josé da silva carvalho - DSpace CEU

josé da silva carvalho - DSpace CEU

josé da silva carvalho - DSpace CEU


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I have lost my rank and pensión in England, for which I ought to<br />

be remunerated agreable to the contract. I also lost everything as<br />

well as my family in the City of Waterford, so that I am absolutely<br />

ont of pocket. Grants, I observe, have been given to Terceira and<br />

Sal<strong>da</strong>nha, bnt I have been pnt on one side, or rather with the<br />

exception of titiles which have titile valué in my eyes totally neglected,<br />

and indeed had I been consulted I should have preferred remaining<br />

a simple Admira!, for nothing is more ridiculous than a poor nobleman.<br />

Report says there is to be some slight changos in your ministry, do,<br />

my good friend, think of the Navy in that event, you may want it<br />

some <strong>da</strong>y or other, and take my word for it, unless attention is paid<br />

to it yon will have no men 5th of July's. Should yon ever haré a<br />

dispute with the Brazils, unless you follow my advice, Portugal will<br />

be dishonoured, and instead of blockading Rio Janeiro, the Brazilians<br />

will blockade Lisbon. I speak to you frankly for I know you yourself<br />

are frank, and have the honour and glory of your country at heart.<br />

Believe me always your sincere friend.=Cape St. Vincent.<br />

P. 8.—As one proof of the way accounts have been kept the<br />

Purser of the «Cape St. Vinoent» is now in debt to Government 6<br />

contos, which is more than all the Pursers united of the British Navy<br />

ever would be in debt.<br />


Carla do coronel Hodges 1<br />

a Silva Carvalho<br />

Pedindo desoulpa <strong>da</strong>s palavras Injustas que escreveu sobre a expediçao<br />

dos Acores de 1832 e acerca do Imperador e de alguns homens<br />

políticos de Portugal, bem como de ter recambiado as insignias <strong>da</strong><br />

, Torre e Espa<strong>da</strong>. É urna retractaçao completa e cabal.<br />

London, 7 Upper Soymour Street, West, 26 March 1835.<br />

Sir.—Having heard that Your Excellency was much dissatisfied<br />

with expressions used in a narrativo I published in the year 1833<br />

of the late expedition from the Azores under the orders of His<br />

1<br />

Lé-se na Bibliotheca Açoriana, de Ernesto do Canto, pag. 167:<br />

Hodges (G. JAojá)—Late colond in the service of Her Mott Faithful Majesty<br />

íhe Queen of Portugal.<br />

Narrative of the expedition to Portugal in 1832. London, 1883, James Frazer,<br />

vol. 2 in 8.°, com um mappa.

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