Brothers For Resistance And Rescue By David Gur

Brothers For Resistance And Rescue By David Gur

Brothers For Resistance And Rescue By David Gur

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Friedmann <strong>David</strong>Friedmann Dezső ‘Dévi’Born in Kassa (Košice) on 10.2.1921Died on 19.6.2008 in IsraelMember of “Bnei Akiva”In addition to studying at elementary and high school, <strong>David</strong> strived tolearn Hebrew. When he was in the third grade, following the steps of hisbrother Meir, he joined the “Bnei Akiva” movement. He stayed at ahahshara in Miskolc, moved to Budapest and became a member of themovement’s leadership.After the Germans invaded Hungary on 19.3.1944, he started hisunderground activities according to the rules decided upon by theleadership:1) not to cooperate with the Jewish Council established by theGermans;2) not to wear the yellow star; 3) to use forged documents; 4) to movehouse frequently; 5) to find hiding places in time; 6) to work in theorganization of the escape to Romania (tiyul) and from there to EretzIsrael (Palestine).During a meeting in a park to organize the smuggling of Jews across theborder, <strong>David</strong> and his comrade, <strong>David</strong> Asael, were arrested, imprisonedand interrogated. After some time they managed to escape. <strong>David</strong>resumed his activities and continued to deal with rescue operations. Hisparents and brother were also in Budapest. On 31.12.1944 two ArrowCross men broke into his parents’ apartment and took them to anunknown place.They were probably shot on the bank of the Danube.Some months after the liberation <strong>David</strong> arrived in Eretz Israel (Palestine),stayed at Wilhelma, Gat Rimon and Hadid. He married Tzipora MagdaHirschfeld. From 1950 and for 36 years <strong>David</strong> managed the children’sInstitute “Neve Michael”. He lives in Jerusalem.Friedmann MeirFriedmann TiborBorn in Halmaj in 1925Member of “Bnei Akiva”After the Germans invaded Hungary, Meir was taken to the ghetto,escaped and arrived in Budapest. He made contact with members of hismovement, equipped himself with forged documents and joined theunderground activities. In October 1944 he arrived at the “GlassHouse”. After the liberation in 1945 he continued with his work for the<strong>Brothers</strong> for <strong>Resistance</strong> and <strong>Rescue</strong> 98

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