Brothers For Resistance And Rescue By David Gur

Brothers For Resistance And Rescue By David Gur

Brothers For Resistance And Rescue By David Gur

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Hahshara: Hebrew for training & preparation: The process of and the framework for trainingmembers and groups of Zionist youth movements for self-fulfillment in Eretz Israel / theState of Israel.Hashlama: A term used for groups whose members join existing kibbutzim.Heder: A traditional Jewish school, part of the Jewish Community, teaching 3 to 13 year oldchildren Hebrew, prayers, Torah and other Jewish teachings.Histadrut: Hebrew acronym for the General Federation of Labor in Eretz Israel / the State ofIsrael.IDF:Israel Defence <strong>For</strong>ces – the Israeli Army.Ihud: The name by which Mapai, the centrist labor party of Israel, was known in the Diaspora.Jewish Agency: Established in 1929 and recognized as the representative organ of the Jews toconsult the British government in Eretz Israel on economic, social and other matters.Jewish Council: A body appointed by the Nazis to administer Jewish affairs under theirsupervision.Joint: The American Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC), a Jewish-American philanthropicorganization dedicated to helping distressed Jews the world over.Ken: Hebrew for nest. Both a local entity and meeting place within the Zionist youth movements.Keren Hayesod – Palestine Construction Fund: A worldwide financial organ, foundedin 1921, aimed at the rebuilding of Eretz Israel.Keren Kayemet LeIsrael - Jewish National Fund (JNF): As of 1901, the major organof purchasing land for settlement in Eretz Israel.Kibbutz Artzi: The Hashomer Hatzair kibbutz movement.Olim (sing.: Oleh): Immigrants and newcomers to Eretz Israel (Palestine) and the State of Israel(Aliya and Olim stem from the same source in the Hebrew language).<strong>Brothers</strong> for <strong>Resistance</strong> and <strong>Rescue</strong> 263

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