Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath

Picture - Cosmic Polymath


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composed of three chief sections : the organs of sense are responsible for the various sensations ; the muscles effect<br />

the movements ; the nerves form the connection between the two by means of a special central organ, the brain<br />

or ganglion. . The ganglionic cells, or ' psychic-cells,' which compose the central nervous organ, are the most<br />

perfect of all organic elements ; they not only conduct the commerce between the muscles and the organs of<br />

sense, but they also effect the highest performances of the animal soul, the formation of ideas and thoughts, and<br />

especially consciousness."<br />

It is not necessary to follow further what many will regard as the extravagancies and absurdities of Professor<br />

Haeckel. His theory of life is a bewildering maze of assumption and wild speculation wholly unsupported by<br />

evidence, and shows to what extraordinary straits the mechanical school, to which he belongs, is from time to time<br />

reduced. That school, by denying a Creator, Designer, and Upholder, is forced to take up an interminable line of<br />

impossible positions, which it cannot possibly define, and which it cannot afford to abandon.<br />

Professor Haeckel endeavours to make out that there is no First Cause, no spirit or mind, but only matter ;<br />

that matter is eternal and omnipotent, that inorganic or physical force, and organic or vital force, are essentially<br />

one, and that all matter and force are referable to what he designates the " law of substance," whatever that<br />

may mean.<br />

It may be here stated that Professors Rudolph Virchow and Emil Du Bois-Reymond, two of the foremost<br />

experimenters and thinkers of modern time, who originally supported Professor Haeckel's monistic or matter<br />

philosophy, ultimately abandoned it in favour of the dualistic philosophy where matter and mind or spirit are<br />

regarded as separate entities.<br />

Others scarcely less distinguished who had adopted Haeckel's monistic philosophy also abandoned it on mature<br />

consideration. This is true of Wundt, Karl Ernest Baer, Mr. J. G. Romanes, Oscar Hertwig, &c.<br />

The doctrine of " oneness " is, as has been stated, not borne out by facts in the inorganic and organic king-<br />

doms. It altogether fails to account for hfe, and for the phenomena connected with sensation, perception, consciousness,<br />

and all that is commonly known as intellect or mind. A clear hue can still be drawn as between dead and<br />

hving matter, between physical and vital force, and between insentient, brut matter, and sentient, thinking matter.<br />

Swedenborg divided the universe into two categories : the spiritual or world of causes, and the material or<br />

world of efiects. Newton in hke manner distinguished between the celestial spheres and the Power which made<br />

and set them in motion.<br />

Professors Balfour Stewart and P. Guthrie Tait discuss the problem of the Unseen Universe and the endless<br />

sequence and succession of events. They proceed on the principle that every existing state and condition was<br />

preceded by a pre-existing state or condition. They take a beginning or creation for granted. "While it is permissible,<br />

in the case of the Creator, to separate the creative spirit or force from the matter it produces, regulates, and<br />

directs, it is proper to state that, in the created thing, the matter and force are, as a rule, associated. This is<br />

especially true of the hving creature, where the matter and force (physical, vital, and mental) act and re-act upon<br />

each other ; where the vital and intellectual forces are influenced by the condition of the body (as in animals with<br />

nervous systems) ; where concussion of the brain for the time being destroys the mind ;<br />

or conversely, where the<br />

mind being normal powerfully affects the body. As hfe is super-added to matter and can be withdrawn from it at<br />

death, so mind, as the product of matter and hfe in animals, is liable to temporary or permanent extinction.<br />

Granted that mind, as we know it, is always associated with living matter, the question arises when is mind united<br />

to the hving matter or body ? The reply is at impregnation : when the male and female elements meet and fuse<br />

to form the impregnated ovum. Mind in its potential form is an attribute of hving matter even in its earUest<br />

stages, and is transmitted from parents to offspring in unbroken continuity as life itself is. Sensation, consciousness,<br />

and mind, or their representatives, in varying degrees may be predicated of all animals and certain plants, notably<br />

the insectivorous plants. The coalescence of the male and female sexual elements in animals forms a new being<br />

which includes all the physical and mental pecuharities of the parents. The impregnated ovum, consisting as it<br />

does of two distinct and different elements, forms a single, but not a simple or undifferentiated cell. There is duality<br />

physically and mentally in the impregnated ovum, as the body and brain of both the parents are represented and<br />

are present in a potential form. The continuity of hfe and of the intellectual attributes (be they simple or com-<br />

plex) which collectively constitute mind, run down the ages. Heredity forms the connecting Unk between past,<br />

present, and future generations of hving things. Living matter and mind, or what represents them, have always<br />

been associated. They are coupled with the doctrine of the indestructibiUty of matter and force, and conduct not<br />

unnaturally to the conception of the immortality of the soul. It is very difficult to draw a hard and fast hne as<br />

between matter and force and spirit as we know them. As has been explained, matter shades off by fine gradations<br />

until we reach what is virtually the intangible ether. The division of matter, there is reason to beheve, even goes<br />

beyond the ether, so that substance of one kind or other is assumed to occupy all space. The famihar terms

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