock of Codosiga botrytis, revealing first traces of membranous collars, x 1000 (Frensenius).

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