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Rothschild está zangado pelo que lhe fizemos, porém nao importa:<br />

é necessario mostrar a este judeu que elle nao é o único qne pode<br />

fazer impossiveis em materia de dinheiros.<br />

Sau<strong>da</strong>des ao amigo Rodrigo, e acceite lembrancas dos filhos e do<br />

seu do coracáo.=jP. I. Van-Zeller.<br />

London, 80 May 1836.<br />

DOC. CDII<br />

Carla de Rolhschild a Silva Carvalho<br />

Sobre negocios financeiroa<br />

Dear Sir.—I have the pleasure of confirming my last advices of<br />

21 st inst. wherein I transmitted the abstracts of the accounts of lhe<br />

Portuguese Government shewing a general balance in my favour<br />

to 19th May of £ 11.879,18,6 respecting which I requested to be<br />

favoured with instructions whether I should draw for, or await remittances<br />

against the same. I have since had the honour of receiving<br />

Your Excellency's much esteemed favour of 14th May the contents<br />

of which relative to the favorable progress of the financial affairs<br />

of Portugal afford me much gratification. The expectations which Your<br />

Excellency forms of my continuing to co-operate in favour of the<br />

Government I have much pleasure in fully reassuring, as it is my<br />

sincere and unvarying desire to render my services as useful and<br />

acceptable as my ability will allow of.<br />

I think I cannot do better with a view to promote a flourishing<br />

state of pubüc credit, than recommend to Your Excellency to make<br />

me remittances of importance for account of the Government, against<br />

which I could make roturas in silver or in any other way pointed<br />

ont. In the event of this suggestion proving agreeable to Your Excellency,<br />

I think the result could not fail to be very beneficial to the<br />

credit of Portugal in having publicity given to the circumstance, and<br />

likewise to its circulation in obtaining an increased supply of the<br />

precious metáis.<br />

With renewed assurances of my proposed esteem and regard, I<br />

have the honour to remain, Sir, Your Excellency's most obedient<br />

humble servant.=N. M. Rothschild=N. Rothschild.<br />

To His Excellency Mr. José <strong>da</strong> Silva Carvalho, Minister of Finance<br />

to the Queen of Portugal.—Lisbon.

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