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NOTAS 269<br />

42. Berit Kjos, «Harry Porter & The Order ofthe Phoenix: "It's Only Fantasy" and Other Deceptions»,<br />

hnp://www.crossroad.to/aIticles2/phoeniz.htm.<br />

43. Mary Dana, entrevista con el autor, septiembre de 2003.<br />

44. «Muggles for Harry Potter».<br />

45. Christopher Finnan, entrevista personal, abril de 2003.<br />

46. Véase http://www.kidspeakonline.org/kissaying.htmI.<br />

47. Grant McCracken, Plenitude, autoedición, 1998, pág. 60.<br />

48. O'Brien, «Some Thoughts».<br />

49. Connie Neal, What' s a Christian to Do with Harry Porter?, Colcrado Springs, Waterbook,<br />

2001, pégs. 151-152,<br />

50. Denis Haack. «Chrisrian Discemment 101: Ao Explanation of Discernment», Ransom Fellowship,<br />

http://ransomfellowship.orgID_101.html.<br />

51. Denis Haack, «Christian Discernrnent 202: Pop <strong>Culture</strong>: Why Bother?», Ransom Fellowship,<br />

http://ransomfellowship.orgID-202.html.<br />

52. «The Purpose of Fans for Christ», Fans for Christ, http://www.fansforchrist.org/phpBB2/<br />

purpose.htm.<br />

53. Denis Haack, «The Scandal ofHarry Potter», Ransom Fellowship, http://www.ransomfellowship.orgIR_Potter.html.<br />

54. Neal, What' s a Christian to Do?, págs. 88-90.<br />

Notas deI capítulo 6<br />

1. Véase hnp://www.trumpfrresbush.com.<br />

2. http://www.truemajority.org.<br />

3. Garrett LoPorto, entrevista personal, octubre de 2004.<br />

4. Joe Trippi, «The Perfect Storm», loetrippi.com/book/view/23.<br />

5. Para más infonnación sobre el uso de Internet en la campana de Dean, véase <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Jenkins</strong>,<br />

«Bnter the Cybercandidates», Technology Revíew, 8 de octubre de 2003.<br />

6. Joe Trippi, The RevoJution WiJl Not Be Teíevised: Democracy, the Internet, and the Overthrow<br />

ofEverything, Nueva York, HarperCollins, 2004, pág. 227.<br />

7. Hans Magnus Enzensberger, «Constituents of a Theory of the Media», en Paul Marris y Sue<br />

Thomham (comps.), Media Studíes: A Reader, Nueva York, New York University Press, 2()(M),<br />

pãgs. 68-91.<br />

8. Trippi, The Revolutíon Will Not Be Televised, pág. 4.<br />

9, Ibíd" pãg. 107,<br />

10, Ibíd" pég. 225,<br />

11. Naney Gibbs, «Blue Truth, Reei Truth», Time, 27 de septiembre de 2004, págs. 24-34.<br />

12. lesse Walker, «Old Media and New Media: Like It or Not, They're Partners», Reason. 15<br />

de septiembre de 2004, http://www.reason.com/links/links091504.shtml.<br />

13. Mark Dery, «<strong>Culture</strong> Jamming: Hacking, Slashing and Sniping in the Empire of Signs»,<br />

Open Magazine Pamphlet Series, 1993, http://web.nwe.ufi.edu/-mlafey/cultjaml.html.<br />

14. Pierre Lévy, Collective Intelligence: Mankind' s Emerging World in Cyberspace, Cambridge,<br />

Mass., Perseus Books, 1997, pág. 171.<br />

15. Véase http://www.back-ta-iraq.com/archives/000464.php para una base de datas dei alcance<br />

deI papel de los bloggers en la cobertura de la guerra de Irak.<br />

16. Farhad Manjoo, «Horror Show», Salon, 12 de mayo de 2004, http://www.salon.com/<br />

tech/feature/2004105/12/beheadinR-video/index_np.html.<br />

Ir «<strong>Blog</strong>s Blamed for Exit Poli Fiasco», Wired, 3 de noviembre de 2004, http://www.<br />

wired.tom/news/politicslO,1283,65589,00.html?tw+WD_tophead_6; Eric Engberg, «<strong>Blog</strong>ging as

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