Gematria - Sepher Sapphires Volume 1.pdf

Gematria - Sepher Sapphires Volume 1.pdf

Gematria - Sepher Sapphires Volume 1.pdf


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2 calves. In Malachi 4:2: "But unto you<br />

that fear [revere] my name shall the sun of<br />

righteousness arise with healing in his wings;<br />

and you shall go forth, and grow up as calves<br />

[32~2, like-calves-of] in the stall." A fullgrown<br />

calf has developed intuition (Taurus, the<br />

Bull, Vav) and has the super-consciousness of<br />

the "ox", which is Aleph. The stall is Cheth, the<br />

fence or field of personality. The "sun" is the<br />

higher self in Tiphareth.<br />

T~?N 7lTP '28 I am the Lord thy God.<br />

[Isaiah 41 :13,43:3].<br />

I~H-?V upon this stone. [Judges 9:5]<br />

PV?W ;Ill2 The great Supernal Mother. "The<br />

"Lord our God" is mother as well as father. see<br />

67,86<br />

?-Ti Chadaliel. Angel governing the sign of<br />

Libra, the balance.<br />

Gaaph; Goap. Goetic demon #33 by day of<br />

the 3rd decanate of Aquarius. Demon King of the<br />

South. see Appendix 1 1.<br />

I. "Gaap (Tap) - Once of the order of potentates<br />

(powers), now a fallen angel, Gaap serves in hell,<br />

as a great president and a mighty prince. As king<br />

of the south, he rules 66 legions of infernal<br />

spirits ... pictured in the form of a human being<br />

with huge bat wings." [Davidson, 197 1, p. 1 17.1<br />

11. "Formally an angel of the Order of Power;<br />

now fallen and in hell. Goap is one of the<br />

infernal region's I I presidents. He is also known<br />

as Gaap and Tap ... That Goap was once of the<br />

Order of Powers was proved after infinite<br />

research, reports Spence, An Encyclopedia of<br />

Occultism. According to Demonologist, Goap<br />

was 'Prince of the West ."' [ibid, 197 1, p. 125.1<br />

111. Goetia: "He is a great president and mighty<br />

prince. He appears when the sun is in some of<br />

the southern signs, in a human shape, going<br />

before four great and mighty kings, as if he were<br />

a guide to conduct tem along on their way. His<br />

office is to make men insensible or ignorant; as<br />

also in philosophy to make them knowing, and in<br />

ail the liberal sciences. He can cause love or<br />

hatred, also he can teach thee to consecrate those<br />

things that belong to the dominion of Amaymon<br />

his king. He can deliver familiars out of the<br />

custody of other magicians, and answers truly<br />

and perfectly of things past, present and to come.<br />

He can carry and re-carry men very speedily<br />

form one kingdom to another, at the will and<br />

pleasure of the exorcist. He rules over 66 legions<br />

of Spirits, and he was of the Order of<br />

Potentates." [Mathers, 1995, p. 441.<br />

D*n PV?N Elohim of Lives, Living God. In<br />

Deuteronomy 5:26: "For who is there of all flesh,<br />

who has heard the voice of the living God<br />

speaking out of the midst of he fire, as we have,<br />

and lived?"<br />

Writing about alchemical silver the Aesch<br />

Mezareph: "To this place [Pau, tftB brightness,<br />

1561 belongs another surname, i.e. Elohim<br />

Chaiim, as though it were called Living Gold,<br />

because Elohim and Gold denote the same<br />

measure. [Pau is the royal city of Tiphareth, the<br />

King] but so this water is called, because it is the<br />

mother and principle of living Gold: for all other<br />

kinds of Gold are thought to be dead; this only<br />

excepted." [Westcott, 1997, p. 401 see 158, 504,<br />

149.<br />

iSlir 'I~v~N T'h9 Jehovah, our God Jehovah.<br />

In Deuteronomy 6:4: "Hear 0 Israel: the Lord<br />

[IHVH] our God is one Lord-the only Lord"<br />

(Amplified). "Hear 0 Israel! the Lord is our God,<br />

the Lord is one!" (New American Standard).<br />

3 7 the world to come, future world.<br />

According to some, means the same as Gan<br />

Eden, the Garden of Eden. It is called "the world<br />

to come" in relation to the idea that man in his<br />

dream of separation must consider his restoration<br />

to the paradisiacal state as an event which is in<br />

the future, or "to come." The world to come is<br />

the New Heaven and Earth. see 52, 124, 177,<br />

714.<br />

19 PR? Bread and wine. In Genesis 14: 18:<br />

"Melchizedek brought forth (made manifest)<br />

bread and wine ..." The bread symbolizes the<br />

Life-power as substance. The wine is the same as<br />

"Blood of the Grape," and is the animating<br />

energy. Both the substance and the animating<br />

energy are expressions of the Life-power, which<br />

is Jehovah, our God Jehovah." see 683,36,252,

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