Grundtvig - Archimedes

Grundtvig - Archimedes

Grundtvig - Archimedes


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Workshop Reference number: 2011-1-PT1-GRU13-08553<br />

Venue: Lisboa Date of the Workshop: 19/11/2011 - 28/11/2011<br />

Show your Red Card to Domestic Violence<br />

Subject area: Gender issues, equal opportunities<br />

Active citizenship<br />

Intercultural education<br />

Working language(s): EN<br />

Target Group + Translation:<br />

Toda e qualquer pessoa interessada em adquirir mais conhecimentos acerca do fenómeno da<br />

violência doméstica.<br />

Any person interested in acquiring more knowledge about the phenomenon of domestic violence.<br />

Domestic Violence happens! It´s a social and universal problem that affects all Europe. Any person<br />

can be a victim of violence, it doesn´t matter his/her age, gender, profession, social, cultural and<br />

economical background. In spite of this fact, Europe feels that children, youngsters, women, elderly<br />

people and handicapped persons are the bigger victims of violence. “Show your Red Card to<br />

Domestic Violence”, will pay special attention to the all the victims of this issue. This project aims<br />

to gather 20 adults from different cultural and social backgrounds, from countries such as: Greece,<br />

Latvia, Italy, Poland and Portugal in the city of Lisbon from the 19th of November till the 28th of<br />

November of 2011. “Show your Red Card to Domestic Violence” ,will promote participant´s social<br />

and personal awareness about this matter. All will have the chance to discuss, share and understand<br />

together the all phenomena, its causes, consequences, how to face it, and, how is felt and seen<br />

within the European Context. For that, ACV will promote the active participation of all involved<br />

through educational non formal methods, like: workshops, seminars, team-building games, experts'<br />

opinions about the problem, victims' testimonies, connected to various themes such as: Human<br />

Rights, Gender, Conflict Resolution, and Ways to Fight Violence. Violence is still happening. With<br />

this project, we plan to make a difference and to show together Red Cards to Violence!<br />

Main activities Programme + Programme translation:<br />

As actividades do Workshop: “Show your Red Card to Violence”, irão assentar em processos de<br />

aprendizagem relacionados com a educação formal e não formal, privilegiando, dessa forma, o<br />

método activo, demonstrativo e participativo, para assim contribuir para o processo de descoberta,<br />

aprendizagem e empowerment dos participantes, relativamente ao fenómeno da violência<br />

doméstica. Este processo será traduzido na realização conjunta de energisers, team-building games,<br />

grupos de discussão, debates, testemunhos de profissionais (que trabalham na área) e visitas a<br />

organizações portuguesas contra a violência.<br />

Dia 1 - 2011/11/19 Manhã: Chegada dos participantes<br />

Tarde:Jogos Ice-Breaking e Conhecer o Outro.<br />

Noite: Festa de Boas Vindas<br />


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