Brothers For Resistance And Rescue By David Gur

Brothers For Resistance And Rescue By David Gur

Brothers For Resistance And Rescue By David Gur

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activities. He helped in the rescue of members of the movement from theforced labor camps and went on various missions. In November 1944Avraham joined the bunker on Hungary Boulevard. The bunker wasdiscovered and <strong>And</strong>i and his friends were incarcerated in the prison onMargit Boulevard. He was liberated in a daring operation of the ZionistYouth underground. After the liberation Avraham was active in theframework of the B’riha and the manager of a children’s house inBudapest. Avraham made aliya in 1948 with the recruitment aliya, servedin the 4th battalion of the Palmah and took part in various operations.When he was discharged in 1950, he joined Kibbutz Kfar Hahoresh. Heleft the kibbutz and worked in “Mekorot” as an electrical engineer. He isretired and lives in the Protea pensioners’ village.Köves PéterMember of the “Shimoni Group”Kövesi GiziFriedman Gizi (The wife of Köves Béla)Born in Halmaj in 1909Died in Tel-Aviv in 1975 in IsraelMember of "Mizrahi"Gizi helped the refugees who were arriving to Hungary from Poland andSlovakia. Her house in Budapest served as a shelter and transit stationfor them. Gizi moved to the “Glass House” on 29, Vadász Street whereshe was liberated in January 1945. After the liberation she was electedas chairperson of the "Mizrahi" women. She made aliya in 1952 andcontinued with her public work.<strong>Brothers</strong> for <strong>Resistance</strong> and <strong>Rescue</strong> 156

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