Brothers For Resistance And Rescue By David Gur

Brothers For Resistance And Rescue By David Gur

Brothers For Resistance And Rescue By David Gur

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Grossman AlexanderSándor 'Sanyi'Born in Mezőnagymihály on 3.3.1909Died on 24.10.2003 in SwitzerlandMember of “Hashomer Hatzair”Alexander’s family moved to Miskolc. Alexander joined the “Kadima”movement and in 1925, with some friends, he founded the “Blau-Weiss”movement that in 1927 merged with “Hashomer Hatzair”. He was amongthe first members of the movement in Hungary.Alexander founded a family and had a child. In 1944, with theestablishment of the ghetto in Miskolc, he moved to Budapest with thehelp of a friend who was a police officer. Alexander was sent on a tiyul,caught and incarcerated in various prisons. At the end of September ofthe same year he was released and arrived at the “Glass House” onVadász Street and later at a branch of the Swiss consulate on WekerleSándor Boulevard.Sándor was one of the main activists in the underground. His organizingand working skills were extraordinary. In fact he was the manager of the“Glass House” and the representative of the youth movements in themanagement. When the argument arose about whether to absorb moreJews into the “Glass House” as they might endanger the lives of thosealready living there, he said: “<strong>For</strong> the sake of one hundred thousand Jewsit is worth to endanger our own lives”.Sándor’s wife, child and other relatives were deported to Auschwitzwhere they perished.After the liberation, in January 1945, Sándor was the secretary of theJoint in Budapest, a member of the board of the Hungarian ZionistAssociation and of the “Eretz-Israel” office.In 1949 he made aliya and was a member of Kibbutz Ma’abarot until1951.He worked in journalism and in the publication of books.He died in Geneva, Switzerland.Alexander Grossman has written the book : Nur das Gewissen(Conscience above all ) Verlag in Waldgut, Schweitz 1986 (German )The Hungarian translation of the book -Alexander Grossmann: Első alelkismeret (Conscience above all) published by C.E.T BelvárosiKönyvkiadó Budapest 2003 (Translated from German)<strong>Brothers</strong> for <strong>Resistance</strong> and <strong>Rescue</strong> 115

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