Grundtvig - Archimedes

Grundtvig - Archimedes

Grundtvig - Archimedes


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EE-Estonia<br />

Workshop Reference number: 2011-1-EE1-GRU13-02490<br />

Venue: Kolkja village, Peipsiääre, Tartumaa Date of the Workshop: 11/07/2012 - 20/07/2012<br />

Culture of the Russian Old Believers. Storage and Retention of Small<br />

Community Traditions at the Shores of Lake Peipsi (Oбщина<br />

русских старообрядцев Эстонии-как храниться и сохраняется<br />

наследие небольшого сообщество на берегу Чудское озеро)<br />

Subject area: Active citizenship<br />

Cultural heritage<br />

Learning about European countries<br />

Working language(s): RU<br />

Target Group + Translation:<br />

Russian Old Believer community members, other smaller community representatives,<br />

representatives of ethnic or religious minorities.<br />

Целевая аудитория: Члены oбщиы русских старообрядцев, представители меньших<br />

сообществ, представители национальностей и меньшинствa верующих.<br />

Main activities Programme + Programme translation:<br />

- Lectures about oldbelievers history and legends, history of Peipsi Lake coast and the (local)culture<br />

- discussions.<br />

- Variety of workshops related to local culture - traditional handicraft, pictures, drawings, icons,<br />

works cut out on a tree, embroideries, singing, dancing etc.<br />

- Study visits to museums and the old villages of Old Believers, participation in worship.<br />

- Discussions and common activities together with local people and clerics.<br />

There are almost 15 thousands Old Believers by birth in Estonia. Participants receive unique<br />

cultural experience and knowledge how this very small group of people near lake Peipsi, managed<br />

to survive and maintain their culture and traditions and keep their villagers active. Participants can<br />

implement some of the knowledge to their communities to strengthen their communities.<br />

The working languages of the workshop will be Russian and English.<br />

Программa:<br />

Tеоретическая часть: лекции o истории и местной культуры, дискуссии.<br />

Практическая часть: участие в различных учебных кружках связанныe с культурным<br />

наследием местности, уроки традиционного ремесла, пение, танцы, совместная работа<br />

Экскурсии в старинныe сeла староверов и в музеи, участие в богослужениях.<br />


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