Gematria - Sepher Sapphires Volume 1.pdf

Gematria - Sepher Sapphires Volume 1.pdf

Gematria - Sepher Sapphires Volume 1.pdf


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IV. "This character as consonant belongs to the<br />

dental sound. It appears that in its hieroglyphic<br />

acceptation, it was the emblem of the universal<br />

quaternary; that is to say, of the source of all<br />

physical existence. As symbolic image it<br />

represents the breast, and every nourishing and<br />

abundant object. As grammatical sign, it<br />

expresses in general, abundance born of division:<br />

it is the sign of divisible and divide nature."<br />

[d'olivet, 1976, p. 3 18.1<br />

V. "Dallet is physical existence, as response to<br />

life, of all that, in nature, is organically active<br />

with Ghimel. Where the structure is inorganic<br />

Dallet is its own resistance to destruction."<br />

[Suraes, 1992, p. 6 1 .]<br />

22 An excavation or well; hollow a vein. From<br />

a root meaning: every idea of interior void, of<br />

exterior swelling: pupil of the eye.<br />

K% Abba. Father. A name for the number 4<br />

and Chesed. The multiplication of Chokmah by<br />

itself (2x2). This links the derivation of the<br />

powers of Chesed from Chokmah, since<br />

Chokmah is called Ab, Father. It is through the<br />

path of Vav (the Hierophant, and in Italian I1<br />

Papa, the Father) that the power of Chokmah<br />

descends into Chesed.<br />

N2 conceited, haughty, proud. This word is<br />

associated with power, authority and<br />

magnificence expressed by Gedulah, Majesty<br />

(48). A typical Jupiterian sin, the negative<br />

polarity of persons of importance.<br />

Gay and Abba, stand for opposite manifestations<br />

of Qabalistic ideas which correspond to the<br />

fourth Sephirah. This is precisely the<br />

significance of gay, as used in Isaiah 16:6. "We<br />

have heard of the pride of Moab, an excessive<br />

pride; Even of his arrogance, pride and fury; His<br />

ideal boasts are false." [New American Standard]<br />

I. The Pentalpha<br />

5 (prime)<br />

11. The number of sides on a pentagon and the<br />

number of faces on a Icosahedron. Names for<br />

the number 5: see 64,92,216, 1200.<br />

111. Five is midway between 1 and 10, tlierefo~~e<br />

it is the number of adaptation and adjustment<br />

through the vehicle of self-consciousness. Thus 5<br />

is the number of Man, because Man can achieve<br />

the full flower of self-conscious. This great<br />

work cannot be accomplished by the sub-human<br />

and subconscious levels of being. T<br />

IV. "I recognize the manifestation of the<br />

undeviating Justice [Geburah] in a.ll<br />

circumstances in my life." [The 5Ih saying in the<br />

Pattern on the Trestleboard]<br />

;1 Heh. Fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.<br />

Connected with the idea of meditation, the<br />

pentagram, the function of Binah [67] in<br />

creation. Also with vision, reason, observatic~n<br />

which lead to definitions.<br />

I. Rabbi Munk says: "The Heh looks life a lobby<br />

with three walls, but with one side completely<br />

open. This indicates that God allows nian free<br />

choice. He is free to obey or disobey God's will,<br />

but he chooses to leave the safety of the Torah's<br />

spiritual and moral boundaries, he loses his<br />

foothold and slips, as it were, through the open<br />

space of the Heh into the abyss ... however, Heh<br />

symbolizes God's readiness to forgive ... A small<br />

opening is left in the top left leg of the Heh<br />

symbolizing that a space always remains through<br />

which a repentant sinner can return. [The<br />

Wisdom of the Hebrew Alphabet]<br />

11. "This character is the symbol of universal lifi:.<br />

It represents the breath of man, air, spirit, Soul;<br />

that which is animating; vivifying mote the 1''<br />

Heh in IHVH is attributed to Binah, the creative<br />

world, the 2nd to Assiah, the material world]. As<br />

grammatical sign, it expresses Life and th~e<br />

abstract idea of being. It is, in the Hebrew tongue<br />

of great use as article." [d'olivet, 1976, pp. 326-<br />

327.1<br />

111. "Heh determines [Determinative Article] the<br />

noun. It draws the objective which it designates<br />

from a mass of similar objects and gives it a<br />

local existence. [i.e. Aries the Constituting<br />

Intelligences]. Derived from the sign Yl, which<br />

contains the ideas of universal life, it presen1.s<br />

itself under several acceptations as article. By the<br />

first, it points out simply the noun that it<br />

modifies and rendered by the corresponding<br />

articles the, this, that, there, those: by the<br />

second, it expresses a relation of dependence clr

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