Brothers For Resistance And Rescue By David Gur

Brothers For Resistance And Rescue By David Gur

Brothers For Resistance And Rescue By David Gur

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Berger Naftali Nathan, Rabbi Dr.Born in Szatmár in 1911Died in the USA in 1964Member of “Mizrahi”Nathan studied in yeshivot with famous rabbis and at universities inHungary and Germany. He was a doctor in philosophy. Nathan was anenthusiastic Zionist activist, a brilliant speaker and talented publicist. Afterthe Germans invaded Hungary on 19.3.1944, he engaged in savingJews. On one of his missions he was caught by the fascists and cruellybeaten. In 1949 he moved to the United States where he was a teacherand the head of a yeshiva. Nathan never recovered from the beatings hesuffered during the war and that speeded up his death.Berko DovBerkó BélaBorn in Nagyszőllős (Vinohragyiv) on 23.9.1922Died in 1997 in IsraelMember of “Dror Habonim”At the age of sixteen Dov joined the “Hehalutz” movement in Huszt. In1941 he arrived in Budapest, joined “Dror Habonim” and took part in theillegal activities of this movement. He assisted the refugees who arrivedin Budapest. In October 1943 Dov was drafted to a forced labor unit. InJuly 1944 he received forged documents from the movement so that hecould escape. However, Dov hesitated for fear that his friends whoremained in the unit would be punished. In November though he decidedto escape after all and arrived in Budapest. He was caught by ArrowCross men and sent to concentration camps in Austria and Germany.Dov was liberated in May 1945.In 1947 Dov made aliya and was one of the founders of Kibbutz Parod.Berko NahmanBerkó KárolyBorn in Nagyszőllős (Vinohragyiv) in 1927Member of “Dror Habonim”In 1942 Nahman went to Budapest in order to learn to be an electricianand made contact with other members of his movement. After theGermans occupied Hungary on 19.3.1944, he became an undergroundactivist and received forged documents from Vili Eisikovics. FollowingTzvi Goldfarb’s instructions, Nahman engaged in obtaining Aryandocuments, smuggling Jews into Romania and building bunkers. In<strong>Brothers</strong> for <strong>Resistance</strong> and <strong>Rescue</strong> 60

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